Dear Friends in Ministry,
It has been my great joy, while serving as your presbytery moderator over the last few months, to explore ways Foothills Presbytery might provide spiritual support and sustenance to those of us working in the service of the church in the Upstate.
Last May, a group led by representatives of the Presbyterian Association of Musicians and the Office of the General Assembly launched a weekly prayer service as a way of sustaining and walking alongside church ministers, musicians, and others during the pandemic. I learned of the program and joined last fall. This time of prayer and reflection has become a central, important part of my week, soothing my spirit when it is troubled, lifting it higher when it is soaring, and grounding me always in the presence of the Holy.
I began asking, what would it look like for Foothills Presbytery to offer a similar program to folk in our area? Who might want to participate? How might we begin? I've been helped in answering those questions by a team of colleagues - Angie Rodgers (RE-Mt. Zion), Ed Irick (RE-Eastminster), Whitney Moss (TE-Ftn. Inn), and Mark Kemp (church musician, Westminster).
We are now ready to offer those in our presbytery a sample of what this service might look like. We will offer a brief prayer service over Zoom on Thursday, August 12, at 8:30 and again at 10. Please visit the Foothills Presbytery website to register.
Once you have registered, the Zoom link will be emailed to you. It will also be sent on the day before with a reminder.
Everyone who participates in this "test run" will receive a follow-up questionnaire that will help us fine-tune our plans before launching the prayer group for regular sessions beginning the week of Sept. 12.
Terri Price
Moderator, Foothills Presbytery
Pastor, Providence Presbyterian
Faithful Innovation Learning Communities
FUTURE CHURCH Initiative: Faithful Innovation Learning Communities (FILC) was initially presented to Presbytery in February 2020. It was an outcome of conversations between the Transition Think Tank, Luther Seminary, the Coordinating Council, and Presbytery staff. What is a FILC? Faithful Innovation Learning Communities help congregation members and leaders develop deeper connections with God, each other, and their neighbors.
- Ideas, inspiration and tools for ministry.
- Interactive workshops and ongoing coaching.
- Pray, learn and journey together with other Foothills congregations.
Participating congregations will be discerning their unique answer to this question: "When you consider the gifts you have been given and the needs of our world, what future do you imagine God is bringing forth in our midst?"
What is a Learning Community?
A learning community is a group of congregations who commit to one another in a learning experience. Through prayer, skill-building, action, and reflection they address their most pressing questions about the future.
How will my congregation benefit?
· Learn to discern and participate in God's leading.
· Deepen your congregation's spirituality.
· Build connections with other congregations.
· Engage and inspire your membership.
· Affirm that God has a vital role for your congregation to play.
The faithful innovation process works using three distinct practices:
Listen, Act, and Share.
· Dwelling in the Word/ Listening with the heart
· Sharing our actions with each other
· Reflecting on what we have heard and what we have done, and considering how to incorporate our learning into the fabric of our congregation, presbytery community.
Want to learn more about how your congregation can participate?
Do you wonder what faith formation
will look like as we emerge from the pandemic?
Are you starting to plan for Fall 2021 and beyond?
Building Community and Relationships in the Post-Pandemic World
Tuesday, July 27, 2021 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (Eastern Time)
Presenter: Jane Angha
Formation for Christian Living in a New World
Tuesday, August 24, 2021 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (Eastern Time)
Presenter: John Roberto
Planning for 2022 and Beyond: A Faith Formation Planning Clinic
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (Eastern Time)
Presenter: Catherine (Catzel) LaVecchia
(Videos from each presentation will also be available after the presentation to share with your leaders and teams in the church.)
"At first glance, preaching and advertising seem worlds apart from one another. One tries to proclaim love of God and neighbor; the other tries to sell you something that you may or may not need. Yet both must compete with other ways we receive and process information in an increasingly distracted world. While most of the time preaching simply tries to muddle through this situation, advertising knows that it must continually relearn how to reclaim its audience's attention–and keep it. Believing that preaching can benefit from advertising's laser focus on how to make its message stick, O. Wesley Allen, Jr. (a preaching professor) and Carrie La Ferle (a professor of advertising) have written this first-of-its-kind book on what preachers can learn from advertising."--Provided by publisher.
2021 STEPS Registration is Live
S.T.E.P.S.- Studying + Teaching + Equipping + Praying + Serving: This presbytery-wide event is a wonderful opportunity for high school youth and adult church members, teachers, ministry teams, worship/music leaders, officers and staffs to enrich their faith and understanding of the church. S.T.E.P.S. will take place Friday, August 27 and Saturday, August 28. Friday’s events will consist of picnic on the grounds (bring a chair or blanket) of the presbytery office followed by worship and a concert with David LaMotte. Admission is non-perishable items for the presbytery’s Blessing Box. Saturday will offer a morning of in-person and virtual workshops and concluding with worship for all.
Cost is $10.
Registration information is on the presbytery website and printed brochures have been mailed to your church. We hope to see you at S.T.E.P.S. 2021 exploring ways we can grow and share our faith as living stones.
Lending Library at Mt. Zion
One of our church members had the idea for a lending library for our community. Her husband built the lending library and placed it for the community to utilize. Mt. Zion has a community park that sits adjacent to the church in which it partners with Anderson County to maintain. Since Covid, the park usage has increased tremendously. The library was completed and placed near the walking track and the shelter. We have received donations from school teachers and church members to keep the lending library full. We are appreciative of our community who embraced and aided in caring for the lending library.
Get away to Montreat and stay at the William Black Lodge.
William Black Lodge, a gracious, comfortable lodge in Montreat, NC is open and available to everyone. We feature discounts for PCUSA members and even deeper discounts for persons in ministry serving PCUSA congregations. Our guest rooms are equipped with king, queen, or twin beds, individual AC/Heat, and full linen service. Several room clusters also feature living rooms with microwave/mini-fridge and coffee service. We are an ideal place for weekend groups, family get-aways, or individual retreats.
William Black Lodge is operated on behalf of the Synod of Mid-Atlantic with the mission to serve as an affordable retreat for persons-in-ministry and members of PCUSA congregations and ministries. We also welcome everyone coming to enjoy all that Montreat and the surrounding region has to offer. Book your stay on-line at or contact the Lodge staff at 828-669-6314.
Representation & Review Committee members hard at work reading all of the church session minutes you brought to the Presbytery office.
THANK YOU for your participation!
Our goal is 100%!
If you have not submitted your minutes yet, it isn't too late!
Please drop them off at the Presbytery Office as soon as you can. If it is not convenient to come to the Presbytery Office, please contact Robin Morris at 864-288-5774 to make arrangements to meet somewhere else.
Prepare Now for Hurricane Season!
June 1st marks the start of the Atlantic hurricane season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently released the 2021 outlook, which predicts another active season. It’s important to remember that it only takes one storm to devastate a community. Now is the time to prepare your home and your family. Remember, hurricanes are not just a coastal problem, so it’s important to know the risks where you live: rain, wind and flooding could happen far from the coast.
Hurricanes are among the most powerful and destructive phenomena in nature. The primary hazards from tropical cyclones (which include tropical depressions, tropical storms, and hurricanes) are storm surge flooding, inland flooding from heavy rains, destructive winds, tornadoes, and high surf and rip currents. Hurricane season started on June 1 in the Atlantic and the Caribbean. It ends on November 30. Make sure you and your family are prepared by planning ahead. Click HERE to read full article
- Make a Plan
- Gather Emergency Supplies
- Know the Difference between a Watch and a Warning
- Get your Home and Car Ready
- Get Family and Pets Ready
- Be Ready to Evacuate or Stay at Home
- COVID-19 Public Education campaign
Looking Ahead:
Two CONNECT Zoom calls to check in with each other, pray, catch up, meet our peers in Foothills, and offer support to one another.
Monday, September 13
2:00 pm
(via Zoom)
Monday, September 20
2:00 pm
(via Zoom)
Educator's Gathering
12:30 am
Monday, July 19
Youth Roundtable
in August -
Our next meeting will be on September 7, in person at Camp Fellowship!
Western Region Gathering
9:00 am
Monday, August 2
9:00 am
Wednesday, August 11
Lay School of Theology
at Presbyterian College
Sponsored by the Five Presbyteries of South Carolina
The fall session of the
S.C. Lay School of Theology
will be
October 15-16, 2021
in-person, at Presbyterian College.
Registration materials will be available in the coming weeks.
FOR WHOM: Lay persons who wish to
1. Participate in an in-depth study of the Bible, Theology, or Church History.
2. Be trained as a Commissioned Teaching Elder.
3. Better prepare themselves to teach the Bible or Church School.
4. Serve as Directors of Christian Education.
5. Be certified by the Association of Presbyterian Administrators.
PLEASE NOTE: These courses are not for ministers, candidates for the ministry, or
those considering changing denominations to the PC (U.S.A.).
"Outside the Walls"
APCE SOAP 2021 Regional Event
November 4 - 6, 2021
at Epworth By The Sea
Join other church educators in the APCE SOAP Region (SC, GA, FL, and Puerto Rica) for "Outside the Walls," our 2021 Regional Event, scheduled for November 4 - 6, 2021, at Epworth By The Sea, St. Simon's Island, Georgia.
We are excited to welcome Reverend Aisha Brooks-Lytle as our keynote speaker. Eric Nanz will lead us in worship.
Our time together will be filled with worship, plenary sessions, break-out discussions, informal conversation, and plenty of time to enjoy each other and the beauty of St. Simons Island.
The cost for registration is $150. Click on link to registration below for information regarding accommodations and meals.
We do not want costs to prevent anyone from participating in this event. Limited scholarship assistance is available. Please contact if you would like to request scholarship assistance.
Resilience and imagination: two key ingredients for successful ministry
Rodger Nishioka shares insights for Year of Leader Formation
What does it take to effectively minister in today’s church? Pastors, ruling elders and deacons across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have had to learn the hard way over the past 15 to 16 months as the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way church leaders minister to their congregations. The Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka believes there are two important characteristics for every church leader, especially in today’s church: resilience and imagination. Continue reading here.
Changes are coming to Triennium!
A new venue and new way of being in small groups are designed to enhance the beloved event, which takes on a Matthew 25 focus.
Event details, registration information and more coming in summer and fall of 2021. Registration is expected to begin in January or February 2022.
“PW Gives” Day is a day to celebrate and support all that Presbyterian Women makes possible. July 31 was selected to commemorate the July 1988 formation of today’s Presbyterian Women, from the merger of its two predecessor organizations. More than thirty years later (and innumerable ministries supported), Presbyterian Women continues to address the world’s needs and build loving community.
Your gift to Presbyterian Women makes possible a wide variety of PW ministries at all levels of the church. Read More
Theme: Shades of Oppression, Resistance, & Liberation
The week and theme are crafted to bring attention and action to the plight of those suffering from differing forms of oppressive situations. Events will be both virtual and potentially in person.
Presbyterian Women continues to work on commitments to be an inclusive, caring community and an antiracist organization. This PW advisory group will provide focused attention on short- and long-term strategies that impact structural racism, including education/training, culture, policy, procedure, participation, and leader recruitment. These efforts will help PW evaluate and renew structures and practices that impede participation and a sense of belonging for racially diverse women.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the PW DEI Advisory Group, download the job description and application here. Applications are due by July 31, 2021.
August 8, 2021
Whether or not there's a UKirk ministry near you, we hope you'll join us in celebrating the ways the Spirit is at work in the lives of college students and young adults!
By Campus Ministers
Rev. British Hyrams and Jasmine Evans
- A full worship service's worth of liturgy centered on 1 Kings 19:4-8 and the ways God follows us through the various seasons of life.
- A campus-ministry-related sermon illustration.
- A commissioning litany for campus-connected folks from new students to campus ministers, faculty, staff, and beyond.
Women’s Connection 2021
Word Wise:
“Words are my first love, because they matter. Words actually change lives, move people, sustain us. They take us to another world when we need to go and bring us home when we need to come back. Whatever you need, words can deliver: laughter, solidarity, encouragement, thrill, courage, silliness, spirit. I have been a reader and writer my entire life, and every single day I marvel that I get to make a living with words. I hope to use them for beauty and Jesus and life. I hope to make them count.” – Jen Hatmaker
As people of faith who seek to be Jesus’ disciples, we are shaped by words and seek to understand them, hear them, and do them. The words of scripture will play a prominent role in this Women’s Connection as participants will engage in a dialogue with scripture.
August 13–15, 2021
Are you involved in the Christian Education leadership in your congregation?
Would you benefit from additional support and training in Christian Education leadership?
The Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) is providing a process to assist both volunteers and staff involved in Christian Education to become better equipped for their ministry. “The ‘newly revised’ CEA (Christian Education Associate) option is open to anyone in the PC(USA) regardless of educational background. There are no employment or volunteer hour requirements, but you do have to be actively participating in the educational ministry of your church. Most of the study can be accomplished through self-study with easily accessed resources such as books and on-line articles and videos.”
This link provides more detailed information.
Mediation Skills Training
The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center is returning to an in-person format for the Mediation Skills Training Institute (MSTI) on August 2-6, 2021 in Chicago. This will be a hybrid event, so for those who prefer not to travel, we will also continue to offer remote attendance via Zoom. The Mediation Skills Training Institute is designed for clergy and other church leaders who want to learn how to deal more effectively with interpersonal, congregational, or other forms of group conflict. For more information about this 5-day event, our new 90-minute webinar series (entitled SHALOM), our mediation services, and more, please call 630-627-0507 or visit Online registration is available now via TicketSpice. You may also wish to consult the following documents: MSTI brochure, LMPC Calendar, SHALOM webinars.
Available Jobs
postings on our
The following Covenant Connection was written by the Rev. Mel Davis, who served as an Army Reserve Chaplain for twenty-two and a half years. Mel was born and raised in Seneca, South Carolina. He attended Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina and Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. After ordination in 1971, Mel served Presbyterian churches in Georgia and West Virginia for fifteen years. In 1982 he was commissioned as an Army Reserve chaplain and entered active duty in 1985 with the 10th Mountain Division (Light) at Ft Drum, New York. His last Assignment was Fort Jackson, S. C. where he retired on February 1, 2005.
After retiring from the Army, Mel accepted a call to Midway Presbyterian in Anderson, SC. Upon retiring from Midway in 2012, Mel and his wife Lois moved back home to the family farm in Seneca, SC. For the last seven and a half years, he has served as the Stated Supply Pastor at Fair Play Presbyterian Church. After 50 years of ordained ministry, Mel retired (again) on June 27, 2021. Mel and Lois enjoy the farm life and love having family and friends stop in and visit.
For God and Country
I Timothy 2:1-4
We just celebrated 245 years as an independent nation. Did you know that July 4th is not the original Independence Day? The original Independence Day was July 2nd, 1776. That is when the members of the Continental Congress voted in favor of Independence from Great Britain. However, on July 4th, 1776, Congress voted to approve and ratify the final wording of the Declaration of Independence. — Just a bit of trivia for you.
Fifty-six men signed the Declaration of Independence. What happened to those fifty-six men? Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Several of the signers lost entire fortunes as their businesses were destroyed by the British. Two lost their sons who were serving in the Revolutionary Army. Some were driven from their families never to see them again. One had two of his sons captured. Five of the actual signers were captured by the British, counted as traitors and tortured before they died. Nine of the fifty-six fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. Read More
Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events
15 Financial Forum
19 Educators Gathering
22 Committee on Preparation meeting
29 Finance and Stewardship meeting
2 Western Region Gathering - Zoom
5 Committee on Ministry meeting
Nov 9, 2021
10:00 am - 2:00 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting # 118
February 15, 2022
May 14, 2022
November 01, 2022
Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)
Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"