November 2019
Club news & updates
Mercer Island FC is our community's volunteer-led, non-profit soccer club for kids of all ages. Let’s play!
  • 2019 U8-U10 Rec Jamboree
  • Good Luck to Teams Still Competing in Rec Cup
  • Spring Juniors Registration Open
  • Don't Miss Out on MIFC's Winter Sharpness Camp for Kids and Parents
  • MIHS Girls Varsity Season Recap
  • MIFC Ball Girl Experience Winner - Arielle Thornton
  • Think Twice Before Criticizing the Referee
2019 U8-U10 Rec Jamboree
On November 2-3, EYSA sponsored an end of season Jamboree, comprised of 107 games for recreational players across all 5 EYSA Clubs for U8-U10 age teams. Thanks to all who coached, refereed, or volunteered to set up and monitor fields. Shout out to the MI teams that participated: G12 Starz and Slayers; B11 MI Crush; G11 Blue Jays, Hornets and Road Runners; B10 Slayers, Chaos, Outlaws and Fury; G10 Rebels, Blast and Knights. Special congratulations to G10 MI Rebels, who earned a berth in the Championship game, falling 0-1 in a hard fought battle against the Newport Steelheaders.
Good Luck to Teams Still Competing in Rec Cup
Good luck to the G05 Tarhills and the B05 Sun Devils who have advanced deep into the Rec Cup Tournament. The Club is rooting for you both to bring home the trophy!

The club has twenty Select teams registered for State Cup! We will follow their progress in the new year and wish all teams productive (and dry!) training over the next six weeks!
Spring Juniors Registration Open
Registration is open for MIFC's Spring Juniors program. Click here

The Juniors program is for players age 7-8 who want a longer soccer season and have focus and motivation for enhanced level of competition against teams off Island. Parents should be aware that:

·   Practices are held on Mercer Island starting in January
·  B oys practice: Tues/Thurs at 4:30pm
· Girls practice: Mon/Wed at 4:30pm
·   Games played in South Sound area and can be as far as Puyallup and Federal Way
Don't Miss Out on MIFC's Winter Sharpness and Parent Camp
Turn out for Winter Sharpness - a skills building clinic for players, with an adjacent parent camp run by professional trainers. Kids keep their skills sharp, and adults learn what MIFC coaches and trainers teach their kids, and why! Lots of fun coupled with a good winter workout!

Register here
MIHS Varsity Girls Season Recap
The MIHS Girls Varsity soccer season (3-6-3) ended November 7 with a hard fought loss against Bellevue in its second round King County playoff game. Fresh off a first round playoff win against Juanita (3-2), the team traveled to Bellevue's home turf and battled to advance to the next round, falling 2-0. Coach James Valles and Asst Coach Corey Goelz look forward to continuing to develop the young team next year.

Congratulations to Varsity players who earned KingCo honors -- ALL of whom once played for MIFC! Amy Braman (GK) and Emily Yang (Mid) received 1st team 2A/3A KingCo honors; Scarlett Counihan (Def) and Makena French (Mid) were named to the 2nd team. Natalie Smith (Mid), Avery Condor (Def) and Addie Goepfort-Waterman (Def) received honorable mention.
MIFC Ball Girl Experience Winner - Arielle Thornton
MIFC players volunteer to retrieve balls during the MIHS Girls Varsity soccer team home games, keeping the ball in play. The MIHS Varsity coaches and players host a Game Day Experience for one ball kid chosen randomly from all volunteers. Arielle Thornton from Francois Delafosse’s GU10 select team was the lucky winner this year! Arielle warmed up with the team for the October 22 match against Lake Washington, sat with players on the bench and in the half time huddle, and received a soccer ball signed by all MIHS Varsity Players and Coaches.
“The players look forward to the Game Day Experience,” says Head Coach James Valles. “It is one of the few times a player can do a little reflection during the season and I believe they truly see the experience for what it is and that is to mentor, inspire, and give back to the community.”
Molly Fort, MIFC coordinator of the program, admits that “getting kids to sign up for retrieving balls during home games has been an easy task. They are one of a few non-players allowed on the field and witness competitive soccer close up, receive hot chocolate from the booster club, hand out cookies to the varsity team and get a photo opportunity with the team. Coaches and players are grateful to the ball kids. Volunteers almost always ask if they can sign more than once a season."
Arielle claimed her favorite parts of the Game Day Experience were warming up with the team, watching the game together on the bench, and participating in the locker room pep talk. She commented how well the team works together and is excited about someday joining the team. We expect to soon see Arielle’s name listed on the MIHS Varsity team roster. “Arielle is a very competitive player, a forward minded player,” says Coach Delafosse. “[She’s] very tenacious!”
Think Twice Before Criticizing The Referee
It should go without saying that disputing referee calls has no place in youth soccer games. And yet, we see spectators and coaches challenging officials, sometimes in a heated fashion. Apart from modeling incivility for our children, such behavior has more pernicious effects. This is what experts say our kids learn from watching adults challenge referees: (1) Mistakes are not okay; (2) To make excuses; (3) To give up when facing adversity; (4) To disrespect authority. Read the full article here