April 3-7, 2023


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City Manager’s Note

Hello Neighbors,

Spring is finally here even though it may still seem like winter. Welcome to the second edition of our new City Manager's Weekly Report rebranded - The Weekly.

The big news this week is the Housing Element. Since we received our second comment letter from HCD on March 17, staff along with our consultant, Michael Baker International, have been working diligently on revisions. At 6 pm on Monday April 10, 2023, the City Council will hold a special meeting to re-adopt the revised Housing Element. The meeting will be held in person at the Town Hall, with the opportunity for residents to attend virtually, and will be live-streamed on the Town’s website and via zoom.

On April 2nd the Los Altos Hills Youth Commission held its Leadership Conference. The conference was geared towards Middle and High Schoolers. The Honorable Josh Becker and Vice Mayor Stan Mok joined the fun.

To date, there have been 20 reported residential burglary/robbery incidents in Los Altos Hills for 2023. Nine of those victim residences reported having a working alarm system. Of those nine, only three had the alarm activated at the time of the burglary. Please ensure alarm systems are turned on and actively monitoring your residence so the Sheriff’s Office can quickly respond when an activation occurs to investigate the reason.

And finally, Eaton & Associates started with the Town in May 2022 to replace the City of Redwood City IT Services. Since then, we have replaced our UPS and added environmental sensors, improved email security and deliverability, replaced our Wi-Fi controller, upgraded our servers, deployed security cameras, and moved to mobile laptops. We are well on the way to achieving all the goals set in the Town’s 3-Year IT Strategic Plan.  

1. Crime Prevention Tip of the Week  

83% of surveyed burglars admit they check a home for alarms before breaking in.

-University of North Carolina survey of 422 convicted burglars

Since we know burglars pay attention to the security efforts, you should ensure you are doing all you can to avoid the prospect of being a victim—to include activating and verifying your home alarm system is working properly.

Here’s the tip of the week: Conduct a thorough home survey. Summer is rapidly approaching. With the hopes of better weather come dreams of long vacations in tropical locations, historic parks, or amusement parks with the kids. The Sheriff’s Office wants to take some of the worrying about your home off of your plate while you’re on that overdue vacation. By submitting a “Patrol Check Request” on our website, it lets us know you will be away from home and provides information needed for us to check on your residence to make sure everything is okay. With a patrol check request, a deputy will swing by your house while you are away to check on your property (time allowing). This service, along with setting your burglary alarm, stopping mail and newspaper service, and making your home look as if someone is there, should provide you with some peace of mind so you can enjoy your time away.  

To submit a patrol check request:

• Visit the Sheriff’s Office website at www.county,

• Under the “Services” tab, click “Patrol Check Request”,

• Fill in as much information as you can provide for each requested area,

• Click “Submit”.

The information will be sent to our West Valley Substation and a deputy will be able to conduct regular patrol checks of your residence while you are away (email: [email protected] or call (408)-868-6600). To start there’s an informational document to include a home security checklist HERE

SUGGESTION: Team up with your neighbor and go through the security assessment checklist on each other’s home. Alternatively, you can bring in a relative or close friend. The point is to have a dispassionate, fresh set of eyes going through the checklist and looking at your security situation. A third option is to hire a professional firm to conduct a survey. When complete, you should follow-through with the recommendations.

2. Private Security Update

The countdown is on--Genesis Private Security is now working toward scheduling staff members for patrol duties in Los Altos Hills. We expect the prevention-oriented patrols to support our Sheriff’s Patrols to begin work in about 2 weeks. Please be advised they do not take the place of or provide the same service as our SC County Sheriff's Deputies. If you seek emergency assistance, always call 9-1-1

3. Broadband Ad Hoc Committee Meeting

On Monday April 10th the Broadband Ad Hoc Committee will meet to discuss the Broadband Feasibility Study and the Wireless Telecommunication Facility Ordinance update. Government Technology Group has compiled a first draft of the Feasibility Study and will be presenting their preliminary findings to the Ad Hoc Committee. The Study will be reviewed by other committees in Town in the weeks to come and ultimately be open for public review at a City Council meeting agenda. Regarding the Telecom Ordinance, staff have been working with the Town’s Attorney Office to compile a draft update to this section of the zoning code. Staff will be collecting feedback from the Ad Hoc Committee before making their way to the Special April 25th Planning Commission Meeting where this update will be discussed. 

4. Residential Burglaries Ad Hoc Committee Meeting

On Tuesday April 11th the Residential Burglaries Ad Hoc Committee will meet to discuss current crime trends in the Town and receive an update on the different initiatives the Town has taken to curb the rate of crime. The Sheriff’s Office will join this meeting and be providing the Committee data on the amount of overtime Deputy hours logged this year, the number of investigative hours put in by the detectives researching Los Altos Hills cases, and the status of implementing private security in Town.  

5. Take the Survey and Help Guide the Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Town of Los Altos Hills asks our community members to help us update our Hazard Mitigation Plan by taking this survey Hazard mitigation planning addresses a range of natural hazards including earthquakes, wildfire, and severe weather and develops strategies to mitigate the impact of local hazards, reduce vulnerability, and adapt to the changing climate. Your responses will help inform strategies and actions to reduce future risk of death, injuries, and property damage. 

Share your feedback about local hazards and their impact across Santa Clara County. Take the survey today at

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