April 11, 2024

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#126 Stated Meeting of Foothills Presbytery

is Saturday, May 18 - 10:00 am

​at Limestone Presbyterian Church

109 South Limestone Street, Gaffney

More information and registration coming soon.


Alary, Laura. Breathe: a Child's Guide to Ascension, Pentecost, and the Growing Time. Paraclete Press, 2021. (J 242.62 Alary)

  "The Biblical movements of Jesus and the Spirit are explored and interwoven with contemporary reflections from the view of a child. Moving beyond long ago and far away events, Breathe guides children to wonder about and watch for the presence and work of the Spirit here and now, in practices of prayer and mindfulness, and through acts of justice, generosity, and the sweet taste of kindness. In the end, the young narrator arrives as a satisfactory solution to the puzzle: the Spirit that was in Jesus is in us too. We are his body now, his way of being in the world. Whenever we choose the way of love, Jesus is there."--Provided by publisher.

  Laura Alary is the author of several other best-selling books for children, including Make Room: A Child’s Guide to Lent and Easter, A Child’s Guide to Advent and Christmas, and Is That Story True?

Hello Friends in the Foothills,


As all of you have heard, the Board of Pensions has approved a new benefits plan effective January 1, 2025. This represents a significant change for churches and pastors because the existing Benefits Plan has been in place for over 35 years. Here is a link to learn more: https://seasonofrebuilding.pensions.org/


I will be in the Greenville area on Thursday, May 2nd and will have time to share about the new plan and answer questions. 


I am inviting you—as a minister enrolled in the current Pastor’s Participation plan—to come to this event to learn more. I also invite you to forward this invitation to additional representatives from your church to also attend.


3:00 PM, Thursday, May 2nd

Westminster Presbyterian Church

2310 Augusta St, Greenville, SC 29605


To register please click on this link and fill out the information: https://forms.office.com/r/TAbyA52v5M


If you cannot attend this meeting I plan to have more events in the summer. And never hesitate to call me directly.  


Elizabeth Little, Church Consultant (NC & SC), 5141 Sharon Road, Charlotte, NC 28210

Office: 215-587-7242 Cell: 252-723-8653 elittle@pensions.org

Annual Reading of Session Minutes

This year we are grateful that we offer three opportunities to gather and review minutes. You may choose whichever option is better for you.


  • Thursday, April 11 - 6:00 pm at Central Church (Anderson)
  • Tuesday, April 23 - noon at the Presbytery office (Greenville)
  • Saturday, May 18 - Following the Stated Presbytery meeting at Limestone (Gaffney)

If you are unable to attend one of these gatherings, you may drop off your 2023 Session Minutes at the Presbytery Office, 2242 Woodruff Road, Simpsonville. Or you may contact Robin Morris at the Presbytery Office to make other arrangements. (Email is rmorris@foothillspresbytery.org or telephone: 864.288.5774.)

Please complete two forms that you will bring with your minutes to the review.

 (Click on the title of each form below to open the document.)


1.  Clerk’s Session Minutes Review Form  


2.   Financial Review & Audit Form


Thank you for your continued service to the church and for your faithful work as a Clerk. We look forward to seeing you at one of the regional gatherings where we can learn from each other as we complete the annual review of Session minutes.


Grace and Peace,

Representation & Review Committee

Calling all Pastors, Educators, Youth leaders, Sunday School teachers, Bible study leaders, Christian Education committees:


The challenges facing Christian Education today are more than we’ve ever known in our lifetime. What was once unimaginable must now become imaginable. Emerging trends in educational ministry can help us meet these challenges with vision, understanding, creativity, and agility. Let’s explore together an imaginable mindset through new patterns, models, and approaches in Christian education so that faith formation shapes identity, nurtures meaning-making and engenders faithful living in the world.

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Dr. Rebecca L Davis, Union Presbyterian Seminary


Cost for the event is $30.

Scholarships are available from your Presbytery.

More Information Here

Foothills Peer Ministry

Christian Educators Gathering

is Monday, April 15,

11 - 2 pm at Limestone

Youth Leaders Roundtable

is Thursday, May 2,

12 noon

Music Ministry


is Wednesday, May 8,

9 am - Zoom

Led by:




This training is ideal for people

who work on or with the

church building including

ushers, greeters, church staff,

elders, deacons, custodians,

and committee members.

Cost is $10

for lunch.

Register today with the QR code or visit


The congregations of Foothills Presbytery are blessed to have creative people among them.

Are you one of those creative people?

Are you musical?

Do you do woodworking?

Are you a weaver?

Do you dance?

Do you find yourself on a stage? Or backstage?

Are you a writer…of fiction, non-fiction, poetry?

Would you like to connect with a peer group in the presbytery?

Below is a link to a Google form that will gather names and email addresses of self-identified creatives in Foothills Presbytery. From this compilation we will send out a list of those persons who select the same type of creativity. For example, we’ll send a list names, email addresses, and affiliations of the textile/fiber artists to everyone who selected textile/fiber arts as a description of their creative art. It will be up to the members of the group to decide if they want to connect or gather in some additional way. But you’ll know that each other is out there!

We hope that eventually these groups might gather and create together – perhaps a “Foothills Creates Day” at Camp Fellowship. But for now we are just connecting people. This list will not be distributed beyond the presbytery and will not be used for soliciting artistic donations to any cause. It is simply a way of further weaving us together as a presbytery.

Please give the form link to everyone in your congregation who would be interested in participating in a creativity-based group. We welcome student creators as well. If you have questions, contact Lynn Miller at limestone.presby.pastor@gmail.com.


2024 Financial Forums

2024 is here! I am happy to announce that we will continue our quarterly financial gatherings of treasurers, finance committee chairs, pastors, and others (all are welcome). While we will not be meeting first quarter, we will be meeting on the following dates:

  • April 23: TOPIC: Stewardship of land and buildings”

  • July 30
  • October 29

Please mark your calendars accordingly and spread the word! I am looking forward to seeing everyone at these gatherings, if not before. 


Olanda Carr, Jr.

Senior Ministry Relations Officer – East Region

Toll Free:1-888-711-1318

Mother's Day Offering 2024

Since 1954, Presbyterian churches in South Carolina have marked Mother’s Day with an offering to support the ministry of Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina to older adults.

PCSC Ambassadors are a treasured part of the PCSC family. Only with their support are we able to share the story of this ministry with so many church members and promote our Mother’s Day offering. PCSC is indeed grateful for all these volunteers who meet annually to provide feedback to the staff and learn about the new things happening in the organization.

Presbyterian Communities operates six retirement communities across the state that hundreds of seniors call “home.” Each location provides a full range of accommodations and services from independent and active living to healthcare and memory support.

Living at a Presbyterian Community, residents find everything they need to live life to its fullest. They are empowered to “grow old,” and not just “get old.”

Pulpit & 3 Pulpit Chairs - Free to a Good Home!

They are located at Tryon Presbyterian on Harmon Field Road in Tryon. The only cost is that they will need to be picked up from the church.

Contact: Martin Gilchrist, 803-378-3222, Property Comm member, TPC

Please join us for

"Hymn Sing"

May 5th at 3:00 pm

at the Covenant Presbyterian Church

880 W.O Ezell Boulevard, Spartanburg

There will be representatives from various churches in the area, including choirs, contributing singers & musicians, and the singing by those in attendance of traditional hymn favorites. Refreshments will be served. Please come and join us as we praise God in song and music.


Questions: Please contact Marion Freeman at mlfreeman@charter.net or

864 546 0309

Saturday, August 24

STEPS 2024 – One Vine, Many Branches: Are Your Branches Connected to the True Vine?  A variety of workshops will be offered to strengthen your faith community as well as your own spiritual life. Look for more details coming soon!

investing in our greatest resource

Help youth begin life

with a solid foundation of faith.

Psalm 71 testifies that a foundation of faith established during childhood helps ensure lifelong faith and service. The patterns and lessons established during these formative years continue to bear fruit throughout a person's life. By receiving the Pentecost Offering, you are nurturing the faith of those who are the church to come — children, youth, and young adults.

We invite you, your members, students, parents, and youth directors to join us for the 2024 King Legacy HBCU Fair and to stay for the Jackie Robinson Day baseball game which will follow. Admission to the 2024 King Legacy HBCU Fair is free to the public. Admission to the Jackie Robinson Day baseball game and meal vouchers are complimentary for all HBCU Fair participants.  


Young Adult Volunteers

Applications are now open for the Presbyterian Mission Agency's Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) programThe program is an ecumenical, faith-based year of service for young people (ages 19–30) in sites across the United States and around the world. YAVs accompany local agencies working to address root causes of poverty and reconciliation. For additional information and to apply, click here.

The National Black Presbyterian Caucus has announced its 48th biennial conference in Charlotte, NC on June 19-21, 2025.

Learn more and subscribe to the NCPC newsletter here

Read More Here

Summer 2024 Registration is OPEN!

The first 25 campers who register from Foothills Presbytery churches will automatically get a $50 Campership!

When registering, use Campership Code: Foothills24

Please join the

First Presbyterian (Spartanburg) Chambers Singers

Thursday, May 2, at 7:00 pm

in the

Church sanctuary

as they present their spring concert,

A Day in the Life.

The program will take you on a journey through the joys, sorrows, and wonder of the every day, beginning at dawn and concluding at bedtime. There will be time in the outdoors, a little romance, sorrow but also hope, the warmth of a summer evening and more. All the music is from living composers, with soloists from the group and a guest string quintet to help accompany several of the pieces.


The Chamber Singers comprise both church members and interested musicians from the community. For many years they sang at the Biltmore House’s Candlelight Christmas, and in addition to concerts in the Spartanburg area they have also performed at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC and at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charleston, SC. There is no charge for the event.

First Church, Greer has two communion tablecloths that they would like to offer to any congregation within the presbytery. 

Both are sized 45 inches x 85 inches and are in good condition. Photos below. Arrangements for pick up can be made by calling the church office at 864-877-3612.


We are still receiving payments, contracts, and other communications to our physical address, which no longer has a mailbox.


PLEASE ensure that your front office, financial office, and all personnel who send any mailed correspondence use our NEW mailing address: 

Foothills Presbytery

P.O. Box 1118

Simpsonville, SC 29681-1118

Thank you!



The Presbyterian Promise Scholarship is a commitment by Presbyterian College (PC) to recognize students for their merit and affiliation with the Presbyterian Church. PC seeks to develop students academically and spiritually in this signature scholarship. Students who are members of Presbyterian churches will receive a scholarship for a minimum of $20,000 per year for up to four years—that’s an $80,000 commitment to you. For more information and to apply visit our site: www.presby.edu/presbyterian-promise

Presbyterian College is excited to offer a new program focused on fundraising, philanthropy, stewardship, and other giving initiatives for congregations and other faith-related organizations. PC is proud to partner with the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy (Indiana University) to offer the Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF).

This would be an ideal program for clergy or other faith leaders as well as stewardship or advancement staff members in religious communities, schools, or service organizations. For PC(USA) pastors, there is also a scholarship offered through the Presbyterian Foundation to offset some of the costs of attendance.  

Program Dates: May 20-22, 2024 (3 hour online component afterwards)

Location: Covenant Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, NC

Sign Up
Presbyterian Foundation Scholarship Information

Reminders from

your Stated Clerk

  • Changes in Foothills Presbytery's Terms of Call for Pastors 
  • Changes to the Book of Order (PCUSA)
  • Changes in the PCUSA Board Pensions Health Care Plan for Retirees and Pastors

For 75 years, One Great Hour of Sharing has provided Presbyterians a way to share God's love with our neighbors in need around the world.


Millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity.

The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People - all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.


On the Road to GA226 - Issue 8 - March 2024


‘Along the Road’ podcasts: recent and upcoming episodes

Five new “Along the Road” podcast episodes have been made available since November, three from the “Encounter” series for mid council and church leaders and two “Nourish” episodes for deacons and ruling elders.

Listen to all Along the Road episodes directly from the Mid Council Ministries section of pcusa.org or from popular streaming services.

Click here for more information

Opportunity for High School Youth

JULY 22-27, 2024


Join us for an enriching five-day gathering at Presbyterian College, Clinton, S.C., where rising high school juniors and seniors will come together to explore their callings and gifts for leadership in the church. 

Co-hosted by the Miller Summer Youth Institute at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and the Office of Spiritual Life at Presbyterian College, this unique event offers students the chance to learn from experienced faculty and staff from both institutions, to delve into vocational discernment activities, and to engage in guided theological reflection. This gathering promises to be a transformative experience for those seeking to explore their callings and who want to learn more about what the path to leadership in the church might look like! 

Students can expect to engage in group discernment activities, enjoy downtime on the Presbyterian College campus and in the City of Greenville, and participate in worship. Room and board will be provided on the PC campus. 


Charleston Atlantic Presbytery BUS transportation to St. Louis!

Transportation—Kelly Tours:

• Trip to St. Louis, MO takes 12 hours & 37 minutes. Bus will depart August 7, 2024

• Bus seats 56 passengers, to be comfortable we are looking for 40 ladies to commit. Last time we picked up ladies in Columbia & Spartanburg.

• There will be a Relay Driver and regular driver due to regulations.

Read More Here

We are pleased to announce Yale Divinity School’s first non-degree, online certificate program in Youth Ministry Leadership! This nine-month, digital, cohort-based program will launch in September 2024 focusing on three key areas: leadership theory in church organizations, theological and spiritual care for youth (with an focus on mental health), and empowerment, liberation and justice work with youth. 


Participants will learn from renowned YDS faculty including Willie Jennings, Joyce Mercer, Almeda Wright and more, other select learning institutions and the Yale Youth Ministry Institute network of experts and practitioners.


Applications are currently being accepted. Our inaugural cohort will be limited to 20 participants. Click here for more information and to apply. Questions? Email kelly.morrissey@yale.edu.

Apply for Montreat Summer Staff!

Do you know a young adult looking for a summer job? Montreat Conference Center is currently accepting applications for its 2024 Summer Staff season. All young adults who are at least one year out of high school are invited to apply.

Available positions cover a wide range of skills and interests such as A/V production, childhood education, marketing, environmental studies, hospitality, and more! All positions are paid and include the option to live on campus. Plus, certain positions may qualify for college credit.

This is a great opportunity to gain valuable job experience and enjoy life in our close-knit mountain community. If you think someone you know would be interested, please encourage them to apply at montreat.org/summer-staff!

Keynote Presenter: Brittany Porch

Click here to see additional 

Available Jobs

on our website.

Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events


11 Investment Committee meeting, Committee on Shared Ministry meeting, and Session Minutes Reading at Central

15 Educators Gathering

16 Coordinating Council meeting

18 Examinations Committee meeting

20 PYC Interviews

22 Antiracism Team meeting

23 Financial Forum and Session Minutes Reading at Foothills Presbytery

25 Finance & Stewardship Committee meeting and Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting

29 Foothills Staff meeting

Foothills Presbytery Featured Events

Foothills Presbytery Calendar

2024 Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings

  • May 18, 2024, at Limestone
  • August 3, 2024 (Virtual)
  • November 12, 2024, at John Knox

Camp Fellowship

Resource Center of Foothills Presbytery

Stewardship of Creation Connections Feb-March 2024 Newsletter