Jesus is the Name above all names! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Amen and Amen.

Blue sky 3

March 25, 2024

Value in life is often in what we measure

Community members from northern climates can relate to measuring snow as shown above. And snow can be beautiful and fun to ski on.

Since spring is for growth, newness, and resurrection from the barren season, however, spring in the Carolinas is such a great time to celebrate Easter.

As we see life, green, and vivid colors bursting out, it is so much easier to celebrate HE IS RISEN!

Beautiful... by design!

Elementary program


Fourth graders gave presentations on a project that encouraged them to visit local ponds to study -- and record -- the wildlife. Mrs. Dorr's science pupils were all in on this one -- the project, not necessarily the pond.

The children loved the critters. Surely the critters loved the children, too!

Below: Annabelle shares her findings.

Easter Break Reminder

The campus will be officially closed

Monday, April 01 (no fooling) through Friday, April 05.

For assistance, email to mailbox@ LakePointeAcademy .org.

Secondary program

Statistically sneaking

Mrs. White had her junior and senior statistics students sneaking out of the classroom.

They were squeaking on the gym floor for an exercise -- launching and measuring candies to identify patterns.

Families in Fellowship

Above: Mrs. Karis Miller created a uniquely Indonesian space to tell families about that nation.

Missions accomplished

Let the Nations be Glad

No, God's mission is not yet complete, but LPA's annual international missions night and its emphasis week did conclude. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Miller, to the student leaders, to all who hosted nation-rooms, and to all visitors! Above, Israel is represented by Mrs. Johnson and Pastor Spangler.

Above: Removing shoes was quite a feat! In Indonesia, footwear doesn't come inside the home.

Haiti has been in the news and in the hearts of many, including this servant sharing about the island nation.

Mrs. O'Leary presents Japan.


Families gathered for prayer and song.

This week, it's time to

Make your best move

All secondary students and fifth and sixth graders from the elementary will meet to compete this Friday in Lake Pointe's chess tournament. 

Miriam O. is a serious chess player. Alas, she is not quite in the 5th grade -- a lucky break for her opponents -- for now!

Mariner Athletics -- Go Green!

Getting a leg up on the competition

Ladies grab a local win

The girls soccer team clicked on several levels this past week, in a local non-conference game against the Comenius school in Fort Mill. The defense was stingy, and the offense was able to score multiple times against an energetic Comenius squad for the win.

The Mariners travel to Spartanburg Tuesday to challenge Westgate in an important conference game.