Library Update
Issue 4
February 2022
The Library is Open for Service
Loren Agrey, President
Loren Agrey smiles as he visits the library.
On January 19, 2022, just 262 days after ground was broken, the new library was opened for service. Students entered the structure: they used the computer commons to research; they sat by the hearth to read; they discussed ideas in the group study rooms; they learned new concepts in the classroom. In short, they discovered that the library is a place where they can learn, connect, and belong.

We will be dedicating the structure on June 4, during Alumni Homecoming 2022. I pray you’ll be able to come to campus, explore the library, and participate in this joyful time together.
Thank you for your participation in this significant accomplishment. Your generosity has helped Burman University stride confidently into the future.
Gratitude for Committed Donors

J.D. Victor Fitch, President Emeritus
Chair, Campaign Advisory Team
The library was built in a very timely manner thanks to the involvement and generosity of our donors. At the end of December, it was possible to pay the entire construction bill—$4.7 million. We are now ready to begin the final phase of the campaign: because we already have $300,000 in place towards furniture and technology, we have only $1 million left to raise.
Victor Fitch (left) gets a tour of the library from Darren Bishop, Director, Facility Maintenance.
We are deeply grateful to each donor who has brought us this far on the journey, to new donors, and to those who continue to give.
Eric Rajah and Carol Nicks, former librarian, as they tour the new library
Experience the New Library

Eric Rajah, Chair, Advancement and Donor Relations
Because it’s been so exciting to watch the library grow from vision to reality, I want to share a video so that you, too, can experience the structure.

In the video, you will notice that there is little furniture and that not all the technology is in place. Thankfully, as the last phase of the campaign begins, students won’t have to sit on the floor as they research; they won’t need to stand to collaborate. Burman University will loan funds from its reserves to pay for furniture and technology. As additional contributions are given, the reserves will be replenished.
I join Loren Agrey, Victor Fitch, and the entire Burman community when I say a heart-felt thank you to each donor. You have made a tremendous difference in the lives of our students.
Sheila Clark, Librarian
Several years ago, as I was thinking about a new library, I came across a sentence that has guided me ever since: “What if we could create environments that generate a sense of joyfulness and intellectual purpose?”
Sheila Clark
What if. . . What if students had a place to collaborate and learn from each other in group study rooms? What if patrons had space for solitary reading and visioning new futures? What if we could engage in creative projects in a makerspace, learn information competencies for the information age in a classroom, and gather around a fireplace to sharpen new ideas with each other?  

Together, we have built a library—an environment that nurtures joy and intellectual purpose.  

Now, what happens? What dreams will grow here? What creativity will be expressed? What new learning will stretch the mind and soul? What books will be read and pondered? What intellectual collaboration will take place? What friendships will be formed?

As students, faculty members, and the community inhabit and use this space, they respond to these questions.  

Burman University, the community, and the world eagerly await the answers! 
Students Raise Funds for the Library
Students explore the new library
The students at Burman University are thankful for the new library. They’ve planned fundraisers and pledged their financial support for the final phase of the library campaign. In the link below, Anna Flores, current president of the Burman University Student Association (BUSA), invites you to join them.
Committee of 100 Funds Stairs
Many groups have chosen to fund the construction of areas of the library. We are grateful that the Committee of 100 has chosen the staircase as their project for 2021-23. 

In addition, the importance of service will be highlighted by pictures on the walls adjoining the staircase. 

Some patrons see the staircase as being almost symbolic: it allows students to access resources on both floors of the building; in the same way, the library itself facilitates learning in a variety of ways and on many levels.

It is Burman’s prayer that the students who use this staircase will be involved in lives of service for the benefit of future Burman students, their communities, and the world.
The staircase in the library, to be funded by the Committee of 100.
Burman can issue IRS-approved
tax-deductible receipts to USA residents

  •  Cheques in US dollars can be mailed directly to Burman University. Charitable donation receipts will be issued through the IRS-approved Burman University Foundation. NOTE: If you are a US resident but wish to receive a charitable receipt in Canadian funds, please indicate that.  

  • Online credit card donations made at will create tax-deductible receipts in US funds for USA residents

  • Cheques drawn on Canadian banks in Canadian funds (but sent by donors who live in the USA) will be receipted in Canadian funds. 
To discuss giving opportunities, contact:
Loren Agrey, President, 403-782-3381 ext. 4147

J.D. Victor Fitch, President Emeritus; Chair, Campaign Advisory Team, 403-302-0231

Eric Rajah, Chair, Advancement and Donor Relations, 403-872-4938
6730 University Drive
Lacombe, AB T4L 2E5