MIFC is excited to offer Phase 2 Training sessions for our REC players U8 - U12 on Sundays beginning October 4/11. These training sessions will be held within the strict guidelines that we are following and facilitated by our Select Coaches & Trainers. Our rec coaches and players will learn from the Select staff the consistent, best practice training protocols used in our Select program. The training sessions are shorter (about 45 minutes in most cases). With all of our training, protocols are in place that we follow to continue to keep our players, families and staff safe. You can review our training protocols and safety guidelines on our website here.

If you have not registered yet, it's not too late: Register here.

There will be a max of 10 players by age group

Training Days:
Sunday 9/20
Sunday 9/27
Sunday 10/4
Sunday 10/11
possibly more dates if sufficient interest

Training Field: Homestead Field

Training Times:
U8 - 9-9:45am
U9: 10-10:45am
U10: 11-11:45am
U11/12: 12-12:45am