As with all things in 2020, our Annual Meeting looked a bit different this year. We gathered over Zoom to review the state of the club and elect new MIFC Board officers. In normal times, we would assemble at the VFW Hall to enjoy pizza, commune with coaches, celebrate graduating seniors, pass out door prizes, and hear from a noted soccer luminary. Such meetings typically include our entire voting membership, comprised of board members, a volunteer coach and assistant coach or manager from each rec team and a volunteer manager from each select team. Without the regular number of volunteer coaches in the rec program this year, we found ourselves without a quorum under our bylaws. The Board voted on an emergency basis to adjust the quorum for our voting membership for this year to present the slate of officer candidates. The membership voted in the following officers (elected in staggered 2-year terms):
President: Greg Snyder (second term)
VP Player and Coach Development: Colin Rigby (first term)
VP Select Soccer: Shelly Johnson (second term)
VP Competition: Ketu Shah (third term)
VP Microsoccer: Marc Chappell (first term)
VP Juniors: Justin Bell: (first term)
With the generosity and support of our soccer community, we were able to report that our non-profit club is fortunate to have weathered the financial side of this unusual season and was able to keep all employees on staff. We are very grateful to those families who donated the balance of team fees to keep our program strong heading into the spring. We are also grateful for our coaches, who adapted well to COVID-19 limitations and changing protocols as well as bringing energy and enthusiasm to atypical practices. We especially appreciate the patience and faith that our MIFC families had in our program.
We look forward to honoring our senior players later this year!