Jesus is the Name above all names! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Amen and Amen.

Blue sky 3

March 09, 2024

Growing and going!

Hands up to rise up!

Rounding up to round out elementary

Above, sixth graders hold up answers, so their teacher can check how each is tracking the lesson.

One skill they know solidly in math is how to round numbers. At this point, the year is three quarters complete and -- rounding up -- these talented pupils are nearly secondary students. Very exciting!

This Friday, March 15 is a special rising secondary student event for both current 6th and 5th graders.

Daylight Savings Time Sunday means more fun and afternoon sun

Spring forward,

as spring continues to reveal itself!

Give thanks in all circumstances;

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

I Thessalonians 5:18

Grateful this week for...

Having a stage!

On move in day last February, we were happy just to have a floor. But once furniture and fixtures were carried through the doors, volunteers helped to construct a platform to serve for assemblies, debate, church worship use and more.

Thank you for providing, through your generous people, Lord Jesus!

And now, we have a quality stage. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Secondary program

That's the way the ol' egg drops

Proving gravity again, one step at a time -- on a staircase

Senior Noam Knight climbed the stairs and let fly his design of wood and foam -- a lot of foam! He and his Physics classmates participated in the annual "Egg Drop," which challenges students to build a container that helps a raw egg survive a drop from substantial height.

It's just around the corner...

Secondary celebrates Good Friday on campus, then

Easter Break: April 01- 05


Around campus

Above, seniors Caroline Moseley and Sarah Lemmon plan with Mr. Miller and others.

Student Service Council

to form for next year

Service is its middle name.

Mr. Miller has released applications for next year's service leadership positions. These student leaders are responsible for planning and executing student events, including some joint elementary-secondary "cross-over" events that serve younger grades and parents.

Selected students commit to a year of service, growth, and modeling, in exchange for extra staff investment in time, training, and discipleship.

Hey ref, gimme a break!

Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Wright pause during the mayhem of the elementary Christmas party game. Students participated in a "snowball" fight in the gym. Since they teach kindergarten, these ladies were a natural pick to keep things in order.

One of the principal rules of religion is,

to lose no occasion of serving God.

And, since he is invisible to our eyes,

we are to serve him in our neighbor;

which he receives as if done to himself

in person, standing visibly before us.

- John Wesley

Mariner Athletics -- Go Green!

Victory in Anderson

Soccer opens with important conference win on the road

The girls varsity soccer team has been practicing as a team for only a couple of weeks, a challenge for what is a short spring season.

Would they be ready in time? Apparently so, as the squad carried away its first victory on the road Friday. The Mariners scored three goals against a talented Oakwood Christian team before they scored a point on a penalty kick. The early victory helps, because it is a conference game. Another conference match happens this Monday. It is a home game, offering fans a chance to cheer the team's action in person.

Home Game

Tues, March 12 at 5:00 p.m.

vs. Greenville Classical

at Field Day Park

1101 Field Day LN Clover SC 29710

Strong defense helped the Mariners hold their opponent to one goal.

Goal keeper, senior Abbie Bailes,

had strong support in the defensive backfield.

Looking back... in sports this year

JV volleyball team gained skills!

This fall, the junior varsity volleyball squad picked up much practice and game time, the kind of experience that will make the players invaluable in further JV action, and varsity, too.

Look for information later this month from Athletic Director Aaron Morgan and Coach Alexandra Craig about spring and summer open gym practices.

The team looks forward to using the convenience of the updated and available campus gym to get a jump on preparations for next season.

Girls as young as 6th grade can plan JV in the SCACS league.

Waving the red flag!

Elementary students may not recognize Ms. Taylor as ref!

When she is not aiding teachers on elementary days, Sophia Taylor supports Mariner volleyball, and her sister and varsity player, Eva.

A varsity player herself, Ms. Taylor graduated from LPA this past year.

A ship in the harbor is safe,

but that is not what a ship is made for. -- John Shedd 

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in he name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 

teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:16-18