The way we gather matters. Gatherings consume our days and help determine the kind of world we live in; in both our personal and public realms. Gathering – the conscious bringing together of people for a reason – shapes the way we think, feel, and make sense of our world.[1]
These days, the where, and how we gather has brought, new questions, new challenges, unexcepted joys and surprises. One premise remains; the “why” we gather matters because it produces purpose, and with purpose comes meaning.
As we prepare to gather for the season of Lent, I offer the words to the Hymn, Here in This Place (Glory to God, #401). The words remind us why we yearn to gather and highlight the purpose of Lent as an invitation to reflect and prepare for the coming of Easter morning.
Here in this place new light is streaming
Now is the darkness vanished away
See in this space our fears and our dreamings
Brought here to you in the light of this day
Gather us in, the lost and forsaken
Gather us in, the blind and the lame
Call to us now and we shall awaken
We shall arise at the sound of our name
We are the young, our lives are a mystery
We are the old who yearn for your face
We have been sung throughout all of history
Called to be light to the whole human race
Gather us in, the rich and the haughty
Gather us in, the proud and the strong
Give us a heart so meek and so lowly
Give us the courage to enter the song
Grace and peace, in Christ,
Presbytery Leader & Stated Clerk
[1] Priya Parker – The Art of Gathering: How we Meet and Why it Matters
Foothills Presbytery
Virtual Stated Meeting #116
this Tuesday,
February 16 at 10 am
Sunday after Easter Online Worship Service:
The Foothills Presbytery, in cooperation with the Worship Team, Foothills Music Leaders, and members of the Committee on Shared Ministry, is pleased to offer a free, downloadable online worship for your congregation to use on the Sunday after Easter, April 11, 2021.
The service will use the Revised Common Lectionary scripture for the day (John 20:19-31, Acts 4:32-35, Psalm 133, 1 John 1:1-2:2). When the service is available, we will include a variety of formats for downloading and viewing. An order of worship for a bulletin will also be included.
We hope to have the service available for congregations by Thursday, March 25, 2021.
Celebrating African American
History Month
From the Director by Rhashell D. Hunter
February marks the month when we celebrate and commemorate African American History. At this time, we are reminded of the many accomplishments and contributions of African Americans to this country. The Rev. Michael Moore is the Associate for African American Intercultural Congregational Support. Following are his remarks.
"Is this a Zeitgeist Moment in Black History?"
By Michael Moore
Beloved, the word zeitgeist is a German word. Zeit, means "time," and geist, means "spirit." It means a defining time, mood, or spirit of a particular period of history in a strategic time.
Zeitgeist moments can be described as a perfect moment in time when the right people and the right movements change the social and political landscape, often resulting in a change in policy, social, moral, and cultural norms.
Backs Against The Wall: The Howard Thurman Story
This award-winning documentary explores the extraordinary
life and legacy of one of the most important religious figures of the 20th century. Born the grandson of slaves, Howard Thurman became a spiritual foundation for the Civil Rights Movement, inspiring many of its leaders including Martin Luther King, Jr, Jesse Jackson, and Congressman John Lewis.
In the mid-1930s, Thurman was the first Black American invited to meet Mohandas Gandhi who shared his strategy of non-violent resistance. Gandhi suggested it would be through the African-American experience that the non-violence resistance movement could take on global significance. When Thurman returned to America, his writings and speeches planted the early seeds for the non-violent Civil Rights Movement. Read more
Three new COVID-19 Resources
This Lenten season devotional invites readers to learn more about the brutal institution of slavery and its impact on Black people in America and recognize how its evolution and legacy continue to harm their descendants in the United States today. Each of the forty devotions includes the testimony of a person who escaped slavery through the Underground Railroad, a Scripture passage, and a reflection connecting biblical and historical themes to challenge modern readers to work for liberation. Reflecting on Lenten themes of exodus, redemption, discipline, and repentance, readers, both Black and white, will be empowered for the work of racial justice.
Are you looking for great RESOURCES for LENT
that are suitable for
faith formation of all ages?
Church educators and leaders from Foothills Presbytery and Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda (Presbyterian Church of Canada) have been working in collaboration to create weekly, interactive Lent Gardens that are designed to invite us all to read and reflect on the scriptures and stories of this season as we journey together with Jesus and his followers toward Jerusalem.
With this garden project we imagined lots of reading and conversation in our homes around these life-changing stories. We also imagined a broad variety of additional, multi-sensory activities for all ages that connect and expand our understanding and experience of this season.
Using Google classroom format, we have created interactive gardens that will invite people to open the door to a Lenten world of discovery and transformation. This resource is easy for its users as well as easy for you to upload to your church website, facebook page or share through a weekly email.
If you’d like to receive more information about this resource, please email Pressley Cox, Associate for Shared Mission and Ministry, at
Spring Lay School Cancelled
It is with much regret that the spring session of Lay School scheduled for March 19 - 21 is cancelled. Presbyterian College is not permitting outside groups on campus, and the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery office where the fall session was held is now fully furnished and does not lend itself to a classroom setup. Our hope is that the October session may become a reality.
The next Zoom
Educator's Gathering
11:00 am
Thursday, February 18
"APCE Share"
The next
Zoom gathering of the
Western Region pastors and CREs is
March 1 at 9:00 am
The next
Youth Roundtable
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Tuesday, March 2
by Zoom
The next gathering of Foothills
9:00 am
Wednesday, March 10
by Zoom
Pastors and church leaders of the Synod of South Atlantic, save the date for an upcoming Church Leaders’ Forum:
Leading the Church into the Post COVID World
Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 3:00 - 4:30 pm
via ZOOM
Presenter: Tod Bolsinger (MDiv, PhD), Associate Professor of Leadership Formation at Fuller Theological Seminary, author of Canoeing the Mountains and Tempered Resilience.
We are excited to share our 2021 Summer Camp schedule!
This summer will look a little different with new COVID-19 protocols and policies in place, but we are certain the fun, laughter, and fellowship will all be totally worth it.
Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully
Leaders Listen
by Rodger Nishioka
For 15 years I was privileged to serve as a professor at Columbia Theological Seminary. One of the last courses the seniors are required to take before they graduate is titled Final Things. In it, we professors try to prepare them for whatever ministry to which God is calling them. One essential practice we highlight is listening… Read the full article
This article is the first in a 12-part series focusing on PC(USA) leader formation as a part of the Year of Leader Formation: Investing in Ruling Elders and Deacons. Additional resources are available at
The 2021 S.T.E.P.S. (Studying, Teaching, Equipping, Praying, Serving) Planning Team is offering a one session online STEPS event on
Saturday, February 27 from 8:30-11:00 am
There is no cost, but you must register by Monday, February 22.
Participants will have the opportunity to take one of the following three one-hour workshops followed by worship.
The workshop options will be:
The Pandemic and Children and Youth lead by Rachel Ward
Planning for Holy Week and Easter lead by Sanctified Art
Holy Disunity: How What Separates Us Can Save Us lead by the book’s author Layton Williams.
Available Jobs
postings on our
Called to Justice: Seeking Change within
the Classroom, Congregation, & Community
This two-day online conference event is designed to equip and inspire church and ministry leaders to enact social justice within their own ministry context and sphere of influence. Two keynote addresses and four workshops will highlight the need to bring about and advocate for social justice in the church. Participants will also learn and be challenged by ways to involve the church within social and racial justice issues.
The Called To Justice conference takes place Wednesday, February 24, and Thursday, February 25. A variety of options are available to attend all or portions of this online event.
Learn more and register HERE.
Dr. Marvin McMickle: Be My Witness, A study of Acts 1:6-8 + closing & keynote
Dr. Rebecca Davis: Teaching Social Justice in Comfortable Congregations
Dr. Brandon McCormack: Church in These Streets: Pandemic, Protest and Public Theological Witness
Celebrate Mr. Rogers’ Day- March 20
Fred Rogers was an ordained minister of word and sacrament for the PC(USA) and is a notable public figure whose work around peace and reconciliation are worth remembering. Rogers was also a pioneer in the world of Christian education and formation of young children.
March 20th was his birthday and the day that the PC(USA) has chosen to highlight all we can learn from his work. This QuickSheet is a compilation of ideas and resources for faith communities to engage in this emphasis day, such as hymn suggestions and Scripture connections; and movies, television, and more. This online resource includes a list of ‘10 things to do’ to participate in Mr. Rogers’ emphasis day, such as leading a children’s sermon about “being yourself.”
“Leading with Remarkability: Creating noteworthy experiences in the middle of a pandemic.”
In this short webinar, Trey Wince from Ministry Architects will offer key tools and insights for creating a simple-but-memorable experience that will capture your congregation’s imagination and boost enthusiasm during a season otherwise marked by low buy-in. These experiences will lay the groundwork for your congregation to reengage with church life, as our country prepares to reopen over the next eight months.
The teaching portion of the webinar will be 30 minutes, followed by a Q&A session.
The webinar will be offered on Monday, March 1 at noon and 4:00 pm. Information about registration coming soon.
May 17-21, 2021
At the 2021 Festival of Homiletics, you’ll hear respected and thoughtful speakers present on the theme: Preaching for the Future Church.
But to get the most out of the Festival of Homiletics, purchase the recordings for full access to on-demand content you can view anytime:
- All sessions in audio and video formats
- Live workshops
- Bonus sermons and lectures from top speakers
- Private social networking with other pastors and leaders
The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center will offer in-person attendance in the Chicago area for its Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders (MSTI) on August 2-6, 2021. If in the interests of safety they must revert to an online format, LMPC will offer registrants a refund or full credit towards another session of MSTI. Openings still remain for the sessions of MSTI in March, May, and June, all of which will be conducted online via Zoom. For more information please consult this detailed MSTI Brochure. Register now at no risk for the workshop a previous attendee described as “the Golden Globe winner of conflict resolution programs!” For online registration go to For more information contact LMPC at 630-627-0507 or
We know some of our churches use Eco-Palms for Palm Sunday. We want to share this note we received from them:
COVID has created some difficulties for Eco-Palms but they do plan to provide palms this year and orders should open on the 15th. Thank you!
Redesigned. Streamlined. Everything You Need to Find.
The Yale Youth Ministry Institute website has been redesigned to make it even easier to find the training materials, curriculum, videos, and other resources that you need for ministry. Find everything you need to enrich your development, and train and equip your team at Yale Youth Ministry Institute.
NEXT Church
A Call For The Common Good
A FREE Live-Streamed Gathering for ALL Church Leaders
March 5-7, 2021
Interested in having a Zoom Video Conference Meeting,
but you don't have an account? The Presbytery can help!
If you have a request, please have your Pastor or Clerk of Session contact LeAnne White (via email) and include the following information:
- Name of person making request
- Church
- Phone
- Date for Zoom Meeting
- Time (begin and end) no more than 2 hours
- Approx number of those attending
The Birthday Offering of
Presbyterian Women
The Birthday Offering of Presbyterian Women celebrates our history of generous giving. Launched in 1922 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Woman’s Auxiliary in the Presbyterian Church in the United States, the Birthday Offering has become an annual tradition. It has funded over 200 major mission projects that continue to impact people in the United States and around the world. While the projects and donation amounts have changed, Presbyterian Women’s commitment to improving the lives of women and children has not. We ask for your support so that PW can continue funding mission projects like the ones selected for 2021.
Give as you have been blessed, generously and as led by the Holy Spirit.
Please join us for the
Upstate CROP
Hunger (Virtual) Walk
on Sunday, March 21, 2021!
It’s still a walking activity for all ages, but for reasons of safety and social distancing we won’t be gathering in one large event this year. Participants and teams will commit to walking on their own or in small groups in their neighborhoods, parks, or trails on walk day. We will still need individuals and teams to sign up and fundraise as usual with a registration envelope or online at
As COVID-19 continues to impact us all, hunger remains a serious issue and the needs have become even more urgent this year. The Upstate CROP Hunger Walk is committed to continuing the fight against hunger and poverty in our community as well as globally. With your help, we will respond to the COVID-19 crisis by supporting the hunger fighting and life-saving work of Loaves & Fishes of Greenville and Church World Service.
We will host a Zoom call for all Team Captains and others who are interested that will answer all your questions on Thursday, Feb. 11th (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM).
Please let us know if your group plans to participate in the Upstate CROP Hunger Walk this year and we’ll make sure you get the Zoom link and all the materials and information you need. Thank you for your wonderful support of hungry families in the Upstate area and around the world. Feel free to contact us for further information.
Rend Hind, Event Chairperson, 2021 Upstate CROP Hunger Walk
Sunday, June 13-Sunday, June 27, 2021
What does it mean to care for creation?
Are Christians called to respond to climate change?
Is it possible to live sustainably for the benefit of future generations?
Theologically curious high school students are invited to apply before January 1, 2021 for the 2021 Lux Summer Theological Institute. Safety permitting, the program will be held in-person at Presbyterian-related Monmouth College (Monmouth, IL).
Funded by the Lilly Endowment, the Lux Institute is an opportunity for students to engage with a topic of global importance and participate in a living-learning community through study, worship, service, recreation, and vocational exploration.
Scholarships are available to cover all program expenses for the two-week program, with the exception of travel.
A free shuttle to/from Chicago airports is provided.
Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events
11 Statistical Reports Due
16 Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting #116
18 Christian Educators Gathering (Zoom); No Examinations Commission this month
22 Foothills Staff meeting and CPM Students Check-in (Zoom)
23 Antiracism Ministry Team meeting
25 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting (Zoom)
28 PYC leading Youth Group at Easley
2 Youth Roundtable
4 Committee on Ministry meeting (Zoom)
February 16, 2021
May 15, 2021
Nov 9, 2021
9:00 am - 2:00 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting # 118