Florida has about 2,850 native plant species and of these about 224 are endemic species - meaning they are found nowhere else in the world!
The conventional approach of landscaping with exotic turf and ornamentals harms biodiversity. Packing in more exotic species merely spreads globally common species to more places and limits local native diversity. And biodiversity benefits people in many ways from our basic needs for food and medicine to our health and quality of our local environments.
In a typical landscape, plants are replaced 3-4 times per year which can get expensive for labor and plants, high maintenance to keep "looking good," and harmful to the soil.
Most big box garden center plants are near the end of their lifecycles, high maintenance, and often treated with poisons that kill pollinators (like butterflies and bees). Choosing long-lived native perennial plants instead of annuals in full bloom is less expensive and better for the planet.
"Plants need to do more than to just be pretty. They should play a role in your yard's ecosystem." Doug Tallamy
There are many beautiful earth-friendly alternatives to large lawns and seasonal plantings. By using native plants, you can avoid the costs associated with pesticides, and plant replacement.
Planting natives is a long-term investment - not an instant landscape. But it will pay off big when you get to enjoy singing birds, fluttering butterflies, and munching caterpillars.
Florida truly has some unique animals and plants!