On Tuesday, November 1, many of us will get to gather for the 121st Stated Meeting of Foothills Presbytery. The Trinity Church in Travelers Rest is hosting us for the day. We begin at 9:30 AM with a welcome from the host church followed by worship. We are honored to have the Reverend Dr. Victor Aloyo, the new President of Columbia Theological Seminary, bring the proclamation of the word.
If you are a member or friend of a church in Foothills Presbytery, we invite you to join us. We will celebrate the Great Cloud of Witnesses (Ministers and Elders) who entered the Church Triumphant last year. We will also welcome five new Ministers to Foothills, examine a Candidate for Ordination, offer gratitude to three retiring Ministers, and examine two seminary students to move into Candidacy in preparation for the Ministry process. In other words, we have lots to celebrate! Registration for the day, lunch ($10), and childcare are here.
Grace and peace,
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Debbie G. Foster
Presbytery Leader and Stated Clerk
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The fourth Quarter CFO Forum is Tuesday, October 18th
We will gather in-person at the Foothills Presbytery Office, 2242 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681. Our time together will begin at noon and adjourn on or before 1:30 pm. A light lunch will be served.
During this gathering, we will explore the topic suggested at our last gathering -- communication practices related to stewardship education. I will share recent trends related to this topic. Roundtable conversation will also be encouraged. As always, we ask that you consider inviting your pastor and others to join us as we learn from one another.
To assist us with appropriate preparation, please kindly RSVP by sending a quick email to confirm your attendance to ( or Warren Templeton ( by EOD Friday, October 14th.
Should you prefer to join us virtually, please let me know and a link will be provided. Thanks so much – see you soon!
Olanda Carr, Jr.
Senior Ministry Relations Officer – East Region
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Honoring All Saints
Foothills Presbytery has a tradition of recognizing and celebrating the lives of Ruling Elders and Ministers (and their spouses), who have entered the Church Triumphant in the last year. We rely on you, our church leaders, to let us know the names of your saints who have faithfully served your congregation and God's beloved community.
Please send the names of those Elders and Ministers (and their spouses) who have died since November 2021 through the present. We will honor and recognize them during worship at our November Stated Meeting of Presbytery.
Please send names to Warren Templeton, no later than October 19.
Thank you!
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Resources we have found challenging and inspirational:
If you missed the screening of At the River: Struggle and Grace in the Segregated South but still want to see the movie, we have another opportunity in Foothills:
Fort Hill Presbyterian will host a screening of
At the River: Struggle and Grace in the Segregated South on
Monday, February 6th, 2023 at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary.
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January 25–28, 2023
Birmingham, AL
Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex
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Registration is now available online and we encourage you to do it now before the December 3 early bird registration deadline.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions at all!
Foothills Presbytery Office
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Children's Educators
The next lunch gathering is
Monday, October 24
at John Knox
(different Monday due to school holidays)
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Youth Leaders Roundtable
Thursday, November 3
at 12 noon
at Westminster Greenville
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Music Ministry Leaders
The Music Ministry Leader's
next meeting is
November 9,
9 am by ZOOM.
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CRE Peer Group Gathering
November 15, 12:30 pm
Foothills Presbytery
Please bring your lunch. Dessert will be provided.
All current CREs and any Elders interested in the CRE program are invited. Any questions, please contact Jeff Motes or Elizabeth Jones.
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Call to Health ends November 11 — don’t miss out! Finish strong by completing activities to reach your goals and save on 2023 medical deductibles. Already answered the call?
Keep going to earn Tango gift cards. Visit for details.
Download the Limeade app and enter code
boardofpensions. Or log on to today!
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Download the Limeade app and enter code
boardofpensions. Or log on to today!
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There are two opportunities to engage in person this October with award-winning author John Philip Newell. Dr. Newell is a Celtic teacher and author of spirituality who calls the modern world to reawaken to the sacredness of Earth and every human being.
October 24 @ 7 pm
An Evening with John Philip Newell
Dr. Newell introduces the main themes from his latest book Sacred Earth Sacred Soul. Register
October 25 @ 5:30 pm - October 27 @ 12:30 pm
School of Earth & Soul Retreat: Celtic Wisdom 1 - Sacred Soul
Reawaken awareness of the sacred in all things through the recovery of Celtic wisdom for today and translate this awareness into compassionate action and justice. Register
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The Presbyterian Promise Scholarship is a commitment by Presbyterian College (PC) to recognize students for their merit and affiliation with the Presbyterian Church. PC seeks to develop students academically and spiritually in this signature scholarship. Students who are of members of Presbyterian churches will receive a scholarship for a minimum of $20,000 per year for up to four years—that’s an $80,000 commitment to you.
For more information and to apply visit our site:
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Check out our upcoming continuing education opportunities on the Richmond Campus
Play, on Purpose workshop, led by Dr. Lakisha Lockhart,
Friday, Oct. 14
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Preaching & Teaching John during the Lenten and Easter Seasons workshop
led by Dr. Frances Taylor Gench,
Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Interim/Transitional Ministry Training Week
led by Rev. Nancy Dolan, Rev. Laura Sherwood, Dr. Dorothee Tripodi
Monday-Friday Nov. 14-18
Register today!
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Creating Communities of Inclusion and Belonging for Youth with Disabilities with Dr. Erik Carter, Ph.D.
November 2nd; 12 - 1:30 pm ET
Many faith communities still struggle to welcome and weave youth with disabilities into the ministries and relationships that make up the life of their congregation. Yet we are called to be communities without asterisks. Dr. Carter will share a powerful framework for reflecting upon and fostering belonging within youth and other congregational ministries. Together, we will explore the implications of this work on the ways we support youth with disabilities and on the ways we spur our own churches to be more inclusive and welcoming.
Register at: Creating Communities of Inclusion and Belonging for Youth with Disabilities
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Plug In & Recharge at PW SOSA
Epworth Triennial Gathering
October 21-23, 2022
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PW Foothills will give scholarships to everyone from Foothills who attends, payable after the Gathering | |
The Manna Retreat
A weekend for young adults
January 27–29, 2023
Hosted by Montreat Conference Center
According to The Defining Decade by psychologist Meg Jay, “eighty percent of life’s most defining moments take place by age thirty-five.” Translation: being a young adult is hard. In an effort to support both young adults navigating the messiness of this time in their lives, as well as to support young adult ministries at the local church, we have created The Manna Retreat. The Manna Retreat is three days, 100 young adults, one old hotel, and ten small groups dedicated to creating deeper faith and deeper relationships. If your faith could use a spark plug, if your spirit could use a deep laugh, if your heart could use some new friendships, or if your body could use a place to belong, then this is for you.
Click here for more information.
Registration Opening November 1st
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POAMN is thrilled to offer this retreat at a significantly discounted rate! Your conference registration includes lodging, meals and retreat programming. Pastors, educators, volunteers and all of those that work with and among older adults are encouraged to attend this retreat.
- Need a change of scenery?
- Come hear the Good News!
- Live in Hope!
- Connect!
- Love to Work with Older Adults?
- This is the retreat for you!
- All meals included
- Single rooms $300 per person before Sept. 9
- Double rooms $200 per person before Sept. 9
- Commuters $150
- Discounted rates for POAMN members
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Considering a call to seminary?
Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA (next-door to Atlanta) is a PC(USA) seminary with a diverse and inclusive community that offers a robust education and full scholarship programs for all masters-level degree students. A seminary education can lead to careers to congregational ministry, chaplaincy, non-profit leadership, education, and so much more. All of our students share one essential characteristic: God has called each one to faithful discipleship and leadership in Christ’s Church.
If you’re interested in more information or a discernment conversation, please contact Sarah Kate Bumgarner at
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The Friends of the Greenville County Library is looking for space to rent for housing/sorting donated books and holding public booksales to support the Library. Optimally seeking around 4,000+ square feet, ideally climate-controlled. For more information, please contact Lee Turza, 864 270-8636; | |
Mediation Skills Training Institute
or Church Leaders
You are invited to attend Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders, a 5-day event that helps participants deal more effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict. The next in-person session is on November 14-18, 2022 at the beautiful Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, AZ. The next online session will be March 13-17, 2023. Registration is now underway at
We would also like to introduce our new one-day event called Restorative Conversations. Devon Miller, LMPC Associate Director and the author and facilitator of this course, describes it this way: Restorative conversations are useful when working through difficult or polarizing topics, processing shared painful experiences, building community, and dealing with certain levels of conflict in the church setting. The workshop will benefit all levels of leadership including pastors, lay leaders, youth leaders, and Sunday school teachers. Three sessions of this workshop have been scheduled for next year: Feb. 23, May 23, and Nov. 2, 2023.
Please contact the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (630-627-0507 or with questions about this or any of our outstanding workshops.
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Subscribe to Covenant Connections | |
Anger (Mis)Management
Sep 22, 2022
by Rev. Jackie Putnam and Eva Grow
Scriptures: Psalm 33 and John 2:13-16
On Sunday, August 14th at Fourth Presbyterian Church, Rev. Jackie Putnam and high school senior Eva Grow partnered to lead worship. Eva, who currently serves as Co-Moderator of the Foothills Presbytery Youth Council, is discerning a call to ministry. As part of her discernment, she asked to shadow Pastor Jackie for a week. Together they prepared a worship service centered around the theme of anger and the story of Jesus flipping the tables in the temple recorded in John 2:13-16. The service was inspired by this year’s Montreat Youth Conference at which students were challenged to ask the question, “What makes you angry?”
Jackie: “What makes you angry? Can you remember the first time you felt genuine anger?”
Eva: “Well the first time I can remember feeling angry was of course over fashion. I was 5 years old and my lifelong best friend and neighbor showed up to our side door one day wearing not only MY dress, but MY FAVORITE dress. She swore that it was hers, and would not take it off no matter how much I elaborated on the fact that it was MINE. This dress was a brown maxi number with a tropical pattern perfect for any summer day. This particular day though just happened to be her dad’s birthday and we were assigned cake decorating duty “as a team.” I could not get over the fact that she was lying to my face about MY dress. I was having such a difficult time with her deceit that I decorated that cake as quickly as possible so I could go back to my house and never have to see her again. Luckily, she did give it back the next day, and we have remained friends since the dress incident of 2010.”
Jackie: “I have a very vivid memory of feeling anger in the third grade. There was a little boy in my class who we’ll call Ben. I am convinced that Ben spent his days trying to come up with new ways to bother me. Read More
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Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events |
13 Investment Committee meeting, Committee on Shared Ministry (CSM) meeting, and CRE Supervisory Committee meeting
14-15 Fall Lay School
18 Financial Officers Forum
19 FP Staff Meeting
22 Faithful Innovations Learning Communities
24 Antiracism Meeting
28 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting
31 Stewardship Task Force meeting & Childrens Educators Gathering
Foothills Presbytery Calendar
2022 Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings
November 01, 2022 - REGISTRATION OPEN
9:30 am - 2:30 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting # 121
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Travelers Rest
February 21, 2023
10:00 am - 2:30 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting #122
Presbyterian Communities, Easley
May 20, 2023
10:00 am - 2:30 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting # 123
Location TBD
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