Presbytery Office update: We are opening our resource room and facilities for meetings. The chairs of each committee are determining how they’d like to proceed. Most of our committees have become efficient at Zoom meetings and will continue to offer a hybrid option for meetings. If all continues to go well, we plan for our November Stated Meeting to be in-person (w/a live-stream component). The office has been operational for some time, but we will continue to be watchful. There are addition COVID-19 resources in the newsletter.
Summary Report for Foothills Presbytery
#117 Stated Meeting
On Saturday, May 15, 2021, Foothills Presbytery held our 117th Stated Presbytery Meeting (virtually) with 100 Minister and Elder Commissioners, Honorably Retired Ministers, Commissioned Ruling Elders, and special guests. Terri Price (Providence), Moderator, opened the meeting with prayer and welcomed everyone. She invited Craig Foster (First, Spartanburg) to share technology information and instructions to prepare our commissioners for participating in the meeting. The Moderator then invited us into a time of worship, our first Special Order of the Day. The Worship Service was created by the Worship Committee and focused on Acts 21:1-21 for Pentecost. The service will be shared through the Covenant Connections and available on our YouTube channel.
Our Presbytery Leader/Stated Clerk, Debbie Foster, highlighted the future church work that is underway with the Legacy Partnership Project and Faithful Innovation Learning Communities. The Legacy Partnership Project is a joint venture between Presbyterian Foundation, the Presbytery, and a congregation. This project is a time of discernment for the congregation to identify gifts, reflect on their impact to the community, and dream/plan for the future. Faithful Innovation helps congregations and leaders develop deeper connections with God, each other, and their neighbors. More information about these activities can be found in the Report of the Presbytery Leader and Stated Clerk beginning on page 7 of the Commissioner’s Handbook.
Presbytery approved adding the Personnel Policies and Practices, the Disaster Preparedness and Response Plans, and the Disaster Preparedness and Response Administrative Commission to the Manual of Operations. This new Administrative Commission will report to Council.
After reviewing the history of the Presbytery’s investments, we voted to approve the fourth designated fund in the amount of $250,000 with an expected average annual return of 5%, approximately $12,500. The Committee on Shared Mission and Ministry will discern how to infuse these funds in the work of Shared Mission and Ministry.
On behalf of the Finance and Stewardship Committee, Dennis Latham (Easley) shared information on the 2020 Year End Financials and 2021 giving to date.
Congratulations to
Mary Moore Driggers,
First, Greer, who was approved as a Candidate under care of CPM.
Congratulations to the
Rev. Will Shelburne
who has been called as Minister of Word and Sacrament to First, Greer.
Congratulations to the
Rev. Julia Watkins
who has been called as Associate Pastor for Mission and Congregational Life at Westminster, Greenville.
Looking for Temporary, Part-Time
Pastoral Leadership?
We have several churches in Foothills Presbytery that are seeking temporary, part-time pastoral leadership. If you know someone who is available to serve one of these churches, please contact our Presbytery Leader/Stated Clerk, Debbie Foster at the Presbytery Office 864.288.5774.
Churches in need of Temporary Pastoral Leadership are:
Covenant (Spartanburg)
Fair Play (Fair Play)
First Simpsonville (Simpsonville)
Flat Rock (Anderson)
The National Black Presbyterian Caucus Board of Directors
are excited to announce that registration is now open for the
2021 Biennial Virtual Convention
to be held virtually from Charleston, South Carolina,
June 24 –June 26, 2021.
The theme of the 46th Biennial Virtual Convention is
“The Black Family, Congregation and Community in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.: Navigating Identity, Equity and Economics.”
needs your help!!
Fall semester will start soon, so we are looking for ways to connect with your high school grads and other college students.
UKirk/PSA Campus Ministries want to be prepared to offer a place for our students to engage in fellowship, worship, inspiration, and service. (Note: We will not share this information with any other student groups or associations.)
Please send the following information to the appropriate contacts below:
· Name
· Email
· Home Address
· Name of Home Church
· Year in School
This will allow us to connect them with their local campus ministry group!
Thank you for your help!
2020 Reading of Session Minutes
The Representation & Review Committee is asking Clerks of Sessions to ensure completed 2020 session minutes along with the completed Clerk’s Review Form and the Financial Review Form be delivered to Foothills Presbytery between Monday, May 24th and June 10th. The drop-off hours are 9:30 – 4:00 Monday through Thursday.
We know that it may be difficult for some Clerks to come to the Presbytery office during business hours. We also offer these options for submitting the minutes:
1. Copy all the materials (2020 Minutes, Clerk’s Review Form, and the Financial Review Form) and mail them to the Presbytery office at 2242 Woodruff Road, Simpsonville, SC 29681. The Representation and Review Committee will review your copies, return the review sheet to you via email, and shred your copies.
2. Arrange a time for us to pick up the materials (2020 Minutes, Clerk’s Review Form, and the Financial Review Form) at your church or another location. After our review, we will meet you again to drop off the notebook. To arrange a time, please email Robin Morris and Susan Tompkins or contact Robin Morris at 864.288.5774.
Our goal is to have all 58 churches submit their minutes for review so if these options will not work for you/your church, please contact Robin Morris (864.288.5774) or Susan Tompkins (864.238.9578) to make other arrangements.
Once the session minutes have been reviewed, Clerks will be notified that the notebooks are ready for pickup. We look forward to working with you to complete the review of your 2020 Session Minutes.
Susan Tompkins
Chair, Representation and Review
Robin Morris
Associate Stated Clerk, Foothills Presbytery
Women’s Connection 2021
Word Wise:
“Words are my first love, because they matter. Words actually change lives, move people, sustain us. They take us to another world when we need to go and bring us home when we need to come back. Whatever you need, words can deliver: laughter, solidarity, encouragement, thrill, courage, silliness, spirit. I have been a reader and writer my entire life, and every single day I marvel that I get to make a living with words. I hope to use them for beauty and Jesus and life. I hope to make them count.” – Jen Hatmaker
As people of faith who seek to be Jesus’ disciples, we are shaped by words and seek to understand them, hear them, and do them. The words of scripture will play a prominent role in this Women’s Connection as participants will engage in a dialogue with scripture.
August 13–15, 2021
COVID-19 information
(PCUSA Legal Services)
Youth Roundtable
Tuesday, June 1
12:00 - 1:30 pm
9:00 am
Wednesday, June 9
Educator's Gathering
11:00 am
Monday, June 21
So, You are Thinking of Retiring
Has COVID jump-started your thinking about retiring? Or maybe it’s some other reason. This free webinar sponsored by the Synod of South Atlantic will provide a few discernment resources that can help PC(USA) pastors in the Synod as they begin considering retirement. The following topics will be covered:
A Coach Can Help presented by Melana Scruggs, General Presbyter, Peace River Presbytery.
Your Presbytery Can Help presented by Joyce Lieberman, Executive and Stated Clerk, Synod of South Atlantic.
The Board of Pensions Can Help presented by Clark Simmons, Church Consultant, The Board of Pensions.
Tuesday, June 15 at 4 pm ET. Registration required. The Zoom webinar format will allow for participants to ask questions, but also keeps their identity hidden from other participants.
What My Grandmothers Taught Me: Learning from the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus
By Merryl Blair
Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary—Matthew names these women for a reason. How might Jesus have heard the stories of his grandmothers? What might the young Jesus have felt as he heard about his family? What might the stories of these women have added to his sense of identity, as part of a particular family in a particular time and place?
Have you thought about Jesus’ grandmothers? What can these Grandmothers-of-the-Faith teach us? Their stories will lead us into the gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ. By exploring these stories together, we will have a richer idea of what the good news is.
Merryl Blair teaches at Stirling Theological School in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and is active in the worldwide ministry of women of faith.
We are excited to share our 2021 Summer Camp schedule!
The Committee on Shared Ministry is pleased to offer campership assistance to the first 30 campers to register who are members of Foothills Presbytery Churches.
During the online registration processes, you will be asked to identify as a member of Foothills and list your congregation. Applying the code FOOTHILLS25 will request the $25 campership be approved for your account. (Please contact for questions or assistance.)
Are you involved in the Christian Education leadership in your congregation?
Would you benefit from additional support and training in Christian Education leadership?
The Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) is providing a process to assist both volunteers and staff involved in Christian Education to become better equipped for their ministry. “The ‘newly revised’ CEA (Christian Education Associate) option is open to anyone in the PC(USA) regardless of educational background. There are no employment or volunteer hour requirements, but you do have to be actively participating in the educational ministry of your church. Most of the study can be accomplished through self-study with easily accessed resources such as books and on-line articles and videos.”
This link provides more detailed information.
Available Jobs
postings on our
JUNE 15 @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Registration Deadlines
On-time registration begins on April 1st and lasts up until the conference begins. There is no late registration period.
COVID-19 Safety Precautions
PAM is committed to offering a safe, in-person option as well as an online option for participating in the conference. Visit our special Covid Protocols webpage to learn more about our commitment to your health and safety as we look forward to worshipping together this summer.
Visit the PAM Website to Learn More!
YDS Summer Study - Online in 2021
The Center for Continuing Education at Yale Divinity School is pleased to announce that the Summer Study program will be online this year! Taught by renowned YDS faculty, Summer Study offers an opportunity to immerse yourself in courses essential to practical church ministry and personal enrichment. Courses will meet Monday - Friday via Zoom, at either 9:00-11:30am or 1:30-4:00pm. Don’t miss Professor Almeda Wright’s course on “Developing a Faithful Generation” in the afternoon sessions!
Optional activities include daily worship; a keynote address - Five Decades of YDS, by David Kelsey, Luther A. Weigle Professor Emeritus of Theology, on Tuesday, June 8; and Andover Newton at Yale Founding Dean Sarah Drummond will offer a workshop, Leading Change - Three Schools of Thought, on Wednesday, June 9.
Sunday, June 13-Sunday, June 27, 2021
What does it mean to care for creation?
Are Christians called to respond to climate change?
Is it possible to live sustainably for the benefit of future generations?
Theologically curious high school students are invited to apply before January 1, 2021 for the 2021 Lux Summer Theological Institute. Safety permitting, the program will be held in-person at Presbyterian-related Monmouth College (Monmouth, IL).
Funded by the Lilly Endowment, the Lux Institute is an opportunity for students to engage with a topic of global importance and participate in a living-learning community through study, worship, service, recreation, and vocational exploration.
Scholarships are available to cover all program expenses for the two-week program, with the exception of travel.
A free shuttle to/from Chicago airports is provided.
Registration is now open for several events in June and beyond, so please encourage your friends and colleagues to take advantage of these opportunities for spiritual and professional growth:
Conflict Transformation Skills (June 3) helps church leaders deal more effectively with potentially destructive conflict. For details consult this CTS Brochure.
Leadership and Anxiety in the Church (June 9) helps church leaders examine their role as self-differentiated leaders and their ability to help calm the chronic anxiety that affects their congregations. For details consult this LAC Brochure.
Healthy Congregations (June 15) helps church leaders deal with the chronic anxiety that threatens to distract congregants from their God-given mission and purpose. For details consult this HC Brochure.
MSTI Refresher Course (June 12) is a one-day review for graduates of our Mediation Skills Training Institute.
Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders (June 21-25) helps participants deal more effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict. For details consult this MSTI Brochure.
Groups rates are available for all of the above one-day workshops. Restrictions apply. Group organizers may wish to use this Registration Form to compile names and contact information for members of their group.
Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events
24 CPM Student Forum - ZOOM
25 Antiracism Committee meeting - ZOOM
27 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting - ZOOM
1 Youth Ministry Leaders Round Table
7 Western Region Pastors & CREs Gathering - ZOOM
Nov 9, 2021
9:00 am - 2:00 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting # 118
February 15, 2022
May 14, 2022
November 01, 2022
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Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"