October 16, 2020
Foothills Newsletter
Foothills Presbytery
Stated Meeting #115
November 10 at 10 am

Orientation for Commissioners and Ministers
on November 5 at 5:30  
We have been asked
to share this information with
all Pastors:

Pastoral visits are allowed*
and welcomed at PRISMAAnMed Health, and Spartanburg Regional Hospital Systems.

Preference is for visits to be during regular visiting hours.

Present yourself as clergy when you arrive, and be prepared to follow COVID-19 precautions upon entry.

*Most still adhere to the one visitor at a time policy.
SC5 Presbyteries Minister/Educator
Virtual Retreat (Zoom)

‘A Word in Its Season’: Effective Speech in the Bible and Our Fractured Political Moment

Rev. Samuel Adams, PhD
Oct 27 & 28
** There is no cost for the participants. **
Tuesday 2 Sessions (Morning & Afternoon)
Wednesday 1 Session (Morning)
This retreat will examine speech in the Bible, from the prophets to the sages to Jesus himself. We will look at different forms of speech and how the biblical authors discuss effective rhetoric, especially the prophets and ancient sages responsible for wisdom literature. Then we will consider our current moment of polarization and how church leaders might engage complex, difficult issues. A session will also be devoted to online speech and how one might be a faithful witness to the Gospel in the age of social media.

Session I – “Persuasive Speech in Wisdom Instructions, Prophetic Works, and Our Fractured Political Moment”
Session II – “The Invocation of the Bible in American Political Rhetoric”
Session III – “Effective Online Witness in the Era of Polarization (and Covid)”

Reading of 2019 Session Minutes

To: All Clerks and Pastors
It's not too late to have your 2019 Session Minutes reviewed. Please drop off the 2019 minutes, including the Clerk's Guidelines for Session Minutes Review Form & the Financial Review Form at the Presbytery office. A copy of the minutes will be acceptable this year if you would prefer not to leave your minutes' notebook at the office.
Leave the minutes, along with your name and contact information, on the counter inside the door during office hours, Monday-Thursday 9:30-4 pm. Once a member of the Representation and Review Committee has reviewed your minutes, you will be contacted for pick up.
You can also mail a copy of your minutes, along with the Clerk's Form and the Financial Review Form, to Foothills Presbytery, 2242 Woodruff Road, Simpsonville, SC, 29681.
Be sure to fill out the Clerk's Form in detail. Please include dates where check list items can be found to assist the reviewers. Tabs for each item are helpful and strongly suggested. Post-its work well as tabs.
Thank you for your faithful service!
Representation and Review Committee
We are all learning how to be the church of Jesus Christ in new and creative ways, using technology for worship, education, mission, and even pastoral care. These times are challenging but they also give us the opportunity to find ways to love and serve Christ together, even when we are apart.
The Synod of South Atlantic, through our connections and relationships, engages in mission and ministry committed to:

 Ensure full integration of diversity in all of its life and work.
 Equip and empower transformational leadership.
 Provide for mutual enrichment among the leadership of our 16 presbyteries.
 Use innovative technology to accomplish its purpose, model effective communication strategies, and share best practices.
It’s 2021–22 application season for the
Young Adult Volunteer program
Apply by Jan. 1, 2021, for early placement at sites within the U.S. and around the world.
LOUISVILLE — The 2021–22 Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) application season opened Oct. 1. Access the online application here.
For nearly 30 years, the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has been instrumental in helping 19- to 30-year-olds experience a year of service at sites within the U.S. and around the world.
The YAV program is for all Christian young adults, not exclusively Presbyterians, in the belief that people are called and equipped by God for service in many forms. Since the early 1990s, more than 1,700 young adults have participated in a year of service at 45 different sites in 19 countries.
Although the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has a travel ban in place through June 30, 2021, staff are stepping out on faith and making plans for an “in-person” YAV year of service in 2021–22 (August to August), exploring possibilities for a virtual orientation and partial virtual year.
Virtual Worship Service
Available for your Church

Foothills Presbytery's Committee on Shared Ministry, Worship Committee, and Music Ministry Peer Group, are pleased to offer a free, downloadable online worship for your congregation to use at any time.
The service is centered on Psalm 46, with the theme, "Listening for the Word of God." It is the collective effort of over 30 presbytery church leaders, and is designed to offer words of hope, wisdom, and unity during a time when despair and distance intimidate the Church.
It is our hope that this service offers respite for ministry leaders who have been tirelessly generating online content during the pandemic. The service is 41 minutes long, allowing time for your church to add announcements or other congregation-specific worship elements.
The service can be downloaded as an mp4 file from this Google Drive link and uploaded to the streaming platform your congregation uses for online worship.
For questions, please contact our Stated Clerk & Presbytery Leader Debbie Foster, dfoster@foothillspresbytery.org. May this service glorify God, remind us of our unity in Christ Jesus, and give us continued strength and hope for the journey. 
Join us!
Youth Ministry Leader's ROUNDTABLE
Tuesday, November 3
12:00 - 1:30 pm 
Zoom link will be emailed to the group.
The next gathering of Foothills

9:00 am
Wednesday, November 11
by Zoom
Anti-racism Training
What’s Essential: Discerning the Church’s Work Amid the Twin Pandemics of Structural Racism & COVID-19
October 23–25, 2020
Interested in having a Zoom Video Conference Meeting,
but you don't have an account? The Presbytery can help!
If you have a request, please have your Pastor or Clerk of Session contact LeAnne White (via email) and include the following information:

  • Name of person making request
  • Church
  • Phone
  • Date for Zoom Meeting 
  • Time (begin and end) no more than 2 hours
  • Approx number of those attending
Presbyterian Women, PC(USA) presents
"Into the Light" Music Webinar with Lynn Miller!

During her virtual Bible Study webinar of the 2020–2021 PW/Horizons Bible study, Into the Light, author Lynn Miller stated, "biblical laments are more than sad songs. As effective as they are, sad songs communicate emotion but rarely are they places to look for hope." We invite you to explore these ideas with Lynn during a webinar workshop on the music of lament. 
Many songs will be shared on screen and Lynn will refer to the Glory to God hymnal. Click here if you would like to purchase your own copy of the Glory to God hymnal from the PCUSA Store.

Sign up for a (virtual) PW music webinar with Lynn. Seating is limited, so sign up today!

Note: This workshop is on EASTERN time.
Date: 10/28/2020 (Wed.)Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT

At Foothills, we have traditionally had an annual recognition and celebration of the lives of ruling elders, teaching elders, and teaching elder spouses who have died during the last 12 months. A few years ago we moved this to our November presbytery meeting in honor of All Saints. 

We ask presbyters to give prayerful recognition of the life and service of those ruling elders, teaching elders, and teaching elder spouses whose lives on earth have ended.
If you know of any Ruling Elders, Teaching Elders, or Teaching Elder spouses that have passed from November 2019 until now and should be honored at our November 10, 2020 Presbytery Meeting, please notify us by email to wtempleton@foothillspresbytery.org.
Board of Pensions earns national recognition for diversity and inclusion work

The Board of Directors of The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has been recognized nationally for making diversity and inclusion a priority — both throughout the agency and in its own makeup. The Board is one of 10 finalists for the annual NACD NXT awards, presented by the National Association of Corporate Directors, whose membership represents over half of the Fortune 1000. Read More
We’ve made Montreat@Home a balance of contemplation and creation. There are daily opportunities to listen and cultivate your faith as a community, even in the midst of social distancing.

Leaders will be given access to activities, guides, videos, and other resources that will equip them to lead an adjusted conference for their youth whenever they are able to gather together in whatever capacity they are able or allowed.

Learn more about Montreat@Home here
Contact Susie Burns, Director of Church Relations, at susieb@montreat.org or 828.419.9814 with questions about the program.

The last session of Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders for this year will be November 16-20, 2020. This outstanding 5-day event helps participants deal more effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict. The tentative dates for next year are March 1-5, May 3-7, June 21-25, August 2-6, October 4-8, and November 15-19, 2021. No decision has yet been made with regard to returning to an in-person format, so attendees will need access to a device with both a camera and a microphone. Questions? Contact the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center at Admin@LMPeaceCenter.org or 630-627-0507. To receive a $200 tuition discount for the November 2020 session, register no later than October 16. Register ONLINE for any of our events scheduled for this year. 
On Oct 06, 2020 11:31 am
by Pete Perry

Exodus 16 (selected verses)
They had been at it for six weeks.
Wandering in the wilderness.
Wondering what would happen to them next.
Dislocated. Not knowing the next place they would sleep.
Anxious that they would not be able to find food.
Scared they would not make it but instead would die in the desert.
So they turned on their leaders, Moses and Aaron.
“If only we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt; when we sat by the fleshpots and ate our fill of bread; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.” 1

Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events

20 Sexual Ethics Committee meeting & Financial Forum
22 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting
27-28 SC5 Minister/Educator VIRTUAL Retreat
28 Foothills Staff meeting & Investment Committee meeting

3 Youth Roundtable
5 Committee on Ministry meeting
8 PYC Meeting
9 Foothills staff meeting
10 Presbytery Stated Meeting - by Zoom

November 10 - ZOOM Meeting

February 16

May 15

Nov 9, 2021
9:00 am - 2:00 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting # 118
Resource Center of Foothills Presbytery