January 20, 2023

Visit our Website

122nd Stated Meeting of Foothills Presbytery

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

10:00 am

at The Foothills Retirement Community

(Presbyterian Communities of SC)

205 Bud Nalley Dr, Easley, SC 29642


Our day will begin with Worship planned by our Worship Committee and the Antiracism Ministry Team. Worship will be led by the Foothills Retirement community staff and residents, with the Rev. Dr. Lerone Wilder reading and proclaiming the Word (1 Thessalonians 5:11). 


Included in the business portion of our Stated Meeting, we will:

  • Review recommendations from the Bills & Overtures Committee and vote on amendments from the 225th General Assembly of the PCUSA.
  • Celebrate the Rev. David Taylor in his retirement.
  • Receive and welcome two Ministers to Foothills and examine a Candidate for Ordination.
  • Hear highlights of the Shared Mission and Ministry of Foothills.



General Assembly 225

Proposed Amendments to the Constitution

“The 225th General Assembly (2022) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved and recommended to the presbyteries, for their affirmative or negative votes, proposed changes in the language of the Book of Order that, if approved, will amend the Constitution.” 


The Foothills Presbytery Bills and Overtures Committee has reviewed each of the 33 amendments and will make recommendations to the body at the Presbytery Stated Meeting on February 21, 2023.


In preparation for voting on February 21, please review

the General Assembly (PCUSA) handbook with the proposed amendments.

Book of Proposed Amendments to the Constitution

First Quarter CFO Forum

Tuesday, January 24th

We will gather in-person at the Foothills Presbytery Office, 2242 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681. Our time together will begin at noon and adjourn on or before 1:30 pm. A light lunch will be served.


During this gathering, we will explore the topic suggested at our last gathering – capital campaign education.  I will share resources associated with conducting a capital campaign.  Roundtable conversations will also be encouraged. As always, we ask that you consider inviting your pastor and others to join us as we learn from one another. 


To assist us with appropriate preparation, please kindly RSVP by sending a quick email to confirm your attendance to (olanda.carr@presbyterianfoundation.org) or Warren Templeton (wtempleton@foothillspresbytery.org) by EOD Friday, January 20th.  

Should you prefer to join us virtually, please let me know and a link will be provided. Thanks so much – see you soon!



January 25–28, 2023

 Birmingham, AL

Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex

There’s still time to register for the online annual event!

Click HERE to Register!

What has God called us to do with all that is entrusted to us? God calls us to be good stewards, and that means making investments that are consistent with our values as well as pushing corporations to be better global citizens. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) does both, and this webinar will be your opportunity to learn more.

During this webinar, you’ll hear from Mission Responsibility through Investment, which pushes companies to be better global citizens, and New Covenant Trust Company at the Presbyterian Foundation, which offers socially responsible investments. NCTC will also look back on the economic themes driving markets in 2022 and share some tips for investors heading into what may be an uncertain year in 2023.

January 31, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. EST

Click HERE to Register

At the River:

Struggle and Grace in the Segregated South

Movie Screening

Monday, February 6, 2023

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Fort Hill Presbyterian Church

101 Edgewood Ave

Clemson, SC 29631-1403


Salem Presbyterian Church

invites you to a

Restoration Service

Sunday, February 12, 2023


Our morning worship service at 11:00 am features the Rev. Dr. Franklin D. Colclough, retired pastor presently serving as a Moderator and Supply Preacher for Harmony Presbyterian Church, Alcolu, SC, and Cousar Memorial Presbyterian Church, Bishopville, SC.


After morning service, lunch will be provided for all attending at First Presbyterian Church, Anderson, in the Fellowship Hall, located at 302 W. Whitner Street, Anderson, SC 29624.


Our afternoon worship service at 3:00 pm features the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the PC(USA).


We hope you will come, and together we can share God's wonderful blessing.


In order to obtain an accurate count for lunch, please

RSVP by texting for calling Sister Alexander at 864-940-8140 or

317-719-3464 with your church name, last name, and total count by Saturday, February 4, 2023.


Keynotes by, The Rev. Ruth Faith Santana-Grace,

Co-Moderator, 225th General Assembly


Preaching by, The Rev. Dr. Victor Aloyo,

                       President, Columbia Theological Seminary

Click here for Full Flyer

Registration deadline is February 1, 2023

Spring Lay School &

Commissioned Ruling Elder Training is

MARCH 10-11, 2023

at Presbyterian College  

The registration fees for the Spring 2023 session:

Single: $280    Double: $160  Commuter: $75

The core courses are

Old Testament, Church History, Worship & Sacraments,

Polity; the elective course is John.

The registration Packet will be available in early February. 

Sponsored by the 5 Presbyteries in South Carolina.

College Scholarships

Let youth and young adults in your churches know that the PC(USA) supports their formation and education through 2023–2024 scholarships. PC(USA) undergraduate and seminary students are eligible for $4000–$8000 from the Presbyterian Mission Agency through the Office of Financial Aid for Service.

Applications are open from now till May 15, 2023, for full-time students enrolling for the 2023–2024 academic year. For more information see our full-page advertisement in Presbyterians Today.

To apply in English, Spanish or Korean, follow the QR codes pictured or click links below.

This is a reminder to pastors and clerks, that it is now time to enter your 2022 Statistical Report. The Statistical Report can be completed at (http://oga.pcusa.org/stats). Please remember, the program works best using one of the following web browsers: Firefox, Safari, or Chrome. 


In addition, they have provided a link to Frequently Asked Questions: http://oga.pcusa.org/section/churchwide-ministries/stats/frequently-asked-questions/.


We urge you to complete your report by the FIRST of FEBRUARY

to avoid long waiting times when you log on.



IS FEBRUARY 14, 2023.


User IDs and church passwords are the same as in previous years. Please email me or call me if you need log-on information for your church. If you are not the person who will be filling out this information, please send this email to the correct individual and let us know who is responsible now as well. Remember – we are always happy to help (Monday-Thursday) with any problems or concerns that you might have. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. 


Thank you,


LeAnne White

Communications Coordinator / Assistant Office Administrator

Foothills Peer Ministry

Youth Leaders Roundtable

Thursday, February 2

12 noon

location TBD

Music Ministry Leaders 

Our next Zoom gathering

will be

Wednesday, February 8

at 9 am by ZOOM.

Christian Educators Gathering

Next Gathering is

February 27

12 noon

at Central

Topic: APCE Share

CRE Cohort


Next Gathering is

April 11

at 12:30 pm

at the Presbytery office

Bring your lunch



The Presbyterian Promise Scholarship is a commitment by Presbyterian College (PC) to recognize students for their merit and affiliation with the Presbyterian Church. PC seeks to develop students academically and spiritually in this signature scholarship. Students who are of members of Presbyterian churches will receive a scholarship for a minimum of $20,000 per year for up to four years—that’s an $80,000 commitment to you.

For more information and to apply visit our site: www.presby.edu/presbyterian-promise

A New Year of Presbyterian Women

The turning of the new year provides a perfect time to count our blessings and to consider support of the people, ministries and programs that bring light to our world. As we begin anew, make it your resolution to participate in and support the many ministries of Presbyterian Women!  

  •  Join a PW group!  
  •  Participate in a PW/Horizons Bible study or the 2023 Justice and Peace Book Discussion group online. 
  • Subscribe to Horizons magazine
  • Attend a regional gathering.  
  • Volunteer for a leadership role. 
  • Pray for and support PW’s ministries, including the Birthday Offering and Thank Offering.
  • Pray and share a least coin through the Fellowship of the Least Coin.
  • Keep PW connected by sharing this email with someone who might participate in PW. 
  • And remember, PW's Annual Fund makes possible all PW ministries. There are many ways to support PW’s Annual Fund. 
  • Give securely online at presbyterianwomen.org/give, and choose year-end giving. Become a PW sustainer by choosing "recurring giving" under the "gift type" tab.
  •  Mail your gift to Presbyterian Women, PO Box 643652, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3652. Please indicate “Year-End Gift 2022” in the notes line of the check or on a separate note.
  • Contact Rhonda Martin, rhonda.martin@pcusa.org, to consider other ways to support PW (estate plans, endowments, gifts of stock).

Resources we have found challenging & inspirational:

______(Available in the Presbytery Resource Center)



The Manna Retreat

A weekend for young adults

January 27–29, 2023

Hosted by Montreat Conference Center

According to The Defining Decade by psychologist Meg Jay, “eighty percent of life’s most defining moments take place by age thirty-five.” Translation: being a young adult is hard. In an effort to support both young adults navigating the messiness of this time in their lives, as well as to support young adult ministries at the local church, we have created The Manna Retreat. The Manna Retreat is three days, 100 young adults, one old hotel, and ten small groups dedicated to creating deeper faith and deeper relationships. If your faith could use a spark plug, if your spirit could use a deep laugh, if your heart could use some new friendships, or if your body could use a place to belong, then this is for you.

Click here for more information.

Registration Open!

Breaking the Myth of

Presbyterian Fear of the "E" Word

A PC(USA) Leader Formation Webinar

February 23, 2023; 7:00-8:30 p.m. (eastern)

Registration Deadline: February 15 HERE

Presbyterians have a long and rich history of evangelism. Rekindling the yearning to share the Good News of Christ’s love, we will incorporate the Yao mores of kalibu and ulongo, radical welcome, and relationship. Employing these concepts we can live into our quest to answer Jesus' call to make disciples of all people.


This event is provided for free for participants and is funded through your per capita dollars. It does not come without cost, however. Knowing the diversity of language within the PC(USA), this webinar will be provided in several languages with interpretation based on requests made through the registration process. As a result, there is a registration deadline of February 15, 2023, in order to be able to have time to arrange for those services. Advanced registration is not necessary for access to the recording which will be available in English following the event. 


Register for the webinar by February 15, 2023, here

Registration is now open!

Registration is open!


Festival of Homiletics 2023 | Minneapolis

& Live Online

May 15 - 18, 2023

Join us this year for the 2023 Festival of Homiletics in Minneapolis: "Preaching Hope for a Weary World"

“Preaching Hope for a Weary World” is the Festival’s response to the hardships and heaviness that have been our reality the last few years. In these wearying days, what is our call to preach? 


The Festival of Homiletics 2023 will inspire us to a renewed sense of our radical calling. Our weary world needs us, preachers.

Come renew, refresh, and recharge your spirit!


New book from Beth Templeton:

Available from the author, Amazon, Ingram, and other fine booksellers

2023-2024 YADD Program

Applications Due January 1

About the New Initiative…

Fellowship Camp and Conference Center is expanding its impact to more people in our community. We are proud to announce the formation of the Lake Campus program through a new strategic program initiative beginning in partnership with Presbyterian College (Clinton, SC). This strategic partnership between Fellowship and Presbyterian College will open avenues for interaction and bring new program opportunities that increase Fellowship’s reach and impact with new activity, programs, and resources at the Camp Fellowship location on Lake Greenwood. READ MORE

Calling all College-Aged Young Adults!

We want you to join us for the 2023 College Conference @ Montreat! Whether you have attended a conference before, or you are new to Montreat altogether, College Conference offers a place for everyone to experience the overwhelming love of God in new and exciting ways. Learn more HERE

2024 Churchwide Gathering for Presbyterian Women

August 8 - 11, 2024

St. Louis, Missouri

NEW Workshop:

The Bible and Film

March 6 - 8, 2023

Led by: Dr. Samuel Adams, Professor of Old Testament

Multiple Ways of Teaching and Learning

Friday, March 24, 2023, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Led by: Dr. Lakisha Lockhart, Assistant Professor of Christian Ed 

The Past, Present, and Future of Giving and Generosity

Online Workshop

3-part series

Dates: Tuesdays, January 17 - 31, 2023, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. ET

Click here for a full list of upcoming Educational Opportunities

Click here to see additional 

Available Jobs

postings on our



Subscribe to Covenant Connections

Foothills Presbytery Christmas Service 2022

Jan 19, 2023

Over the past three years, the Foothills Presbytery Worship Committee has provided a recorded worship service for congregations to use during the Christmas season. The service from Christmas 2022 featured the prayers from the Children’s Book “The Twelve Prayers of Christmas” by Candy Chand with illustrations of each prayer by James Bernardin. (Permission to use this material was granted by Harper Collins.) Each prayer was read by a child from one of the congregations in Foothills. The service also features choirs from nine congregations. The service is available on the Foothills YouTube channel for all to enjoy. We hope this service will be a gift to you.

Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events



21 Committee on Shared Ministry retreat

23 Antiracism Ministry Team

25-29 APCE Annual Event (Birmingham)

27-29 Manna Young Adult Retreat

24 Financial Forum

26 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting

Foothills Presbytery Calendar

2023 Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings

February 21, 2023

10:00 am - 3:00 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting #122

Foothills Communities, Easley

May 20, 2023

10:00 am - 2:30 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting # 123

Location TBD

Resource Center of Foothills Presbytery

Stewardship of Creation Connections 2023 Newsletter