August 8, 2024

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We Can’t do This Alone

We’re All in This Together [1]            

Every Thursday morning for over eight years, my father and I chatted on the phone while I was on my way to work. After updates on the family, he always asked about the day ahead. Over time, a phrase comically popped up in almost every call: “You seem to be in a lot of committee meetings.” After a chuckle, I would respond with something like, “I am Presbyterian, Dad. We create committees to make all our decisions.” I love a good meeting. With purpose, a good meeting can change lives.

Last week, David LaMotte released his TEDx in Asheville, Why Heroes don't Change the World In less than twenty minutes, he masterfully describes how a small group of people coming together can change the world. At their best, that small group of people partner with others who care. They build on their strengths, set reachable goals, create an action plan, and get to work. “The boring and mundane meetings make [change] possible.” Committees can change the world!

Take a few minutes, listen, laugh, and be inspired.

David’s TEDx talk is greatly expanded in his new bookYou Are Changing the World, which is reviewed below and featured as our Antiracism Ministry Team resource this week.

These times are daunting and yet hold immense potential for our lives and values to be transformed by God’s generosity and grace. 


Rev. Debbie G. Foster

Presbytery Leader & Stated Clerk

[1] We're All in This Together lyrics © Walt Disney Music Company, performed by Eva Grow (Foothills Presbytery Young Adult Advisory Delegate GA 2024) and Meredith Welfare (Providence Presbytery Young Adult Advisory Delegate GA 2024). Filmed in Salt Lake City.

LaMotte, David. You Are Changing the World: Whether You Like It or Not. Chalice Press, 2023. (361.2 LaMotte)

David LaMotte challenges all of us to consider how the small, organized efforts in which we participate can make a huge difference. In his typical manner of engaging storytelling, the well-known author, speaker, and musician from Black Mountain, NC, relies upon personal experience and well-known historical events (seen in a new light) to break down common misconceptions about the kind of person it takes to change the world.

The answer might surprise readers, especially those who believe solving the world’s problems requires waiting for a hero to show up on the scene. In Lamotte’s eyes, it takes a movement, not a hero, to bring about this change. Better yet, Lamotte believes, that movement can begin with something as simple as meeting a friend for coffee or posting a “Welcome” sign on the front door.

—David Duncan, Westminster Greenville

An eBook version of this title is available from the Hoopla service provided by Anderson, Cherokee, Greenville, and Spartanburg County Public Libraries.

The author and his father, Presbyterian minister John LaMotte, have written a Study Guide for Churches to accompany the book. It is available as a free download from the publisher’s website. A link to the downloadable Study Guide (PDF, 21 pages) is also included in the Resource Center’s online catalog description of this book.

Tuesday, August 20

12:00-1:30 pm

at the Foothills Presbytery office

2242 Woodruff Road, Simpsonville

Bring your lunch & a drink. 

Presbytery will provide dessert.


** Please click here and let us know if you plan to attend. **

SC5 School of Theology

Registration for the 2024 Fall Semester of the SC5 School of Theology is now open. Classes will be held at Presbyterian College on October 18 & 19

Classes Offered Fall 2024 Semester:

  • New Testament (Core), Rev. Bob Bryant, Ph.D.
  • Reformed Theology (Core), Rev. Richard Burnett, Ph.D.
  • Preaching (Core), Rev. Dr. Ella Busby
  • Pastoral Care (Core), Rev. Loyd Melton, Ph.D.
  • Deuteronomy (Elective), Rev. Dr. Tom Malone
  • Disaster Preparedness from a Theological Lens (Elective), Elder Mark McCain, Rev. Jim Kirk, Carolyn Thalman, and Elder Gertrude Washington
More Information & Registration

Foothills Peer Ministry

Music Ministry


Our next gathering is 9 am, Wednesday, August 14 by Zoom.

Christian Educators Gathering

Our next gathering is

Monday, August 19, 12 - 1:30 pm at the Presbytery office.

Please bring $10 to cover lunch from Tropical Grill.

Youth Leaders Roundtable

Our next meeting is

Thursday, September 5,

10 am

at Coffee Underground

1 E Coffee St, Greenville

CRE Cohort Gathering

Our next gathering is Monday, September 18, 12 noon at the Presbytery office.


Bring lunch, dessert is provided.

Validated Ministry Pastor Gathering & Lunch

Wednesday, October 9 at the Foothills Retirement Community.


More details to come.

Resources we have found challenging & inspirational:

Join us for an informational session on the

2024–2025 PW/Horizons Bible Study, “Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation.”

We will be sharing additional scriptures and a variety

of resources to support each lesson.

There is no cost to attend, but registration is encouraged for planning and providing enough materials. Register today HERE or use this QR code:

Workshop for Ruling Elders: 

Saturday, August 24th, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

  • Is your congregation between pastors and you’ve been asked to be a worship leader?

  • Is your Pastor asking you to be prepared to preach in case of an emergency?

  • Are you curious about how to even start writing a sermon?

This workshop is designed for Ruling Elders who have not previously written a sermon. We will provide a basic understanding of how to write your first sermon.

Information & Registration

A Legacy of Faith

“A Legacy of Faith” chronicles the Oeland family’s century-long impact on church history in upstate South Carolina.

This hour-and-ten-minute documentary celebrates the enduring legacy of faith and community established by past generations while encouraging and challenging the current generation to create a lasting legacy of their own. For interest in showing this film to your organization, please email:

Led by:




This training is ideal for people who work on or with the church building including

ushers, greeters, church staff,

elders, deacons, custodians,

and committee members.

Register today with the QR code or visit

Cost is $10 for lunch.

Are you interested in learning more about how coaching can benefit you and/or your team members? 

Did you know there is a Presbyterian Coach Network that maintains a list of certified Presbyterian coaches? 

If you are new to the coaching concept, this is how the International Coaching Federation defines coaching: partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. READ MORE HERE

If you have any questions about coaching or the PCN, please feel free to contact me at ~Rev. Christi O. Brown

National Black Presbyterian Caucus

Community News

for Everyone in the Pews

The Wonder of Worship program at Columbia Theological Seminary is offering a second round of grants of $1,000 to congregations nationally looking to enhance the engagement of children in their corporate workspaces.

In this round, congregations looking to apply should conduct an inventory on what they are already doing and to help ascertain where the greatest need is for the grant money. Congregations need to identify three-to-five areas they may make simple changes that can be done in the next year to engage children more fully in worship. That audit is available here.

Click here to apply.

First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, has eight (8) tables available to any church or ministry that could utilize them.

The tables are in fairly good shape and can be used in Meeting Rooms or Sunday School classes. They are 72” wide x 30” deep. The tables must be picked up in late August. If interested, please contact Monteigne Campbell, Office Manager, ( to coordinate pickup. 

Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising 

Presbyterian College is proud to partner with the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy (Indiana University) to offer the Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF). The executive certificate program provides the research, tools, and customized training to meet the growing needs of leaders in religious communities and fundraisers of faith-based organizations. 

This program would be ideal for clergy or other faith leaders and stewardship or advancement staff members in religious communities, schools, or service organizations. Presbyterian pastors are eligible for a generous scholarship from the Presbyterian Foundation for this course. 

More details and Registration:

Program Dates: September 16-18, 2024  Location: Riverside Pres Church, Jacksonville, FL

The Clergy Collective - Online, September - May 

Many clergy from your denomination have participated in the past, continuing to do so. We have 3 strong tracks this year. The Clergy Collective is for any ministers from any denomination interested in sharpening as leaders through a stimulating Seminar and implementation coaching group. They meet once a month during the academic year. We usually have clergy from all over the country participating, making for rich learning and interaction.

Here's where you can learn more


People changing people

With the support of This Child Here, these students from Ukraine will be seeking to reclaim their hope for a better future by coming to America. They will enter two schools: Menaul School in Albuquerque, NM (home to Route 66) and Rabun Gap Nacoochee in N.Georgia, both founded by the Presbyterian Church years ago.

We are looking for individuals, churches, and organizations to help.

Click HERE to give or learn more about This Child Here

This Child Here is a validated ministry in the Presbyterian Church (USA),

working with families displaced by the war in Ukraine.

This ministry is supported by Foothills Committee on Shared Ministry.

The Art of Transitional Ministry - two opportunities:

The Art of Transitional Ministry 

August 11–16, 2024

Whether you consider intentional transitional/interim ministry or not, the knowledge you gain at the Art of Transitional ministry will truly benefit your ministry!  Training at Montreat is unique from all the other sites where training is offered, in that it is close by, training is offered both in person and on-line, and a tract for spouses of transitional pastors is offered. 

Click here to find out more - The Art of Transitional Ministry | Montreat Conference Center


One Vine, Many Branches

Are Your Branches Connected to the True Vine?

August 24, 2024

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church

Pre-registration Deadline: August 12

Registration Fee: $25

Click to view S.T.E.P.S. Brochure

Join Us to Celebrate

Eastminster Presbyterian Church

on the twenty-fifth anniversary of our charter

RSVP for lunch by August 25th:

Bridging the Gap: Moving from Text to Sermon


This interactive workshop provides continuing education for preachers at any stage of ministry, including ordained pastors, commissioned lay pastors, and other church professionals. 

Led By: Dr. Merwyn S. Johnson and the team from In Christ Supporting Ministries at ICSM’s facility, 7615 Colony Road, Suite 210, Charlotte, North Carolina 


Schedule:  Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm; Thursday, September 19, 2024, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm; Friday, September 20, 2024, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm


Space is limited to 15 participants, so early registration is encouraged. 

For questions or to register, please visit, call 704-554-2490, or email

The Lead Pastor Base Camp from Pinnacle Leadership Associates is a quality immersive training experience, designed to equip pastors from any denomination for serving effectively in the Lead Pastor role. Implementation Coaching Groups beyond the Base Camp provide support and accountability for living out the Lead Pastor Ministry Guide participants develop during the Base Camp.

Save the Date for the 2024 Evangelism Conference!

Come join us for a journey into a more expansive and authentic understanding and practice of evangelism. During our gathering, we will explore how we are called to embody the good news of God’s healing and compassion — through A Lifestyle that Exudes Justice! More info to come:

Biblical Preaching and Pastoral Leadership for Complicated Times

Led by Rev. Drs. Alex Evans and Brian Blount

Feeling overwhelmed by the world's complexities? Join us October 7th - October 9th! This workshop equips pastors and church leaders to navigate difficult times with the enduring strength of biblical preaching and compassionate leadership.  Read More

Join the Jesus & Justice Advocacy Conference, hosted by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), this fall in Charlotte, North Carolina! This conference benefits college students and seminarians who want to learn effective ways to stand up for causes they believe in, build networks and engage with advocacy topics in meaningful ways. Taking place from October 18-20 at the Union Presbyterian Seminary, Charlotte Campus, this free event will be held annually across the country in the coming years. 


Learn more here.

2024 Emmanuel Living!

October 21–23, 2024


A Montreat Conference Center event

The Wee Kirk conference aspires to provide Christ-centered opportunities for inspiration, encouragement, and community among leaders of small membership churches so they can do the same in their congregations and regions.

Rev. Audrey Hartness Reese – Conference Preacher

More Information

Walk to Fight Suicide with Your Place of Worship

Greenville Out of the Darkness Walk

November 9, 2024, Conestee Park, Greenville

Why Start a Team? Members from communities of all types can make a difference by walking in the Out of the Darkness Community Walk, on Community Walks are a great team-building event, and a way to promote health and wellness by encouraging you to get out and walk together for a common cause. Download Sponsorship Packet/ Flyer Here


November 9, 2024

9 am - 3 pm

Why does the Church matter in 2024 and beyond? What makes the Church unique?

Join Educators, Youth Leaders, Volunteers, and Pastors in your area to explore these questions and more. Participants will gather in satellite locations throughout the Synod of the South Atlantic to enjoy discussions, games, fun, and meaningful conversations. ​

Registration is $35, lunch will be coordinated at host sites.

Keynote Presenter:  Brittany Porch


The 2025 Presbyterian Youth Triennium will take place on July 28-31, 2025 in Louisville, KY, at the Kentucky International Convention Center and surrounding hotels – all located very close to the Presbyterian Center in downtown Louisville.

More info coming in 2024!

Click here to see additional 

Available Jobs

on our website.

Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events



8 Committee on Shared Ministry meeting

14 Music Leaders Gathering - ZOOM

15 Finance Committee meeting and Examinations Committee meeting

16-17 PYC Planning Retreat

17 Racial Ethnic Cabinet meeting

18 Foothills Presbyterian Women event

19 Educators Gathering

20 Smaller Church Gathering

22 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting

24 Sermon in My Pocket event

28 Foothills Presbytery Staff meeting

Foothills Presbytery Featured Events

Foothills Presbytery Calendar

Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings

  • November 12, 2024, at John Knox
  • February 18, 2025, Location TBA
  • May 17, 2025, at Westminister Greenville

Camp Fellowship

Resource Center of Foothills Presbytery

SC Inn at Montreat


 Building Tomorrows Families

100th Edition!

Stewardship of Creation Connections

May-July 2024 Newsletter