Cemetery Workshop
July 26, 2023
Question 1: How many cemeteries are there at PCUSA churches?
Question 2: How many of the Foothills' churches have cemeteries?
Twenty-two representatives from ten congregations and cemetery organizations attended a workshop sponsored by Foothills Presbytery on Tuesday, July 25. Paul Grier, Vice President of the Presbyterian Foundation, facilitated the helpful discussion. Paul shared information about common problems facing churches that have cemeteries. He also discussed the congregation's responsibilities for care of the cemetery and the associated costs of that maintenance and care. He shared insights on various governance models and general cemetery definitions that were very helpful for the attendees. Below we are providing two useful lists.
Now, to the answer to the opening questions. READ MORE HERE
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The Board of Pensions
and Foothills Presbytery
invite all retirees & spouses and surviving spouses receiving a Board of Pensions pension
to attend a
Retiree Luncheon
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
12 - 2:00 pm
Fourth Presbyterian Church
703 E Washington Street, Greenville
RSVP by August 15, 2023, to Elizabeth Little: elittle@pensions.org
Phone: (252) 723-8653
Elizabeth Little, Church Consultant
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Discerning your Call?
The Church Leadership Connection (CLC) has been updated and renovated.
If you are a Minister, Educator, Youth Director, or Church Leader
(Call Seeker), CLC will help you with your search.
If you had a Personal Information Form (PIF) in the old system, it is no longer “matchable” in the new system.
You must log in to the new CLC, create an account and complete the new Personal Discernment Profile (PDP).
Additional resources, including a users guide, are available at https://oga.pcusa.org/section/clc/clc/clc-call-seekers/
Please call the Presbytery office if you have any questions at 864-288-5774.
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Foothills Presbytery is excited to partner with MHFA and provide training for pastors, educators, youth leaders, elders, deacons, and volunteers.
Register today for one of the upcoming MHFA training!
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2023-2025 Book of Order
The updated Book of Order is now available. You can order individual copies for $10 HERE or if you would like to participate in the presbytery's bulk order for a reduced price, please contact LeAnne White. The Presbytery has available copies for $8 - FP office pickup. (Available while limited supplies last.)
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Youth Leaders Roundtable
Thursday, August 3
12 noon at Tipsy Taco
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CRE Cohort
Tuesday, August 8
12:30 pm
at the Presbytery office
Bring your lunch.
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Music Ministry Leaders
Wednesday, August 9
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Christian Educators Gathering
Next gathering is
Monday, August 14
Location TBD
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Validated Ministry
Pastor Gathering
Wednesday, August 16
11:30 am
at Westminster, Greenville
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Resources we have found challenging & inspirational:
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The Pansy Duke Scholarship
2023 Award - $1,500
Administered by Fort Hill Presbyterian Church
Clemson, South Carolina
Application Deadline: August 31, 2023
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Saturday, August 26
8:15 am - 1:00 pm
Events and Workshops are for EVERYONE striving to grow in Christian faith, service, and knowledge of the love of God.
Registration information is available at your church and online.
Optional Table Talk time to continue workshop conversations
Cost: $25 by the pre-registration deadline, August 14
Cost: $35 for walk-ins the day of the event
Lunch: $14
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Gather with us in Grosse Ile (a suburb of Detroit) for a day and a half of workshops, worship, warm fellowship, and good food. Through the theme Walking in New Shoes, we will explore trying new things, including ways to continue our service to God and our local and global community.
Learn more and register
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Montreat Wee Kirk Conference
October 16-18, 2023
The Wee Kirk conference aspires to provide Christ-centered opportunities for inspiration, encouragement, and community among leaders of small membership churches so they can do the same in their congregations and regions.
Learn More Here
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Summer 2023 digital edition
of Horizons now available!
Holistic Health
About This Issue: For many years, the term “holistic health” made me think of herbal teas, yoga and a rejection of western medicine . . . in a not exactly positive way. When a loved one suggested I treat my migraine with lavender oil and a day of embracing the pain and noticing whether it had jagged, irregular edges or a rounded perimeter, I felt completely misunderstood.
There was work to be done, children to take to school, dogs who noisily reminded me they wanted to go outside. Obviously, the only the thing that would work was a pill and the perfect dose of caffeine. Read More
Access your digital Horizons magazine HERE.
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Offered by Diakonos Solutions and Synod of South Atlantic
July 31, 2023
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Women in vocational ministry: Are you ready for a day of rest and renewal before the end of the summer?
Join us for Sabbath by the Pool at the home of Synod Executive Valerie Young on July 31st. It is a drop-in event, between 11-4, in Jacksonville, FL. Lunch, snacks and drinks will be provided.
We are considering reserving a hotel block close to Valerie's home to allow women from throughout the Synod to attend. Travel grants may also be available.
Please register HERE by Wednesday, July 25th. The address will be sent by email on Friday, July 28th.
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SEPTEMBER 9-16 2023
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NEW Full Flyer with QR Code
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A Day Workshop for Church Leaders
Presented by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program
Sponsored by Foothills Presbytery
Click HERE for more information
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Elder Training
29 participants gathered for our recent Elder Refresh workshop at Inman church. The workshop, led by Rev. Dr. Tom Malone, for newly ordained Elders and those who have previously served, focused on the four areas on which our Book of Order requires each new officer to be examined:
1) Personal Faith
2) Reformed Doctrines and Beliefs
3) Presbyterian Polity
4) Duties of the Office of Elder or Deacon
Did you miss it?
We are planning another so SAVE THE DATE:
November 18
More details coming!
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Save the Date!
will be
February 23 & 24
Details coming.
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Please mark your calendars for February 29 - March 4, 2024, and look for more details by email and on our website. | |
Bethesda Presbyterian Church
to offer Computer/Media Literacy training.
If you don't have a Facebook page or an email account, or if you want to learn how to use Canva to produce flyers and such, there's an app for that: Me. Bring a charged laptop or tablet, or your mobile phone. (First Saturday of every month at 11)
Bethesda Presbyterian Church, USA, will offer basic computer and media literacy training workshops on the first Saturday of every month, beginning in April. This workshop is for people wanting basic knowledge about such popular programs as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and working with Google docs.
Contact: Kim Smith Ph.D., drksmith1960@yahoo.com, 704-953-3290
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Fall 2023 Semester dates are
October 27 & 28, 2023
At Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC
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Grants offered through the Presbyterian Mission Agency:
Grants and Scholarships
As part of our mission, we have several grant and scholarship programs that assist people, organizations and congregations. View these opportunities and more HERE!
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Pathways Online Courses
UPCOMING Polity and Administration
Tuesdays, August 29- October 17, 2023
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
UPCOMING Biblical Interpretation
Thursday, September 14-October 19, 2023
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
To view a FULL list of upcoming opportunities, visit:
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Click here to see additional
Available Jobs
on our website.
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Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events |
31 Mid-Sized Church Pastors Lunch
1 Representation & Review - Reading of session minutes
3 Youth Roundtable & Committee on Ministry meeting
7 Stewardship Task Force meeting
8 CRE Cohort meeting
9 Validated Ministry Committee meeting
10 Committee on Shared Ministry meeting
14 Coordinating Council meeting & Christian Educators gathering
15 Sexual Ethics Committee meeting
16 Validated Ministers luncheon
17 Examinations Commission meeting
19 REC meeting
22 Board of Pensions Luncheon
Foothills Presbytery Calendar
2023 Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings
November 14, 2023
10:00 am - 2:30 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting #124
Location TBA
2024 Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings
February 20, 2024
May 18, 2024
August 3, 2024 (Virtual)
November 12, 2024
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