Jesus is the Name above all names! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Amen and Amen.

Blue sky 3

March 30, 2024

Elementary program

Science day brings K5-2 smiles

The primary students enjoyed a sunny Thursday, while the older elementary pupils completed their annual standardized testing. Chemistry and elasticity, flight and fun, the entire morning seemed to be a winner for students and staff.

Each station had activities to learn about science interaction.

Easter Break Reminder

Campus is closed Mon., April 01 (no fooling) through Fri., April 05.

For assistance, email to mailbox@ LakePointeAcademy .org.

Secondary program

For both kings and queens, campus became a pawn shop

Mr. Spratley and Mr. Miller helped, as upperclassmen held a campus-wide chess tournament Friday. Lilly Ohar emerged as the winner of the beginner's bracket. Then, all eyes were on champions level, as seventh grader Luke Broome held his own, until falling at the end to the eventual champion, senior Shawn Lewin. All ages showed skill and concentration.

Looks like a serious board meeting.

Around the Campus

Above: Fourth graders bubble in answers to the IOWA Basic Skills Test this week.

Number two pencils fly

Standardized Testing challenges students

Students in grades 3 though 8 took the IOWA Basic Skills exam. The national test is normed, meaning LPA students can be compared in core subjects to pupils from all over the nation.

The results help parents to know how their children measure against others around the country. Performance is also helpful to academy staff, as they plan curriculum and instruction.

Below:7th and 8th graders tested in the large spaces of the event center.

Above: 8th graders complete a section.

High schoolers take the college-bound PSAT, SAT, ACT, and CLT instead.

Mariner Athletics -- Go Green!

Umbrellas up!

Splashing in Spartanburg

As the rain reigned, the girls soccer team played vigorous defense for the entire forty minute first half.

In last seconds of that period, an aggressive Westgate team was able to sneak in a score and then go on for the victory in the Spartanburg road game.

Fans took shelter in the cold rain.