Library Update
Issue 3
November 2021
Progress is Rapid
Anna Flores
President - Burman University Student Association
When I look at the progress of the library construction, I feel like I’m watching a time-lapse film. I came to campus on August 15, and in less than two months, there have been incredible changes. The exterior walls are all up and mostly painted and the windows have been installed. I’ve learned that the tracks are in place for the high-density shelving. When I peek in, I see that interior walls are built and that drywalling and insulation have been started.

As an upperclassman, I’m grateful for the rapid progress—I know that I’ll get to experience this new campus blessing before I graduate.
I’m looking forward to studying in a quiet, well-lit (natural lighting preferably) space, and the new library will provide both these qualities. It will also be the perfect study spot for students who wake up very early or stay up late. Students I’ve talked to say that they are excited about the number of resources that will be available to them. They’re also glad that the library is located centrally on campus, making it easily accessible both to those who live in the community and to dorm students. 

Although we must currently detour around the construction site to move between the McKibbin Centre and the rest of campus, we’re encouraged to see that something great is just around the corner—both literally and metaphorically. The new library, with its large, excellent study and research space that will further our degrees, has created a sense of bustling excitement on campus and a forward-looking mindset. It is an inspiration, showing us that Burman seeks beneficial growth. It tells students that we have potential and that we’re worth investing in.

On behalf of the students at Burman University, I want to thank each donor. We clearly notice and greatly appreciate your contributions for the betterment of Burman and for our future success. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Sheila Clark
As told to Denise Dick Herr, Emeritus Professor, English

It’s Easy to Imagine the Future

I’ve seen the library plans on paper for months, but now I can experience the building in 3-D—and it’s lovely.

I can easily see how the architecture encourages three zones on the upper floor: 
• where conversation is encouraged, 
• where quiet talk and collaborative research is expected, and 
• where silent study will be the norm. 
The entrance is lofty and spacious. The east wall, with its zigzags, provides cozy spaces, as does the fireplace in Fitch Forum on the west side. The numerous windows beyond the elevator and staircase already provide an air of natural quiet—despite the current noise of construction. 

With the walls going up, it’s now easy to envision the library in use. I can almost see students sitting at the study bar beside the staircase; close to my office, others are using computers for research. A religious studies major carries two books to a carrel. Education students peruse the children’s book centre, and a meeting is taking place in the Centre for Peace and Justice.

In my imagination, three students walk down the staircase to work on a project in one of the group study rooms. I join two students who enter the elevator so they can use the makerspace. When the doors open, I see several biology majors working on a project in the study commons. They are joined by a psychology student who has just workshopped an essay at the writing centre. All of them are breathing easily—after all, our air filters have a MERV 13 rating.

I breathe a sigh of satisfaction—and return to the present. The stairs aren’t yet ready for use. We just ordered the furniture this week. There are ladders in abundance and ducting that is lying on the floor. But I know that soon, thanks to committed donors and the expertise of Eagle Builders, we can fully experience the reality of a new library at Burman University.

We’re planning to move in December; if all goes according to plan, the new facility will be “open for business” at the start of the winter term. 
Follow Construction
Follow construction on Facebook (Burman University Library) or with the live webcam (New Library Construction Live Cam).

Fundraising Progress
The total cost of the library—including the building, furnishings, technology, landscaping, paving, and repayment of bridging loans—is $6 million. As of August 31, committed donors have given $4.5 million in cash and pledges, an amount that virtually covers the construction costs. Our next goal is to raise the remaining $1.5 million. Won’t you join us for the final steps in this exciting journey? Your continued support of this project will help complete a vital part of Burman’s mission and future.

To donate to the library, click here.
Burman can issue IRS-approved tax deductible receipts to USA residents. 
Cheques in US dollars can be mailed directly to Burman University. Charitable donation receipts will be issued through the IRS-approved Burman University Foundation. If you are a US resident but wish to receive a charitable receipt in Canadian funds, please indicate that.  

Cheques drawn on Canadian banks in Canadian funds (but sent by donors who live in the USA) will be receipted in Canadian funds. Online credit card donations made at will produce tax-deductible receipts in US funds for USA residents.
Who to contact
To discuss giving and naming opportunities contact:
President Loren Agrey (, 403-782-3381 ext. 4147)
J.D. Victor Fitch (, 403-302-0231)
or Eric Rajah, Chair, Advancement (, 403-872-4938).
If you wish to see the complete library brochure or learn about opportunities for naming an area in honour of a loved one, click here.
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