Jesus is the Name above all names! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Amen and Amen.

Blue sky 3

April 15, 2024

Things were certainly looking up Monday!

Sunshine with some solar flair

Secondary students and staff got to monitor past Monday's solar eclipse.

The sun itself was so bright that the expected 80% occlusion made the skies more hazy than dark.

With special glasses, though, the moon slipping directly in front of the sun was truly amazing to see.

For all parents and students

Evening of Economics

This Tuesday, April 16

7:00 p.m. At the Main Building

With Dr. Lou Pantousco

Long time LPA econ instructor, retired economics professor, author and speaker and soccer coach.



30 minute overview of current economic

  • What’s really happening in the US economy?
  • Is inflation here to stay?
  • Is the Federal Debt too much out of control?
  • How does the economic path forward look?

Followed by 30-60 minutes of Q&A

Bring your questions!

Click here for more details

About Doctor P.

Dr. Lou Pantuosco Professor Emeritus in Economics

Former Chair of Accounting Finance & Economics Winthrop U.

 PhD in Economics; MBA in Finance; AFA in Financial Advising

It's just around the corner...

This week:

Evening of Economics Tues. 04/16 @ 7:00 p.m.

Girls soccer home game Fri. 04/19 @ 4:00 p.m. Senior Night! See below

High school spring formal Sat. 04/20 @ 7:00 p.m.

Girls rising JV open gyms after classes

Elementary program

Happy Huddle

Elementary math and science teacher, Mrs. Jones, is surrounded by girl power in the student center.


Rainy day recess came alive when Mrs. Harrison found the sack race bags. Go, students, Go!

Secondary program

PSAT for 9th and 10th grade levels winds up standardized test season

High school freshmen and sophomores underwent PSAT testing this week.

Grade levels 3 to 8 took their IOWA Basic Skills standardized testing before Easter.

Upperclassmen take the SAT, ACT, and CLT, registering and taking those at off-campus test sites.

Keeping it the main thing

Juniors Eva Taylor and John Robert Hickey join Mr. Miller on the platform for discussions of how discipleship can affect students.

Mariner Athletics -- Go Green!

The game wasn't a breeze, but the weather was

Girls find a big road win(d)

Forgive the girls varsity soccer team for feeling blown away when they arrived for Friday's road game. South of Greenville, SC, Wind gusts were over twenty miles per hour at times. A throw-in down the line often sailed over the bench. It quickly became apparent that the game was one for the record books, and whichever team could best adjust would win.

The Mariners played well on both sides of the field, but a penalty kick allowed near the half put Greenville Classical up by one. It would be the only goal given up by the Mariners defense and senior goal keeper Abbie Bailes.

After halftime adjustments, LPA went on to score a pair of goals to capture the conference victory 2-1.

Senior night Friday

Friday, April 19   4:00 p.m. @ Home!

vs. Hampton Park Christian  (Greenville) 

Final home game of the season

Game is at Field Day Park in Lake Wylie.