There is a Balm in Gilead
In May of 2020, a small working group of our Presbytery’s Coordinating Council accepted the invitation and challenge to convene a conversation about the widespread racial injustice dominating our country. As a result of those conversations, a
In the statement, we declared, “If Foothills Presbytery intends to live the gospel of reconciliation, then we must share in our neighbors’ frustration over the racial disparities and injustices that persist in American society. As followers of Christ, we are called to be part of the solution. We must honor this moment in history as a time that God in Christ is calling us to courageous conversations and a deeper commitment to the long work of justice.”
In August, our Council heard and unanimously approved, the recommendation to establish a Foothills Presbytery Antiracism Ministry Team. They will develop and recommend to Council:
- Policy changes in the presbytery to better reflect our commitment to antiracism.
- Offer opportunities for congregations and members of Foothills Presbytery to engage in conversation, education, and action that lead to the development of antiracist policies and practices in our congregations, and the local communities to whom we bear witness.
The Antiracism Ministry Team will collaborate with presbytery committees to pursue the goals of antiracism in the scope of their work, and assist us all as we better understand how our theology, anthropology, and sociology inform our work of antiracism.
In November, our Presbytery elected Mary Kathleen Duncan (Co-Chair), Lerone Wilder (Co-Chair), Robert Bannan, Bessie Black, Kathy Chamlee, Joseph Gaston, Mike Hoyt, Elizabeth Jones, and Ed Yokley to serve on the Antiracism Ministry Team. We had our first two gatherings (via Zoom) in January and February.
The team is aware that pastors, church leaders, and congregations are waiting and wondering, "What is next in our anti-racism ministry in Foothills?" We are intentionally beginning this work by centering in prayer and the practices of sharing stories, listening, and asking questions. We are in the very beginning of what one team member said is a “life-long journey.”
In Jeremiah 8:22, God’s people ask,
Is there no balm in Gilead?”
Is there no physician there?
Why then has the health of my poor people not been restored?
Centuries later, the words to a well-known spiritual, respond, with a definitive, “Yes.”
I invite you to hover your cursor and click on the Hymn title. Then listen, as the Adventist Ensemble inspires, stirs the sin-sick soul, and reminds us to “tell the love of Jesus.”
Grounded in God’s wisdom and empowered by the grace of Christ, there is a promise of healing, hope, and liberation.
Presbytery Leader & Stated Clerk
Laura Jeanne Grimes, Artist
The Association of Smaller Congregations
in the Synod of the South Atlantic
Lay Person of the Year:
Elizabeth Jones
Congregation of the Year:
Mt. Zion
Sunday after Easter Online Worship Service**:
The Foothills Presbytery, in cooperation with the Worship Team, Foothills Music Leaders, Antiracism Ministry Team, and members of the Committee on Shared Ministry, is pleased to offer a free, downloadable online worship for your congregation to use on the Sunday after Easter, April 11, 2021.
The service will use the Revised Common Lectionary scripture for the day (John 20:19-31, Acts 4:32-35, Psalm 133, 1 John 1:1-2:2). When the service is available, we will include a variety of formats for downloading and viewing. An order of worship for a bulletin will also be included.
We hope to have the service available for congregations by Thursday, March 25, 2021.
Adult Faith Formation
in a
Post-Pandemic World
Webinar and Conversation
Monday, March 22
12:00 - 1:30
COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of finding new ways of doing ministry. As our congregations continue to respond to both the challenges and opportunities of the pandemic, Foothills Presbytery is excited to now offer the second of two rounds of grant funding. In December of 2020, we awarded 10 Foothills churches with Technology Grants. Applications are now being accepted for our second round -- Missional Grants.
Before applying please read…
This short anecdote from Tyger River Presbyterian Church is linked here to help you imagine what a Missional Project may look like for your Congregation.
ROUND 2: Missional Grant of up to $2,500
(awarded April 2021)
Up to 10 grants will be awarded to Foothills churches. The goal of these grants is to assist our churches in faithfully responding to the COVID-19 climate as they join in God’s work in their respective communities. Each grant recipient will also be paired with a presbytery “Mission Mentor” to assist and support their project.
(*Please Note: Recipients of Round 1 grants are not eligible for Round 2.)
To apply for a Staying Connected Missional Grant, please submit the application below by March 22.
Please have your Session’s approval before submitting your application.a
In preparation for the second reading of the Presbytery Disaster
Prepardness Plan
we will have two educational webinars.
Monday, April 26
12 and 4
These webinars will also explain how your congregation can use the Disaster Preparedness Plan
in your context.
"Churches experiencing numerical and financial decline may dread the day when they can no longer afford a full-time pastor. Freeing up funds that would go to a full-time salary sure would help the budget-maybe even enough to turn things around-but is it even possible to run effective ministries with just a half- or quarter-time professional? Journalist and part-time pastor Jeffrey MacDonald says yes–churches can grow more vibrant than ever, tapping into latent energy and undiscovered gifts, revitalizing worship, and engaging in more effective ministry with the community. Readers get a much-needed playbook for helping congregations to thrive with a part-time ministry model. They learn to see the model in a new light: to stop viewing part-time as a problem to be eradicated and to instead embrace it as a divine gift that facilitates a higher level of lay engagement, responsibility, playfulness, and creativity." --Provided by publisher.
"Gail Cafferata was heartbroken when the church she pastored voted to close its doors. It may have been the right decision, but it led to a million questions in her mind about her call, leadership, and future. She began to think that other pastors who close churches perhaps go through this same experience. This led her to obtain a grant from the Louisville Institute to conduct a sociological study of over 130 pastors in five historically established denominations (Episcopal, Lutheran, United Methodist, Presbyterian, and United Church of Christ) who were called to serve churches that closed. This book tells the results of that study, which consisted of many interviews, and the hard-won lessons learned by these courageous pastors." --Provided by publisher.
PCSC Ambassador Meeting
Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina invites Ambassadors and Pastors to attend one of our annual Ambassador Meetings. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the Ambassador Meetings will take place via ZOOM. This meeting will provide an overview of our redesigned digital Mother’s Day Offering materials and reports on PCSC’s ministry to older adults from the CEO and the Director of Church Relations.
Foothills Presbytery
Wednesday, April 7 at 10:00 am
*If you are not able to attend your Presbytery’s meeting, please feel free to register for another meeting.
Registration Deadlines
This year, early registration is open through March 31st. On-time registration begins on April 1st and lasts up until the conference begins. There is no late registration period.
COVID-19 Safety Precautions
PAM is committed to offering a safe, in-person option as well as an online option for participating in the conference. Visit our special Covid Protocols webpage to learn more about our commitment to your health and safety as we look forward to worshipping together this summer.
Visit the PAM Website to Learn More!
Youth conferees, we are planning to be together in the summer of 2021. The past year has reinforced our belief in the value of being together as the body of Christ! After a year apart, we are eagerly looking forward to welcoming youth to the Montreat valley once again.
To say the least, the summer of 2021 will be different! Please read carefully and come back later on as details continue to emerge! We will update you as plans develop via email and our website.
We are planning for on-site conferences in the hope that circumstances will be improving by the summer, though we know COVID-19 won’t be completely in the rear-view mirror. For instance, given the latest estimates, we anticipate that many adults may have had access to vaccination by June of 2021; youth, however, may not see widespread distribution by that time. Read More
Blue Hymn Books
FREE to a good home!
Fountain Inn church has about 70 of the blue hymnals boxed and ready to be taken or sent to a new home. These are the blue books “The Presbyterian Hymnal” printed in 1990.
Please contact the Fountain Inn church office at (864) 862-3341 if you have questions or are interested in the hymnals.
Are you looking for great RESOURCES for LENT
that are suitable for
faith formation of all ages?
Lent for Children
(Of All Ages!)
Visit the Foothills Website for a new Interactive Lent Garden each week.
Your journey through the Lent Garden each week will include: daily Bible readings and prayers, videos from church leaders, garden musings and ideas, hymns and songs, labyrinth visits, craft ideas and even recipes to try at home.
If you’d like to receive more information about this resource, please email Pressley Cox, Associate for Shared Mission and Ministry, at
The next Zoom
Educator's Gathering
11:00 am
Thursday, March 18
The next
Zoom gathering of the
Western Region pastors and CREs is
April 5 at 9:00 am
The next
Youth Roundtable
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Tuesday, April 13
by Zoom
The next gathering of Foothills
9:00 am
Wednesday, April 14
by Zoom
We are excited to share our 2021 Summer Camp schedule!
This summer will look a little different with new COVID-19 protocols and policies in place, but we are certain the fun, laughter, and fellowship will all be totally worth it.
Three new COVID-19 Resources
South Carolina Christian Action Council, Inc. Announces Executive Minister & CEO
The Board of Directors of the South Carolina Christian Action Council announces the hiring of Rev. Regina H. Moore as the new Executive Minister & CEO effective February 16, 2021. She succeeds Rev. Brenda L. Kneece who retired October 31, 2020 after serving faithfully for 21 years.
According to Board Chairman Theodore Jackson, “Rev. Moore is the right fit for the Council because of her commitment and understanding of ecumenism, social justice work, and philanthropic leadership”.
Regina is looking forward to being engaged with faith leaders, local congregations, and the general public across South Carolina as a positive voice for social justice. She welcomes opportunities to speak at virtual seminars, forums, town hall meetings focused on the Council’s position on specific policy issues and racial justice work. Read More
Learn more about his lectures here.
Available Jobs
postings on our
A Conversation About Easter and Passover with YDS Professor Joel Baden and Berkeley Divinity School Dean Andrew McGowan
The spring holidays of Passover and Easter have been intertwined since the earliest periods of Christianity. Each represents the defining event of Judaism and Christianity, respectively: the Exodus from Egypt and the resurrection of Jesus.
YDS Professor Joel Baden and Berkeley Divinity School Dean the Rev. Dr. Andrew McGowan have created a 4-week Yale Bible Study on the biblical origins of the two holidays. We encourage you to take advantage of this free study in the weeks approaching Passover and Easter, and then join them for a webinar on Tuesday, April 13 at 12:00 pm where they will discuss how Easter originated from Passover and how these observances have changed over the centuries. Don’t miss this opportunity to ask the experts your questions about the relationship between these ancient holidays. The webinar is offered free of charge and questions can be submitted in advance to Megan Lukens.
Pastors and church leaders of the Synod of South Atlantic, save the date for an upcoming Church Leaders’ Forum:
Leading the Church into the Post COVID World
Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 3:00 - 4:30 pm
via ZOOM
Presenter: Tod Bolsinger (MDiv, PhD), Associate Professor of Leadership Formation at Fuller Theological Seminary, author of Canoeing the Mountains and Tempered Resilience.
May 17-21, 2021
At the 2021 Festival of Homiletics, you’ll hear respected and thoughtful speakers present on the theme: Preaching for the Future Church.
But to get the most out of the Festival of Homiletics, purchase the recordings for full access to on-demand content you can view anytime:
- All sessions in audio and video formats
- Live workshops
- Bonus sermons and lectures from top speakers
- Private social networking with other pastors and leaders
Join host Rick Lawrence (Executive Director of Vibrant Faith) and very-special guest Dr. Christian Smith for an hour-long conversation on the insights and strategies gleaned from Dr. Smith’s groundbreaking research into the “holy grail” of ministry—how to help parents more intentionally “infect” their kids with a deeper faith. Register soon, SPACE IS LIMITED!
When: Thursday, March 18th at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time
Where: Zoom Link Provided on Eventbrite
For those who have already taken our Mediation Skills Training Institute (MSTI), we are pleased to offer a new one-day event: the MSTI Refresher Course!
Sessions are available on Tuesday, May 11 and Saturday, June 12. The fee is $99, and the event runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Central Time. The full five-day version of MSTI is also available on May 3-7, June 21-25, August 2-6, October 11-15, and November 15-19, 2021. The session in August will include the option for in-person attendance in the Chicago area. Registration for all events being offered by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center is open now at
Questions? Please consult the attached MSTI Brochure, call 630-627-0507, or send an email to
Interested in having a Zoom Video Conference Meeting,
but you don't have an account? The Presbytery can help!
If you have a request, please have your Pastor or Clerk of Session contact LeAnne White (via email) and include the following information:
- Name of person making request
- Church
- Phone
- Date for Zoom Meeting
- Time (begin and end) no more than 2 hours
- Approx number of those attending
Our New "Normal"
Great ideas deserve to be borrowed! That’s why this month's activity is sharing a few questions first posed by Grapevine newsletter editor Juanita Ott!
This past year has created many problems that have been solved in unusual and unique ways. Do you have new hobbies or habits? Have you read books that have been sitting around waiting for your attention? Are there any craft projects you finished? Have you become more “tech-savvy”? What do you want your new “normal” to be moving forward?
Presbyterian Women’s Annual Fund (the Mission Pledge) makes possible every mission, program and resource of PW. Give now to support Presbyterian Women’s witness in the world.
Please join us for the
Upstate CROP
Hunger (Virtual) Walk
on Sunday, March 21, 2021!
It’s still a walking activity for all ages, but for reasons of safety and social distancing we won’t be gathering in one large event this year. Participants and teams will commit to walking on their own or in small groups in their neighborhoods, parks, or trails on walk day. We will still need individuals and teams to sign up and fundraise as usual with a registration envelope or online at
As COVID-19 continues to impact us all, hunger remains a serious issue and the needs have become even more urgent this year. The Upstate CROP Hunger Walk is committed to continuing the fight against hunger and poverty in our community as well as globally. With your help, we will respond to the COVID-19 crisis by supporting the hunger fighting and life-saving work of Loaves & Fishes of Greenville and Church World Service.
Please let us know if your group plans to participate in the Upstate CROP Hunger Walk this year and we’ll make sure you get the Zoom link and all the materials and information you need. Thank you for your wonderful support of hungry families in the Upstate area and around the world. Feel free to contact us for further information.
Rend Hind, Event Chairperson, 2021 Upstate CROP Hunger Walk
Sunday, June 13-Sunday, June 27, 2021
What does it mean to care for creation?
Are Christians called to respond to climate change?
Is it possible to live sustainably for the benefit of future generations?
Theologically curious high school students are invited to apply before January 1, 2021 for the 2021 Lux Summer Theological Institute. Safety permitting, the program will be held in-person at Presbyterian-related Monmouth College (Monmouth, IL).
Funded by the Lilly Endowment, the Lux Institute is an opportunity for students to engage with a topic of global importance and participate in a living-learning community through study, worship, service, recreation, and vocational exploration.
Scholarships are available to cover all program expenses for the two-week program, with the exception of travel.
A free shuttle to/from Chicago airports is provided.
John 3:22-36
by: The Rev. Dr. Christie Sweeny Gravely ’16
Can’t you hear the resentment and envy in the words of John’s followers: “But John, everyone is now going to him”? To them, Jesus’ building popularity posed a threat to John’s ministry. So it was entirely natural for them to ask, “What about Jesus, Master? He is baptizing. He has taken a page from your book; he is using your method—and everyone is going to him!”
But what an astonishing reply they get back from faithful John. When other men would have found some subtle way to express their envy, John says, “It was all the Lord’s doing. The Lord called me to this ministry. But I am merely the forerunner to this Jesus. He is the Lamb of God who will take away the sins of the world. The age of the Messiah is dawning over the world.”
This situation, where crowds are flocking to Jesus, was only the beginning. John knew that it must continue to be like that until everyone was with Jesus and no one was left with John himself. “Jesus must increase, I must decrease.” Read More
Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events
16 Committee on Shared Ministry meeting
18 Educators Gathering (Zoom), No Examinations Commission this month
23 Antiracism Ministry Team meeting
25 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting
May 15, 2021
Nov 9, 2021
9:00 am - 2:00 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting # 118