Jesus is the Name above all names! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Amen and Amen.

Blue sky 3

March 02, 2024

The art of being a student

In so many words,

these are images

Mrs. Bolin had her high school art students note positive terms to describe who they think they are.

These words were then written over an image over student faces to create lines for the outlines.

The result was student self-portrait identities in visual form.

Eyebrows were formed with "talent," ears were "athletic" and "serious," and a mark on the chin exudes "confidence."

These image are currently on display in the middle hallway.

Below, Mrs. Bolin displays her Paddington Bear keepsake from the last Jr -Sr England trip.

Around Campus

The science is elementary

Chemistry in very good taste

Middle schoolers mix it up for science

Mrs. Dorr's 5th and 6th grade science classes made ice cream recently, to teach the principles of chemical change and, well, to make ice cream.

And to top it off, they topped it off ! Sprinkles and whipped cream to all!

Upcoming: Move up to secondary

Rising 6th AND 7th grade day!

Normally, Lake Pointe hosts a special rising 7th grade day on a secondary Friday. This year, with 6th grade also rising to the secondary level, it will be double the fun!

Friday, March 15 from 10:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Look for more details via e-mail.

Get a grip, and let 'er rip!

The student life department has rented a human foosball inflatable for a special "welcome rising 6th and 7th graders" event. After presentations and classroom visits, current 5th and 6th graders will be placed on teams with older student captains, for fun after a pizza lunch.

Generosity personified

God provides, through families!

As part of the fall year-end giving campaign, Lake Pointe shared a variety of items that were desired or needed for the care and improvement of its campus. Like waving a red flag to a bull, that simple request led to an outpouring of donations by many families.

This winter break, a staff and student effort made stops to pick up donated materials. A riding lawnmower, plus a handful of push mowers will help the elementary science teachers hold outdoor classes in the fenced-in grassy and woods areas at the Event Center. Likewise, trails near the same areas can be maintained for the Cross Country running team. Tools will help avoid expensive repair calls.

All told, LPA received thousands of dollars' worth of helpful items. Thank you, families; Thank you, Lord!

Toting and noting

A student helps to move a lawn spreader from a rental truck to one of LPA's out buildings, part of sorting out donations picked up over the break.

Donations included various construction and lawn tools, wheel barrows, tall ladders, power tools, several lawn mowers, a pressure washer,

A washer and dryer were donated for the Event Center basement hook ups, to wash towels, table cloths, and athletic practice and game uniforms.

"He lifted me up out of the pit, out of the miry clay." Psalm 40:2

This week's donation pick-ups are reminiscent of a similar effort this fall

Making tracks to get out of a rut

Mr. Miller's student army diligently loaded and unloaded donated classroom fixtures and furniture, but the U-Haul truck got stuck in the soft earth near LPA's lower shop.

We won't mention that Mr. Lemmon was driving. That would not be kind.

Happy ending... Students managed to unload anyway, and a ministry friend used chains to free the rental truck.

Testimony in the community

When all seems unraveled, God has you covered!

Alexandra Craig slips a crocheted scarf over the neck of Zach Mitchell during a Friday afternoon special event.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Ro. 8:28

Yes, Mrs. Craig is LPA's volleyball coach and helps with LPA student life, but her main passion is sharing her personal story with women all over.

In a Friday afternoon event, she told Lake Pointe students of her deceased husband's sudden disease and rapid decline. She described how meaning arose in her unfinished crochet work, even in grief and raising her son alone.

She had to learn to trust the weaver, even though the design was not yet evident -- the Lord who "make all things work together for good" --even when all seems like an unraveled mess.

Interested in more of Mrs. Craig's story, click below for her personal ministry site. Click here

Mariner Athletics -- Go Green!

"Soccer to me" this week!

The girls soccer team held practices over Winter Break for those in town, an attempt to get a jump on the short spring season.

For game days and times, see the LPA calendar in FACTS Ren Web, or click the button below.

LPA Calendar with soccer games

Support from the sidelines

To take full advantage of break week to get the jump on the short spring season, coaches faithfully turned out to get the players ready.

Shown at left: Jason Brown, Becky Hodina, and Lou Pantousco. Not shown, this past fall's boys varsity coach, Elias Enniss, who also helped with the training exercises this week.

Golf ball Go Mariners!

Fore! Calling all student golfers...

The athletic department is making plans for two or more golf outings this spring. Look for a golf event registration e-mail in the near future for organizing information.

An event to include parents is also being considered.