Jesus is the Name above all names! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Amen and Amen.

Blue sky 3

February 17, 2024

Elementary holds annual Book Character dress-up to celebrate reading!

Quite a bunch of characters

Characters are building their own character

All year long, after sounding out words with phonics, reading in leveled readers, and devouring family read-aloud and chapter books -- it was time to put on a show.

Students from each grade level used their creativity (and parents' help) to adorn themselves as book characters! It seemed like ninety-three wanted to know where Waldo was, Bible characters came to life, and knights, princesses, candy makers and pirates completed the round-up.

Not to be outdone, the teachers were in full, fictional array themselves.

"So, been farming long?"

"I'm just living the ol' rat race."

It's just around the corner...

Winter Break: Feb. 26 - Mar. 1st


Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

I Thessalonians 5:18

Grateful this week for... No more gravel!

No more crunch, crunch, crunch!

After years and years of a gravel parking lot at the previous campus, driveways at the new campus are

s-m-o-o-t-h! Almost like a race track for elementary energy!

Thank you for providing, Lord Jesus!

Secondary program

Seniors in basic black

The soon-to-be-graduating Class of 2024 takes time to pose during Spirit Week this week.

Graduation is Friday, May 17. Three months!

Juniors here wear white.

7th graders are very bright. In this case, in red!

Around campus

Physical science students got into the swing of things

This week, eighth graders helped Mrs. Johnson erect a pendulum in the gym to test the concept.

Yes, the science says it's safe, but having the swinging weight coming at one's face made a few flinch.

Science is the process of thinking God's thoughts after Him.

-- Johannes Kepler

Skeleton Crew at work

Long after the sixth grade science students traced their bodies and filled in and marked their vitals, the memory lives on -- and, hopefully, the knowledge! No bones about it.

If you build it, they will come

Mr. Miller found a design and a few tools, and secondary students helped fashion a new portable table tennis board. Some competitive spirits have since emerged.

King Pong.

Mariner Athletics -- Go Green!

Basketball season was finally "home, sweet, home" in gym

Celebrating the new gym floor, the athletic department held a full season of ten home basketball events, including both junior varsity and varsity teams for girls and boys. That accomplishment is truly something to celebrate! Having an on-campus home court for the first time meant having more usable room, less travel, and more warm-up time. It also meant more excitement.

JV in tournament

While varsity seasons are over, with a boys team loss in Anderson, the junior varsity teams are still in play. The boys and girls travel to Greenville next weekend for the post-season SCACS JV invitational.

Converting the campus into sports event site each time took much help from a lot of people, to create space for entry, locker rooms, concessions, etc. And to move a lot of chairs!

Thank you, volunteers for the time, service, and creativity. The season was indeed a victory!

Final home games honor seniors

It seems like just yesterday these players were taking their first awkward team practice. But now, these seasoned senior players were enjoying the spotlight of their final home game. Banners were hung to celebrate all senior athletes, as the 12th grade players and their parents were honored in a center court ceremony between games against Cramerton Christian. Congratulations to seniors.

Looking back in sports this year... Cross Country

On the run. Go, Ben, Go! What other sports do for punishment, Cross Country does every day!

On the podium

The girls Cross Country team came in third place in the state in the annual SCACS 5K race in Greenville.

Boys and girls in 6th grade and above can compete in Cross Country.