April 2022
Mercer Island FC is our community's volunteer-led,
non-profit soccer club for kids of all ages. Let’s play ball!
Club News & Updates
  • Discovery Sessions in early May
  • Do not miss the MIFC Select Tryouts
  • XL neXt Level soccer program at MIFC
  • Come celebrate the MIHS Boy Seniors on the May 5th last League game
  • Kick 4 ALS: calling all soccer players!
  • Summer/Fall soccer programs: open registrations
  • WA Legends of Soccer Scolarships
Discovery sessions
for kids born 2009-2015
MIFC will be hosting in May the Discovery Sessions, in conjunction with Bellevue FC.

Let your kids tryout the coaches and club, see if they enjoy the atmosphere! We believe families should be trying out the club, coaches and staff not the reverse!
Come see why children enjoy our staff and the best game in the world. Our coaches provide planned game modules that let children learn at their own pace while taking IQ development focused programming.

RSVP: email to a.byers@outlook.com
Sessions in Mercer Island:
  • U8/U9 (2014-15) May 4, 4:30-5:45PM - Aubrey Davis Park (Lid C)
  • U10/U12 (2011-13) May 2 & 4, 5:45-7:00 PM - Aubrey Davis Park (Lid C)
  • U13/U14 (2009-10) May 2 & 4, 6:30-8:00 PM - IMS turf field
MIFC Select Tryouts
Mercer Island FC's Select program provides an opportunity to develop and play at a higher level of soccer on Mercer Island while maintaining a balance between school, family life, and other interests.
MIFC Select program is also designed to help prepare athletes to play high school varsity soccer.
To all Rec players and parents.
To all previous Select ones.

There is a time in the development of a kid when he/she understands that the passion for soccer is becoming more important, and it is time to commit more energy and time to the sport.
It can be an individual decision, or something that a group of teammates develop jointly as they want to progress in their skill buildup.

We encourage all kids and their parents that think this may be the case to sign up for the Select tryouts HERE.

Players will experience an atmosphere guided by a professional coach, with more rigor to practices and more commitment, and a fun, competitive environment.
To all the players trying out, some recommendations on how to prepare yourselves:
  1. Be well rested, eat healthy and be hydrated
  2. Pack bag with all your gear and arrive early 
  3. let go of fear, give your best effort
  4. Focus on the now, next attacking/ defending player actions
  5. Be and stay positive, positive thoughts.
  6. Stay in the moment, have the WIN mentality (What’s Important Now)
  7. Have fun!!!

Paul Bayly
Director of Soccer, Mercer Island FC
NEW: the XL - neXt Level Program

MIFC and Bellevue United FC XL
Mercer Island and Bellevue FC have teamed up to form a joint-club and year-round program for our players who are looking to continue to stay local, keep soccer within their budget and challenge themselves to play at the highest level.

We have heard from you…
Families and players who have been asking for this environment, seen outside clubs enter our communities offering this, and want the mutual loyalty to their clubs and personal soccer growth to continue with MIFC and Bellevue FC.

MIFC & BUFC neXt Level (XL) – What Is It?
Boys and girls in the U14 - U10 age groups will be entering into this upcoming soccer season and Select tryouts with an opportunity to join the joint venture program to offer premier level soccer. This is a new opportunity for players who want to play in a more year-round system with a higher degree of focus on player development and commitment to their teams/player growth.

Select soccer teams will also still be formed in the same format they have been for over 40 years for teams specific to each club.

Tryouts and Registration
Like years past, MIFC and Bellevue FC will be putting on tryouts for age groups together. During this time, Select teams by location will be formed. For those who have selected a check mark in their registration process, they will be jointly trying out for the XL program team. 

If a player is not selected on the XL team, they will still have the opportunity to play for their club’s Select team.

Discovery sessions and pre-tryout workouts will also be offered to all players in the U14-U10 age groups to both prepare for tryouts and begin the higher-level communication about these clubs and their programs (see above the dates).

Practices and yearly calendars will be built after teams have been selected. A team meeting will take place with the coach to facilitate the function, location and logistics of each particular team’s needs based on majority of players locations, coach availability and club’s field allocations.
League and Post Season
Each team that enters the XL program will adhere to the expectations and commitment levels of a program of this level:

  • Commitment to May – April soccer
  • Expectation that players will attend all scheduled practices and games

The year will look like:

  • May – August: Practices 2-3x per week and tournaments throughout the summer
  • August - November: League play in either WPL or US Club top division league*
  • December: Break
  • January – April: State tournaments* (state tournaments run Jan/Feb and Mar/Apr)

*League and tournament play will be dependent on the best fit and most competitive environment for each team.

This program provides the highest level of coaching, highest level of commitment from both club and player/family and highest level of soccer culture.
We have built this program as families have shown a desire to train locally and pay a reasonable price for high level soccer. However, it was also built to build a better community of soccer culture for the Mercer Island and Bellevue area.

We have an enormous track record of producing some amazing athletes out of Bellevue and Mercer Island and this is a joint effort to our communities to say…

We are here for you!
We want to help you achieve the highest level of athletic achievement you can.
Our graduating seniors:
  • #13 Kai Zettel
  • #11 Luke Harp
  • #8 Emmett Graesser
  • #0 Colson Lee
  • #12 Luke Marty-McAuliff
Come celebrate the MIHS Boy Seniors
The MIHS boys soccer team is heading into the last week in 2nd place in the 3A KingCo League.

The regular season comes to a close on Thursday May 5th when MI will be taking on Liberty at home - who is currently at the top in the League.
Please join us in the MIHS stadium that night as we will take the opportunity to honor our seniors (including 5 MIFC players).
The boys have also already qualified for post season, which begins on Tuesday May 10.

For more information please check the MIHS boys website in order to keep up-to-date on their road to state.
UW Lucas Meek (and MIFC Alum) hosts a soccer tourney to raise funds for local families with ALS.
Kick 4 ALS: calling all soccer players!

MIHS Alum and current UW Soccer player, Lucas Meek will host a 5v5 youth soccer tournament on Saturday, May 14th at the University of Washington IMA Field.

Boys and Girls of all ages are invited to attend:
  • Eight teams per age division.
  • Registration is $250/team.
  • All participants receive a Kick 4 ALS bag.

Join in the fun with the University of Washington soccer team and coaching staff.
Proceeds help raise funds for local families living with ALS.
For registration and information click HERE.

2022 Spring & Fall Micro Soccer

Mercer Island FC Micro Soccer program is designed for our youngest soccer players. This is a perfect opportunity to come out and start building on the basics of soccer while playing with friends and having fun! Spring Micro Soccer is run by our MIFC Trainers & Coaches.
Each session will have a segment of training and skill learning along with scrimmages.

Spring Program (Birth Year 2015 - 2017)
Schedule: 6 Weeks Starting May 1st

Times (Sundays @ IMS grass):
  • 12 -1 pm PreK/Kindergarten 2017
  • 1 - 2 pm 1st grade
  • 2 - 3 pm 2nd grade

Fall Program (Birth Year 2016 - 2017)
Season consists of 8 weeks beginning September 10th. Drop-in training sessions on Wednesdays beginning September 14th.

Times (Saturdays @ Homestead):
  • BU6 8:30-9:30 am
  • BU7 9:45-10:45 am
  • GU6/GU7 11:00-12:00 pm
Recreational Soccer Program: registrations are now OPEN

The registrations to the most popular program is now open.

The program starts in the Summer and extends to Fall, and provides a great foundation for learning to play soccer, improve technical skills, play in a team, and compete in an official tournament.

Recreational soccer starts at U-8 and follows US Soccer Federation small-sided guidelines in a 4v4 format with no goal keepers.
Over the next years (U9-U12) players are gradually introduced to more field players, goalkeepers and larger fields.
Starting at U13, they play 11v11 and adhere to all of the Laws of the Game.

As the players physically mature, the size of the ball and the length of the match will increase until they are playing with a full-size, #5 ball and playing 45 minute halves.

Enroll your kids in the best soccer introductory program: see how they enjoy the sport, make new friends, join the local soccer community.
Washington State Legends of Soccer is proud to announce the Jimmy Gabriel Memorial Scholarship for the 2022-23 school year, to be given to soccer players seeking further education, whether college or vocational training.
Whole-Hearted and Inspiring Jimmy Gabriel was a Scot born in humble circumstances.
He saw soccer as his way to a better life and sought every day to better himself. He became a legend in Seattle through playing and coaching at many levels, including the Seattle Sounders and the University of Washington. He was described as a whole-hearted and inspiring coach, ever-humble, generous and popular, who left his mark everywhere he went.

Scholarships of $1000 to $5000 each will be awarded to one or more high school seniors in Washington in good academic standing.
Applicants may apply on line here: tinyurl.com/walegends or request a hardcopy by emailing walegends@gmail.com. The WSLS Scholarship Committee will screen applications on May 15th and announce recipients at the first of June