Meet us this week, Lord, in the stuff of Holy Week.
Help us notice the symbols that tell of your love.
They are all around us—gift after gift from you.
Meet us in green leaves waving and in stones by the road.
Remind us to lift our voices in hosannas as we welcome you in.
Meet us in silver coins and paper bills as we buy and sell, save and spend.
Remind us to be grateful, honest, and generous with all we have.
Meet us in bread and with every meal we share.
Remind us how you fed even those who would betray you,
__with your own self—the bread of heaven.
Meet us in the cups we use, whatever is inside them.
Remind us that you’ve poured us a taste of the banquet yet to come,
__with your own self poured out—the cup of salvation.
Meet us in pitchers, water, and towels.
Remind us how you washed your friends’ feet and
__told us to love one another like that.
Meet us in gardens, awake or in sleep.
Remind us to keep praying—alone and together—and that you are
__with us in whatever comes.
Meet us in crosses, wherever we see them.
Remind us of suffering, of violence, of sin.
__Help us not look away and not give up. Sunday is coming.
Meet us at gravesides and burial sites—the ones we know well,
__and the ones freshly made.
Remind us that Easter began in the silent dark when no one was even looking.
Meet us in the stuff and symbols of Holy Week, Lord.
Open our eyes and ears to see and hear you.
Walk with us through this week.
May we pay attention.
May we remember.
May we wait and watch in hope.
Poem by Julie Heaster, who is a pastor and writer in NC. She shares weekly writing prompts through her website
It's time to register for the
Five SC Presbyteries
Convocation and Stated Meetings
Saturday, May 21, 2021
at Presbyterian College & Thornwell
in Clinton, SC
- Gather with Church leaders from across the state at 9 AM
- Worship and Communion at 10 AM
Guest Preacher: The Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
- Lunch in Presbyterian College dining hall at 12 PM
- 120th Stated Meeting of Foothills Presbytery at 1:30 PM (Hartness-Thornwell Church)
- Tours of PC and Thornwell (optional) starting at 3:30 PM
Mattoon Presbyterian Church invites you to
Join us this Friday at 12
Community pastors share their reflections on the Seven Last Words of Christ.
Pastor Jennifer Fouse Sheorn, Triune Mercy Center
Pastor Sean Dogan, Long Branch Baptist Church
Pastor Stacey D. Mills, Mountain View Baptist Church
Pastor James Speed, Allen Temple AME Church
Pastor Michael L. Sullivan, Nicholtown Presbyterian Church
Pastor Michael J. Hoyt, Fourth Presbyterian Church
Pastor Tony Boyce, Mt. Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church
Hosted by: Pastor Lerone J. Wilder, Mattoon Presbyterian Church
We are grateful for the outpouring of prayers and calls from congregations and individuals asking how they can help. As the violence continues, the number of people being displaced internally and fleeing to neighboring countries increases by the day. And in the midst of the chaos, there are sibling churches and ecumenical partners who are already providing assistance with basic items for survival. Our first priority as PDA is to provide funding to these partners on the ground. While the scale of this crisis is new, receiving refugees from Ukraine and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe is not which means we have trusted, established partners with the knowledge and expertise to carry out this important work.
We are hearing that the reformed churches in Ukraine and the region are also feeling called to join in the humanitarian response. PDA, therefore, anticipates that our response will include both financial and technical assistance as the network of faith communities providing humanitarian assistance grows in the months ahead.
As we pray for an end to this violence, we ask the U.S. Government and our European allies to make a commitment to the Ukrainian people for a peaceful solution. We don’t know how long it will take, but we know that they will need help with the rebuilding of their country so that those who are fleeing now may one day return home safely.
Funds are being used for emergency humanitarian aid such as food items, shelter, medicines, diapers, hygiene items, etc.
Session Minutes Review
Dear Pastors and Clerks,
It is time to drop off your 2021 Session Minutes for review by the Representation and Review Committee. The minutes, along with the forms listed below, should be dropped off at the Foothills Presbytery Office (2242 Woodruff Road, Simpsonville, SC 29681) between now and June 16th. Please drop off Monday through Thursday between 9:30 and 4:00.
The completed 2021 minutes will include:
· The 2021 Session Minutes
· The 2021 Congregation Meeting Minutes
*The Representation and Review Committee revised the Clerk’s Annual Review Form
for this year.
If dropping off at the Presbytery Office is not convenient for you, please contact Robin Morris at to arrange a different way to submit the minutes.
Susan Tompkins
Chair, Representation & Review
Robin Morris
Associate Stated Clerk, Foothills Presbytery
SC5 Presbyteries Retreat
(For Ministers, Educators, & Church Leaders)
October 24–26, 2022
Montreat, NC
Theme: Leadership Development Is Great And All That, And What I Really Need Is Some Time Rest, Refresh, & Renew!
How are you feeling these days? Really feeling? Energized, excited and engaged in ministry? Or are you dragging your feet into the pulpit? Contemplating the communion table might be a nice nap location? Or are you mentally designing an escape hatch in your office for that next visit with the pastor? Where is your spark for ministry? Is it possible to lead from a place of wholeness? Is there room for creativity, imagination, and play? How can you experience the fullness of life and living and leading? as Children of God?
See more details HERE, including leadership, registration, accommodations, and daily schedule.
Financial Officers Forum
Thursday, April 21st
12 noon - 1:30pm
A light lunch will be served.
During this gathering, we will be addressing one of the items suggested during our last gathering – stewardship lessons learned from nonprofit organizational practices. A presentation on the donor development cycle will be reviewed, with discussion on its relevance to annual stewardship programming. Roundtable conversation will also be encouraged. As always, we ask that you consider inviting your pastor and others to join us as we learn from one another.
Should you prefer to join us virtually, please let me know and a link will be provided. Thanks so much – see you soon!
Olanda Carr, Jr.
Youth Roundtable
12 noon
Tuesday, May 3
126 Augusta Street, Greenville
Educator's Gathering
Monday, May 9
12 noon
at Tipsy Taco
1133 Woodruff Rd, Greenville
Music Ministry Leaders
Wednesday, May 11
9:00 am
Western Region Gathering
8:00 am
Tuesday, May 24
We will meet at Panera in Anderson!
At the Festival of Homiletics, May 16–20, 2022, you’ll hear respected and thoughtful speakers present on the theme After the Storm: Preaching and Trauma.
To get the most out of the Festival of Homiletics, purchase the recordings for full access to on-demand content you can view anytime:
- All sessions in audio and video formats
- Bonus sermons and lectures from top speakers
- Private social networking with other pastors and leaders
of Homiletics, May 16–20, 2022.
We’re excited about the superb thinkers and teachers who will present on this year’s theme, “After the Storm: Preaching and Trauma”
Antiracism Ministry Team, Foothills Presbytery
Resources we have found challenging and inspirational:
We are excited to announce that our
Since 1948, Camp Fellowship has provided unique summer programs for children & youth of all ages. We strongly believe camp is for everybody and work diligently to create exceptional programs that engage campers and guests in faith formation, community building, personal growth and development, and fun! Join us this summer for our 74th summer on the lake!
Also, Fellowship is offering a discount of $25
for the first 30 registrants from Foothills churches (CODE IS: Foothills25)
Year-Long and Summer Internships
Find life in ministry that crosses linguistic, cultural, and political borders.
Frontera de Cristo is happy to assist interested individuals in creating year-long and summer internships, as well as shorter-term volunteer opportunities. Through these experiences, people join together from both sides of the border to serve in bi-national ministry. You can join our bi-national team of young adult interns for a summer or year-long ministry experience. Share the gifts you bring to the table and discover new ones as you serve alongside our mission co-workers and partner ministries here in DouglaPrieta.
Interns range in age from late high school and undergraduate students seeking a summer of service, to young adults in between phases of life, to seminary students pursuing a life-long career in ministry work. What all interns have in common is a desire to embody God’s love and justice to the people of Agua Prieta and the migrants who pass through our border community. Interns live in a shared Frontera de Cristo apartment in Agua Prieta and utilize bicycles as their main form of transportation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Then, when you are ready, please complete the full intern application form and submit it to
Spring 2022 Volume 3, Issue 3
Summer Study at Yale Divinity School runs June 6 - June 10 in an online format. Spaces are going quickly, so please register today. See the list of course offerings below. Full course descriptions are available online at the Summer Study website.
YDS Summer Study features distinguished faculty and is open to anyone interested in theological education, regardless of background, profession, and age. There are no prior educational requirements. Classes are small in size, run Monday-Friday, and engage with various topics designed to enlighten and enrich. Summer Study includes daily worship and a keynote address.
Participants receive a YDS Certificate of Completion at the end of the course week. Courses can count towards continuing education requirements for some clergy.
Synod of the South Atlantic
African American Clergy
and Educators Virtual Retreats
After much prayer and discernment for the need to remain connected, we will host a few more gatherings for African American Clergy and Educators. If you would like to receive information regarding these events, please submit your direct contact information at
the link for connection will be sent closer to the date of the event
April 29th
(following the Stated Synod Meeting)
July 15th
October 28th
In the past, we have hosted an African American Clergy and Educators Retreat at Epworth by the Sea on Saint Simons Island (GA) around the second week of September. The plan for an in-person retreat of this nature in 2022 is up for discussion. If you are interested in providing dialogue for this discussion, contact Rev. Cecelia D. Armstrong via email at
Considering a call to seminary?
Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA (next-door to Atlanta) is a PC(USA) seminary with a diverse and inclusive community that offers a robust education and full scholarship programs for all masters-level degree students. A seminary education can lead to careers to congregational ministry, chaplaincy, non-profit leadership, education, and so much more. All of our students share one essential characteristic: God has called each one to faithful discipleship and leadership in Christ’s Church.
If you’re interested in more information or a discernment conversation, please contact Sarah Kate Bumgarner at
MAY 2 @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
This is an online course is co-sponsored by the Center for Social Justice & Reconciliation (CSJR) and the Leadership Institute of Union Presbyterian Seminary.
Online Course Title: Awakening the Church to Social Justice
Course Dates: Mondays, May 2 – June 13, 2022, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. ET (No class meeting on May 30)
Course Description: This six-week, online course is designed to provide exposure to some foundational issues of Social Justice, with a view toward encouraging activism in local churches and communities. While historical and theoretical issues of injustice will be the doorway to engaging a more activist life, the focus of the course will ultimately be on possible avenues of practical application for social justice within the context of ministry.
To view a FULL list of upcoming opportunities, visit:
January 25–28, 2023
Birmingham, AL
Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC)
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)
2022 Montreat Youth Conferences
June 5–August 6, 2022
A Montreat Youth Conference affirms youth in their calling to be and to shape the church of Jesus Christ.
Our desire is to help youth come to know and believe that they are the beloved of God and to be a place where authenticity, community, connection, and God’s truth thrive. We seek to be an inclusive space where each voice can be heard and where each heart can be molded; where change is invited, challenge is expected, and where all are embraced.
We have spent the last year, and more, in a season of disconnect through our challenges and circumstances. God calls us to be connected in all aspects of life. Through the stories of Mary and Martha, Jacob and Esau, Jeremiah, and many others, we are reminded that we are all inter-connected in God’s intentional actions. Join us as we explore the many ways that we can reconnect to live out God’s call.
Youth leave Montreat knowing that:
Their faith matters.
They are loved as they are.
They are part of a community of faith.
Mediation Skills Training Institute
or Church Leaders
Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders
- May 9-13, 2022 (online)
- June 13-17, 2022 (in person)
- August 1-5, 2022 (in person)
- November 14-18, 2022 (in person)
- The June session will be held in Fort Mill, South Carolina; the August session will be held in the Chicago area; and the November session will be held in the Phoenix area. Please check our website for updates.
Everyone Has to Deal with Conflict
Conflict is normal and inevitable – whether in the home, school, community, church or workplace. Leaders in all walks of life often have a responsibility to help others work through their conflicts.
The Mediation Skills Training Institute presented by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (LMPC) is designed to equip church leaders with the skills necessary to deal effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict. The five-day institute also includes a component on congregational mediation and consultation, placed within the context of family systems theory.
Although focused primarily on the church setting, the skills learned are directly transferable to other settings. Thus, managers in business, attorneys, experienced mediators, and others in leadership will be enriched by the training as well.
Available Jobs
postings on our
Ghana to Gaffney
Apr 7, 2022
It took five years to get here, but now Vincent Anokye has a new family, a college degree and a wife
Ledger News Editor
8,765 miles from where he was born, Vincent Anokye has found a second home in Gaffney. But his journey to America did not come without obstacles.
Growing up in Ghana, Anokye said he was “blessed and fortunate.” One of five children, his father practiced medicine in Pankrono, a town in Kumasi, while his mother ran a grocery shop in the town. He hoped to follow in his father’s footsteps and obtain a medical degree, but acceptance into medical school in Ghana is difficult, he said. Anokye sought other routes to fulfill his dream and connected with an education consultant who matched him with Limestone College based on his interests and desired field of study.
In 2011, Anokye was granted admission to study biology at Limestone and his plans seemed to be falling into place — until he was denied a study visa by the U.S. Embassy in Ghana. Since medical school in Ghana wasn’t an option for Anokye, he was studying engineering, a field which he had no desire to learn. “I wasn’t making good grades because I didn’t want to be an engineer,” he said. The failing engineering grades raised some eyebrows at the U.S. Embassy, and Anokye believes they were concerned about his commitment to education in America. Read More
Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events
14 Committee on Shared Ministry meeting by Zoom
19 Coordinating Council meeting
25-26 Foothills Presbytery staff Retreat - Office will be closed
27 Antiracism Ministry Team meeting
28 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting
5 Committee on Ministry meeting
7 PYC Interviews
11 Music Ministry Leaders gathering by Zoom
May 21, 2022
November 01, 2022