When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
-Wendell Berry
Dear Friends,
I know all of our churches have been breathing sighs of relief for the past couple of months. Our Foothills Presbytery Sessions relaxed the COVID-19 guidelines for their congregations and have been gradually adding opportunities to worship and gather. It’s been wonderful to be able to assemble as a family of faith on Sunday mornings singing and rejoicing without the nuisance of having masks covering our faces. We have thrived on the smiles and greetings of others.
As you know, this week the CDC published new data indicating that the COVID-19 cases are on the rise. With that reality, they reinstated their recommendations for vaccinated and non-vaccinated persons to wear a mask in areas that present a higher risk for COVID-19 transmission. South Carolina is still considered a state in the high-risk category. The level of Community Transmission is “High" in five Foothills counties and “Substantial" in the sixth. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#county-view.
Pray for and comfort each other. Listen to each other with compassionate curiosity, and rest your conversation in the grace of Christ. These times are unpredictable, but they also hold immense potential for our lives and our values to be transformed by God’s wisdom, generosity and grace.
Presbytery Leader & Stated Clerk
Foothills Presbytery
Once you have registered, the Zoom link will be emailed to you. It will also be sent on the day before with a reminder.
Everyone who participates in this "test run" will receive a follow-up questionnaire that will help us fine-tune our plans before launching the prayer group for regular sessions beginning the week of Sept. 12.
Faithful Innovation Learning Communities
Participating congregations will be discerning their unique answer to this question: "When you consider the gifts you have been given and the needs of our world, what future do you imagine God is bringing forth in our midst?"
What is a Learning Community?
A learning community is a group of congregations who commit to one another in a learning experience. Through prayer, skill-building, action, and reflection they address their most pressing questions about the future.
The faithful innovation process works using three distinct practices:
Listen, Act, and Share.
Want to learn more?
Do you wonder what faith formation
will look like as we emerge from the pandemic?
Are you starting to plan for Fall 2021 and beyond?
Formation for Christian Living in a New World
Tuesday, August 24, 2021 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (Eastern Time)
Presenter: John Roberto
Planning for 2022 and Beyond: A Faith Formation Planning Clinic
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (Eastern Time)
Presenter: Catherine (Catzel) LaVecchia
(Videos from each presentation will also be available after the presentation to share with your leaders and teams in the church.)
The REvangelism Conference is designed to take you on a deeper journey into faith: into the lives of others, into justice, hope, and the wonder of God. Together we will practice habits of Evangelism that will engage us in the gospel of good news — God’s justice and reconciliation for the world.
At REvangelism you will interact with the wise, diverse voices in the church who contributed to the 8-Habits of Evangelism resource. As you work through each habit together, you will experience the goodness and richness of Christ’s body and the Holy Spirit transforming you, and the world around you.
Get away to Montreat and stay at the William Black Lodge.
William Black Lodge, a gracious, comfortable lodge in Montreat, NC is open and available to everyone. We feature discounts for PCUSA members and even deeper discounts for persons in ministry serving PCUSA congregations. Our guest rooms are equipped with king, queen, or twin beds, individual AC/Heat, and full linen service. Several room clusters also feature living rooms with microwave/mini-fridge and coffee service. We are an ideal place for weekend groups, family get-aways, or individual retreats.
William Black Lodge is operated on behalf of the Synod of Mid-Atlantic with the mission to serve as an affordable retreat for persons-in-ministry and members of PCUSA congregations and ministries. We also welcome everyone coming to enjoy all that Montreat and the surrounding region has to offer. Book your stay on-line at williamblacklodge.org or contact the Lodge staff at 828-669-6314.
Looking Ahead:
Two CONNECT Zoom calls to check in with each other, pray, catch up, meet our peers in Foothills, and offer support to one another.
Monday, September 13
2:00 pm
(via Zoom)
Monday, September 20
2:00 pm
(via Zoom)
Youth Roundtable
in August -
Our next meeting will be on September 7, in person at Camp Fellowship!
Western Region Gathering
9:00 am
Monday, August 2
9:00 am
Wednesday, August 11
Educator's Gathering
11:00 am
Monday, August 16
Women’s Connection 2021
Word Wise:
“Words are my first love, because they matter. Words actually change lives, move people, sustain us. They take us to another world when we need to go and bring us home when we need to come back. Whatever you need, words can deliver: laughter, solidarity, encouragement, thrill, courage, silliness, spirit. I have been a reader and writer my entire life, and every single day I marvel that I get to make a living with words. I hope to use them for beauty and Jesus and life. I hope to make them count.” – Jen Hatmaker
As people of faith who seek to be Jesus’ disciples, we are shaped by words and seek to understand them, hear them, and do them. The words of scripture will play a prominent role in this Women’s Connection as participants will engage in a dialogue with scripture.
August 13–15, 2021
2021 STEPS Registration is Live
S.T.E.P.S.- Studying + Teaching + Equipping + Praying + Serving: This presbytery-wide event is a wonderful opportunity for high school youth and adult church members, teachers, ministry teams, worship/music leaders, officers and staffs to enrich their faith and understanding of the church. S.T.E.P.S. will take place Friday, August 27 and Saturday, August 28. Friday’s events will consist of picnic on the grounds (bring a chair or blanket) of the presbytery office followed by worship and a concert with David LaMotte. Admission is non-perishable items for the presbytery’s Blessing Box. Saturday will offer a morning of in-person and virtual workshops and concluding with worship for all.
Cost is $10.
Registration information is on the presbytery website and printed brochures have been mailed to your church. We hope to see you at S.T.E.P.S. 2021 exploring ways we can grow and share our faith as living stones.
Lay School of Theology
at Presbyterian College
Sponsored by the Five Presbyteries of South Carolina
The fall session of the
will be
October 15-17, 2021
in-person, at Presbyterian College.
Registration materials will be available in the coming weeks.
FOR WHOM: Lay persons who wish to
1. Participate in an in-depth study of the Bible, Theology, or Church History.
2. Be trained as a Commissioned Teaching Elder.
3. Better prepare themselves to teach the Bible or Church School.
4. Serve as Directors of Christian Education.
5. Be certified by the Association of Presbyterian Administrators.
PLEASE NOTE: These courses are not for ministers, candidates for the ministry, or
those considering changing denominations to the PC (U.S.A.).
"Outside the Walls"
APCE SOAP 2021 Regional Event
November 4 - 6, 2021
at Epworth By The Sea
Join other church educators in the APCE SOAP Region (SC, GA, FL, and Puerto Rica) for "Outside the Walls," our 2021 Regional Event, scheduled for November 4 - 6, 2021, at Epworth By The Sea, St. Simon's Island, Georgia.
We are excited to welcome Reverend Aisha Brooks-Lytle as our keynote speaker. Eric Nanz will lead us in worship.
Our time together will be filled with worship, plenary sessions, break-out discussions, informal conversation, and plenty of time to enjoy each other and the beauty of St. Simons Island.
The cost for registration is $150. Click on link to registration below for information regarding accommodations and meals.
We do not want costs to prevent anyone from participating in this event. Limited scholarship assistance is available. Please contact jan@kairosatlanta.org if you would like to request scholarship assistance.
A recording of the July 14 webinar,
"Parliamentary Procedure for Leaders"
is now available on the
The next webinar
"Deacon Ministries"
will take place on
Thursday, September 16
at 7pm (eastern)
Grace Covenant Church
has a few Bibles and hymnals (see photo)
they would like to offer to another church.
If you are interested, please contact
Beverly Calhoun at 864.243.1854.
As church and ministry leaders, many of us are now asking a crucial question,
"In the swirl of a rapidly changing culture, how do we (quickly) develop the skills and expertise to shift our ministry to hybrid models that account for digital shifts in behavior that will outlast the pandemic?"
To help answer this question, Vibrant Faith is now offering the Digital Church Jumpstart!
Gain insights from the popular "Future of the Digital Church" MasterClass and then benefit from expert coaching to to help you implement your new online ministry strategy.
“PW Gives” Day is a day to celebrate and support all that Presbyterian Women makes possible. July 31 was selected to commemorate the July 1988 formation of today’s Presbyterian Women, from the merger of its two predecessor organizations. More than thirty years later (and innumerable ministries supported), Presbyterian Women continues to address the world’s needs and build loving community.
Your gift to Presbyterian Women makes possible a wide variety of PW ministries at all levels of the church. Read More
When is the Gathering Online Event? August 5, 2021, 4–6 pm Eastern
Do I need to register? Nope!
Is there a fee to participate? No fee. You are encouraged to participate and support PW’s ministries and programs.
What do I need to bring? A loving heart! Communion will be celebrated, so have worship elements available.
Conference Schedule, Worship & 12 Workshop Descriptions Here
Session 1: 4:30-6pm EDT;
Dinner Break with special presentations
Session 2: 7-9pm EDT
Preachers will be the Rev. Dr. Claudio Carvalhaes, the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson and the Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo. Musicians will be hymn writer Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, folk singer David LaMotte and jazz pianist Bill Carter. Bible study leaders are a father and son, Douglas Moo (Wheaton NT professor) and Jonathan Moo (Whitworth NT & Environmental Studies professor). The 12 workshops include top scientists sharing latest science news on the Climate Crisis, a spiritual director teaching about spiritual practices for activists, food waste and composting, worship ideas for creation care, ideas for involving young adults, farming and justice concerns, environmental racism and uranium mining in the Navajo Nation, creation care faith formation, Introducción al Cambio Climático (Spanish) and carbon dividends.
August 8, 2021
Whether or not there's a UKirk ministry near you, we hope you'll join us in celebrating the ways the Spirit is at work in the lives of college students and young adults!
By Campus Ministers
Rev. British Hyrams and Jasmine Evans
- A full worship service's worth of liturgy centered on 1 Kings 19:4-8 and the ways God follows us through the various seasons of life.
- A campus-ministry-related sermon illustration.
- A commissioning litany for campus-connected folks from new students to campus ministers, faculty, staff, and beyond.
Changes are coming to Triennium!
A new venue and new way of being in small groups are designed to enhance the beloved event, which takes on a Matthew 25 focus.
Event details, registration information and more coming in summer and fall of 2021. Registration is expected to begin in January or February 2022.
Mediation Skills Training
Registration is now open for Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders, to be held on October 11-15 and November 15-19, 2021. The two identical sessions will be held remotely via Zoom. This workshop is designed to help church leaders deal more effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict. For details consult this MSTI Brochure. For a complete list of training events being offered by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center — including our one-day Conflict Transformation Skills and Healthy Congregations — please consult this LMPC 2021 Program Calendar. For online registration go to our website at www.lmpeacecenter.org/all-events. Plan now to take advantage of these outstanding opportunities for spiritual and professional growth!
Available Jobs
postings on our
On the first day of the year 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which declared the freedom of the slaves in the warring states. Yet the Civil War was still ongoing… white southerners did not recognize the legitimacy of that proclamation and it had very little effect on the lives of enslaved people.
13th amendment which ended slavery and involuntary servitude, except notably as punishment for a crime, was passed 2 years later in January of 1965 and not ratified until December of that year. Yet it was not until 6 months after the 13th amendment passed that word of the emancipation of slaves made its way effectively to the last slaveholding state of Texas as white southerners concealed both the amendment’s passing and the end of the war from the Black people they considered to be their property.
If some semblance of freedom was to come it would only come by word and force from the union army… and so…. On June 19th, 1965 in Galvaston Bay, TX, Major General Gordon Granger announced the end of slavery, by proclaiming general order #3 which read, in part: “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves.”
This year we celebrate the 156th anniversary of that first Juneteenth, commemorating the day slavery was ended in Texas in 1865. The Black community has been celebrating and remembering this day ever since… The first Juneteenth, or Freedom Day, or Jubilee Day celebrations happened in Black churches in Texas, and over the years these celebrations came to be marked by the communities across our nation. Read More
Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events
29 Finance & Stewardship Meeting
2 Western Region Gathering - Zoom
5 Committee on Ministry meeting
10 FP Staff meeting
11 Music Ministry Leaders meeting & Associate Pastors Gathering
12 FP Prayer Service
16 Christian Educators meeting
17 Faithful Innovations & Antiracism Committee meeting
18 Women's Preaching Cohort
19 Examinations Committee meeting
21 PYC Planning Day
24 SC5 Faith Formation for the Future webinar
26 Committee on Preparation committee meeting
28 Committee on Shared Ministry meeting
Nov 9, 2021
10:00 am - 2:00 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting # 118
February 15, 2022
May 14, 2022
November 01, 2022
Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)
Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"