Beginning November 16, MIFC adjusted its team protocols to abide by the latest directives from the Governor's office.

  • Players will continue to place their gear / backpack / water physically separate from each other. During water breaks players may remove their masks so long as they are at their “gear station” and apart from their teammates.

  • The experience of playing with a mask covering the nose and mouth will be new for almost everyone. If at any time during practice, a player feels out of breath or uneasy in any way, they should attempt to move off the field and away from others and then remove their mask. If possible, they should get their coach’s (or anyone’s) attention. We are asking all of our coaches to review this with their teams prior to the first practice with masks.
  • Coaches will be instructed to ease into this new format – the first few practices will be lower intensity so that players can get used to using a mask during play.
  • Teams can now practice as a whole team, pods of six players are no longer needed.
 Teams cannot scrimmage other teams within our outside the club.