December 14, 2023

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O Holy night![i] The stars are brightly shining

It is the night of our dear Savior's birth!

Long lay the world in sin and error pining

'Til He appears and the soul felt its worth

A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Fall on your knees; O hear the Angel voices!

O night divine, O night when Christ was born

O night, O Holy night, O night divine!


Led by the light of faith serenely beaming

With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand

So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming

Here came the wise men from the orient land

The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger

In all our trials born to be our friend

He knows our need, to our weakness no stranger

Behold your King, before Him lowly bend

Behold your King, your King, before Him lowly bend

Truly He taught us to love one another

His law is love and His gospel is peace

Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother

And in His name all oppression shall cease

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we

Let all within us praise His holy name

Christ is the Lord, then ever, ever praise we

His power and glory evermore proclaim

His power and glory evermore proclaim

           Since creation, God's people have been waiting for the Messiah. They experienced slavery, famine, and war. They spent years wandering in the wilderness. They cried out to God, celebrated new life, and grieved those who died along the way. God's people endured generations of anxiety and uncertainty as they waited, watched, and wondered. I imagined they asked, "When will we see a light?" Then came "A Thrill of Hope."

           The world is shifting in so many ways: wars, political feuds, economic disparity, grief, and suffering are as real now as when O Holy Night[ii] was written. As the hymn reads in verse two: "He [Jesus] knows our need, to our weakness [he is] no stranger!"

           Be reminded that God loves us enough to shower us with grace and hope, to enter "the muck and mire" of our lives, and to point to what will come. O come, all ye faithful,[iii] joyful and triumphant O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem. O come and behold Him, born the King of Angels. O come, let us adore Him. O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.

           These times hold immense potential for our lives to be transformed by God's generosity and grace. 


Presbytery Leader & Stated Clerk

[i] Flash Mob @ the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

[ii] History of O Holy Night

[iii] O Come, All Ye Faithful – Pentatonix

Nativity by artist Mary Sullivan

South Carolina's


“Alphabet Soup Retreat”

Providing Education and Training for Ministry Effectiveness

FOR WHOM? Committees/Commissions on Ministry (COM), Committees on Preparation for Ministry (CPM), Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Permanent Judicial Commissions (PJC)

WHAT? Statewide COM-CPM-PDA-PJC Retreat for the Five SC Presbyteries

WHERE? Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church (USA) 530 St. Andrews Rd

Columbia, SC 29210

WHEN? 7:00 P.M. Friday, February 23, 2024 – 3:00 P.M. Saturday, February 24, 2024

COST? $40 per person for materials, lunch, and speakers (See flyer for Hotel info)


For COMs: Darius Bultena – General Presbyter and Stated Clerk of the

Presbytery of Tropical Florida

For CPMs: Tim Cargal, Manager - Preparation for Ministry, Office of the General Assembly, Mid Council Ministries

For PDAs: Jim Kirk - Associate for Disaster Response (U.S.), Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

For PJCs: Flor Ve’lez-Diaz - Manager of Judicial Process, Office of the General Assembly



Elder REFRESH Training

February 3 at Providence Church

10 am - 3 pm

This workshop, led by the Rev. Tom Malone, is for newly ordained Elders and those who have previously served. It will focus on the four areas on which our Book of Order requires each new officer to be examined:

1) Personal Faith

2) Reformed Doctrines and Beliefs

3) Presbyterian Polity

4) Duties of the Office of Elder or Deacon


Lunch will be served. The cost for the workshop is $10 to offset the cost of lunch.


Dear Friends,


This is a reminder that it is now time to enter your 2023 Statistical Report. 

The Statistical Report can be completed at (

Please remember, the program works best using one of the following web browsers: Firefox, Safari, or Chrome. 

We urge you to complete your report by the FIRST of FEBRUARY

to avoid long waiting times when you log onto the Office of General Assembly site.



IS FEBRUARY 8, 2024.


User IDs and church passwords are the same as in previous years. Please email me or call me if you need log-on information for your church.


Thank you,

LeAnne White

Foothills Presbytery office


Willimon, William H. Heaven and Earth: Advent and the Incarnation. Abingdon Press, 2023. (242.332 Willimon)

It’s not within our own power to make a fresh start. If we’re to have a future different from the past, it must come as a gift, something not of our devising. What we need is a God who refuses to be trapped in eternity, a God who not only cares about us but is willing to show up among us and do something with us, here, now.

Willimon introduces the God who does just that, bringing heaven to earth and changing everything. In Advent we celebrate and anticipate the earth-shaking, life-transforming good news that God is coming to us.

When using this book as part of a four-week study, four videos—each 11 minutes long— featuring Will Willimon may be streamed using Foothills Presbytery’s Audacity subscription. User accounts are available to each congregation in the Presbytery. Video topics match the book chapters: “Meanwhile”, “Surprised”, “Light”, and “Rejoice.”

Accompanying material available for purchase but NOT owned by the Resource Center: a separate Leader’s Guide, and a DVD for use in locations where the Audacity videos cannot be streamed.

Save the Date

SC5 School of Theology

2024 Spring Semester

March 8 & 9, 2024

at Presbyterian College

Additional information will be provided in January.


Walkers Chapel Presbyterian Church

on their

150th Church Anniversary

November 19th.

Foothills Peer Ministry

Youth Leaders Roundtable

will not meet in January.

Our next meeting is Thursday, February 1.

Christian Educators Gathering

is January 8 at 12 noon

at First Anderson.

Music Ministry


next gathering is

Wedneday, January 10

at 9 am - Zoom.

Resource we have found challenging and inspirational:

Nazareth Church will begin a new holiday tradition this December and participate with thousands of other cemeteries in Wreaths Across America. The purpose of the event is to honor all veterans who served in war or peacetime. The event is sponsored by the Battle of Cowpens Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). 

Nazareth Cemetery has 254 veterans going back to the Revolutionary War. Each will have a wreath placed on their resting place from December 16th until the first week in January.

The commitment of Nazareth is to allow the organizers to access our grounds and to identify the veteran’s graves that will be decorated. They are confident that Nazareth members will respond with full support and participation in the event. However, they will need the help of other sponsors from the community. They are asking for everyone to visit the Wreaths Across America website and follow this link to go directly to Nazareth’s dedicated page

Full Flyer



The Presbyterian Promise Scholarship is a commitment by Presbyterian College (PC) to recognize students for their merit and affiliation with the Presbyterian Church. PC seeks to develop students academically and spiritually in this signature scholarship. Students who are of members of Presbyterian churches will receive a scholarship for a minimum of $20,000 per year for up to four years—that’s an $80,000 commitment to you. For more information and to apply visit our site:

What Child is This?: The Perfect Gift- Leadership Past, Present and Future

This is the theme for the 2023 Christmas Joy Special Offering: Leadership Past, Present, and Future. The Christmas Joy season is December 3-24. If you haven’t received your resource packet, go to or call 800-728-7228, ext 5047

An online leadership event

JANUARY 6, 2024

Keynote Presenter: Joyce MacKichan Walker


Big Ideas in Youth Ministry

Trauma Informed Education

A Year in Youth and Children's Ministry

Polity for Session and Diaconate Meetings

Decently & In Order: The Role of a Clerk of Session

Opening Doors to Discipleship Website: A How to Guide


$25 pp, ($20 2nd person from the same church, $10 3rd nd more from the same church)

A NEXUS OF CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION in Educational Leadership, Research, and Practice


Matthew 25 Summit: An Invitation to Innovation

Join us in Atlanta, GA, following Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, January 16–18, 2024, for a first-of-its-kind event! 

Come hungry, leave nourished.

We understand - being a young adult is hard. Life is messy. And it can be hard to find your footing in the midst of so many major life transitions. That’s why we created The Manna Retreat, a special place for 22-32(ish) year olds to find belonging and spiritual nourishment. During this three-day conference, we will

worship together, participate in small groups, eat our meals together, and spend our free time playing games by the fireplace and hiking around Montreat.

Register today at!

Reminders from your Stated Clerk

  • Changes in Foothills Presbytery's Terms of Call for Pastors 
  • Changes to the Book of Order (PCUSA)
  • Changes in the PCUSA Board Pensions Health Care Plan for Retirees and Pastors




Click the button below to view the October - 

On the Road to GA226 Newsletter 

On the Road to GA226 Publication




Presbyterian Women’s Church-wide Gathering

August 8-11, 2024 in St Louis, MO 

Are you making plans to attend?  

Want to know what happens at such a gathering?  Click video on the right!

Registration is now available online! 


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions at all! 


Foothills Presbytery Office


$25 per person - Saturday Day of Training with lunch

Click HERE to learn more!

Charleston Atlantic Presbytery BUS transportation to St. Louis!

Transportation—Kelly Tours:

• Trip to St. Louis, MO takes 12 hours & 37 minutes. Bus will depart August 7, 2024

• Bus seats 56 passengers, to be comfortable we are looking for 40 ladies to commit. Last time we picked up ladies in Columbia & Spartanburg.

• There will be a Relay Driver and regular driver due to regulations.

Read More Here

Questions? Contact

REGISTER HERE by February 23

St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church has a partner youth mission ministry called Camp RHINO. Camp RHINO is a week-long mission experience for youth. We partner with local non-profit organizations, so groups can do service projects with one or a variety of non-profits. In the past, Camp RHINO groups have built homes with Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together, packed food delivery boxes for Second Harvest Food Bank, assisted in homeless outreach and shelters, worked in community gardens, and volunteered with other programs.



  • WEEK ONE : JUNE 3-7 
  • WEEK TWO : JUNE 10-14
  • WEEK THREE : JUNE 17-21
  • WEEK FOUR : JULY 15-19


Interested Churches May Register at WWW.RHINONOLA.ORG, or schedule a phone call with our YAV RHINO Volunteer and recent Pittsburgh Theological Seminary graduate Steff Johnson at:”  Steff’s Office Number : 504-897-0101 ex. 117

Young Adult Leadership Link (YALL)

JULY 22-27, 2024


Join us for an enriching five-day gathering at Presbyterian College, Clinton, S.C., where rising high school juniors and seniors will come together to explore their callings and gifts for leadership in the church. 

Co-hosted by the Miller Summer Youth Institute at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and the Office of Spiritual Life at Presbyterian College, this unique event offers students the chance to learn from experienced faculty and staff from both institutions, to delve into vocational discernment activities, and to engage in guided theological reflection. This gathering promises to be a transformative experience for those seeking to explore their callings and who want to learn more about what the path to leadership in the church might look like! 

Students can expect to engage in group discernment activities, enjoy downtime on the Presbyterian College campus and in the City of Greenville, and participate in worship. Room and board will be provided on the PC campus. 


Apply for Montreat Summer Staff!

Do you know a young adult looking for a summer job? Montreat Conference Center is currently accepting applications for its 2024 Summer Staff season. All young adults who are at least one year out of high school are invited to apply.

Available positions cover a wide range of skills and interests such as A/V production, childhood education, marketing, environmental studies, hospitality, and more! All positions are paid and include the option to live on campus. Plus, certain positions may qualify for college credit.

This is a great opportunity to gain valuable job experience and enjoy life in our close-knit mountain community. If you think someone you know would be interested, please encourage them to apply at!

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Studying Scripture and the Issues of Christian Faith and Life

Baptism is a life-defining event that emphasizes a commitment from God to God’s family and from us to God’s creation. It is not a checkbox occurrence, but a lifetime process that is complete only in death. Therefore, it is important for the leadership of the church to keep the commitment of baptism always present as it gets involved in Christ’s mission by “studying Scripture and the issues of Christian faith and life.”

Most baptismal services in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) include liturgies that echo the Book of Common Worship and ask the congregation two questions:

“Do you, as members of the church of Jesus Christ, promise to guide and nurture this person by word and deed, with love and prayer? Will you encourage her/him/them to know and follow Christ and to be faithful members of his church?” READ MORE

2024 Offerings:

Leadership & Hybrid Ministry in the New Media Landscape with the Rev. Dr. Angela Gorrell

Zoom | January 8, 15, 22, and 29 | 11 am - 1 pm Eastern | 4 Sessions

Living in a new media landscape is as daunting as it is exhausting. You may be feeling fresh out of resilience, creativity, and agility. This course will help you to lean into your expertise while attending to what matters most for ministry in a new media landscape. 

The Sequel: Jesus Continued in the Book of Acts with the Rev. Dr. Allen Hilton

Zoom | Jan. 11 – Feb. 29 | 7:30 pm Eastern | 8 Sessions

Luke’s intro to the Book of Acts summarizes his whole 24-chapter Gospel — Jesus’ birth, childhood, teaching, preaching, wonder-working, passion, death, and resurrection — as "all that Jesus began to do and teach.” (Acts 1.1) 

Developing Your Praxis for Building Diverse Youth Communities with Dr. Brian Ragsdale, Ph.D.

Zoom | February 7 | 12 - 1:30 pm Eastern

In this interactive presentation and dialogue, we explore youth identity development from understanding the synergies between holding multiple identities, for example, Black, neurodivergent, LGBTQIA. Geared toward youth leaders, layperson, and youth ministers. 

Healthy Congregations

On March 5, 2024, we will be hosting our Healthy Congregations workshop in Fort Mill, SC. The training will be conducted from 9 am to 4 pm at Grace Presbyterian Church in Fort Mill. Here is a brief description of the workshop:

  • The Healthy Congregations workshop is designed to equip leaders to respond to the presence or potential threat of anxiety in a congregational system in ways that prevent destructive conflict and help the church stay focused on its unique mission and purpose. This workshop will help you:
  • Learn how you as a leader can influence the health of your congregation – how to detect and avoid unhealthy patterns of living together in community
  • Learn how to keep anxiety from becoming infectious
  • Gain confidence in responding to challenges and opportunities
  • Learn how to put limits on invasive behavior, manage reactivity, and overcome sabotage
  • Discover how leaders can function as the congregation’s immune system
  • Learn to focus on strengths, resources, options, and the future

Additional Training Opportunities:

Conflict Transformation Skills for Churches

Conflict is a normal part of life; unfortunately, the church is not exempt. This workshop will give participants the knowledge and skills necessary to manage conflicts within their congregations in a healthier manner.

Mediation Skills Training Institute

This 5-day event is designed to equip church leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to deal effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict. It also includes a component on congregational mediation and consultation, placed within the context of family systems theory. Although focused primarily on the church setting, the skills learned are directly transferable to other settings, including the business and academic worlds.

Click here to see additional 

Available Jobs

on our website.

Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events



2 Foothills Office back open after Christmas break.

5-7 PYC High School Retreat

8 Educators Gathering

10 Music Leaders Gathering Zoom

11 Investment Committee meeting, Committee on Ministry meeting, and Committee on Shared Ministry meeting (at Eastminster)

15 Office Closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Birthday

16 Coordinating Council meeting

18 Sexual Ethics Team meeting

20 Racial Ethnic Cabinet meeting

22 Antiracism Ministry Team meeting

24-27 APCE Annual Event

25 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting

Foothills Presbytery Featured Events

Foothills Presbytery Calendar

2024 Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings

  • February 20, 2024, at Fountain Inn
  • May 18, 2024, at Limestone
  • August 3, 2024 (Virtual)
  • November 12, 2024

Camp Fellowship

Resource Center of Foothills Presbytery

Stewardship of Creation Connections Nov - Dec, 2023 Newsletter