May 2021
Club Club News & Updatess & updates
Mercer Island FC is our community's volunteer-led, non-profit soccer club for kids of all ages. Let’s play!
  • Message From Paul Bayly - MIFC Director of Soccer
  • Recreational Coach Training-Equipment Session
  • Long Haul Coach Profile: Tom Hill
  • MIHS Varsity Girls Host MIFC Girl Players at Practice
  • Mark Your Calendar for Jamboree
  • Support our Outstanding MIHS Girls Soccer Teams This Fall
Message From Paul Bayly - MIFC Director of Soccer
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Club Members,

I hope this email finds you well. As we get ready for the season ahead, I want to share some sidelines tips for you and your players.
Pre Game
First, you need to consider your duration of time at the soccer game(s). Make sure the player eats a good healthy meal before leaving the house, players need the energy to play, if you have one game for the day, you are probably good to throw in a water bottle as post-game snack and head out the door.
If you are going to be at the soccer location longer; you’ll need to pack for water refills, snacks & depending on your game times, possibly lunch.
Make sure you plan ahead and have the correct address for the field and parking location. Parking can be atrocious at sports parks and sometimes leaving to grab a bite to eat just isn’t an option. Having food on hand can help the player recover after the game. Make sure your player is well hydrated and has their bag packed with all their gear, especially shin guards, boots and gloves if the weather is cold. Always plan for changing weather!
Keep track in your planner or team app of the games that you are responsible for team snacks. Also have the managers/coach contact details on hand, just in case you are running late.
As a parent, dress for the changing weather and bring a chair so you can relax and enjoy the game.
During the Game
This is the time you can enjoy the game and watch the results of all your rushing around. Enjoy the game and support the team and players. Mistakes will happen by all, players and referees, these are learning moments. Be positive, the years go quickly. If you find you get excited at the games, lollipops are a great way to help. It is a kid's soccer game, so it will probably not look like an adult professional game. Remember shouting at your player can cause that player to pause and look towards you and forget about the game.
After the Game
Wait until the coach releases the players, let your player know how proud you are of them and that you really enjoyed watching them play the game. Some players might want to tell you about what they did and others might not, no need to go into game analysis with them, as you have seen the game differently than them. Food and water are important after the game and make sure you keep the same routine regardless of the result.
Recreational Coach Training-Equipment Session
On Monday, August 23, MIFC will hold its annual training and equipment distribution for ALL MIFC rec coaches. Whether you are a veteran coach or a newbie, please come to hear from recently hired Director of Soccer, Paul Bayly, learn tips from veteran coaches on practice management, the ideal flow of practice, the expectations placed on coaches, and tips for how to make the season fun and rewarding for all players. We hope to have a large turnout from veteran coaches, as they always give valuable information about what has worked well for them. It is also your chance to obtain Club-provided equipment (cones, balls, etc).
Long Haul Coach Profile 1: Tom Hill
At our August MIFC Board meeting, we conversed about the overall benefit of recreational and select coaches who stick with their teams for many years. We are creating a monthly spotlight series of coaches who have gone above and beyond the call of duty, coaching for 5, 9 or 12 years. If you are embarking on the soccer journey as a new coach for your child's team, read closely. The benefits to your players (and to you) of continuity and shared growth through many developmental stages (soccer and human) are profound. We start with veteran Select Team Coach Tom Hill (who, incidentally, supports the rec program as well). Tom coached a girls team from 6th grade through their graduation from high school in 2019. He shared many successes with the girls over the years. This newsletter author had the privilege of coaching the same age girls on the rec side - on the same field at the same time as Tom coached his select team. He walked the talk in every practice Here is how he quantifies the benefits of guiding the development of a team over many years:

The Benefits
  • Coach and kids grow and improve together
  • The coach gets to know the players and builds relationships and trust
  • The players get to know their coach
  • The players get to know their teammates along with their tendencies
  • As a team everybody knows what their style of play is
  • None of this is about winning, however, the teams that stay together tend to be more cohesive, play better together, and have more success on the field (in particular during the high school years)
  • Players from other teams and clubs want to play with the team because they’ve been told it is fun
What it takes
  • A coach dedicated to the team who works hard to keep the team together
  • Vast amounts of patience over a long period of time
  • The kids must have fun. When players do not have fun they will move on to other activities
  • Open communication with the players and parents
  • Involving the parents
  • Developing all of the players (i.e. minimum 50% playing time for all)
  • Organized fun practices
  • Organized game plans
  • Catching players doing something positive and complimenting them
  • Allowing the players to actively participate in decisions; creating an environment where they feel free to chime in and not simply listen.
What prevents it
  • A narrow focus on winning
  • Playing favorites
  • Allowing bullies and poor attitudes
  • Constant yelling at the players
  • Poor sportsmanship
  • Lack of organization and communication
Kids want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. They enjoy being part
of a cohesive team where they are treated with respect, where bullies and negative back and forth is not allowed, where practices and games are fun win or lose because it is done together.

MIHS Varsity Girls Host MIFC Girl Players at Practice
James Valles, Head Coach of the MIHS Girls soccer program loves soccer. He recently invited all female players from MIFC to attend some of the coaches practices held for all veteran and prospective players in the months of June and July. James is interested in developing a shared training and playing style that MIFC players will find familiar once they are of age to try out for the High School girls soccer program. The girls who showed up to observe were able to interact with the coaches, hear why they were doing particular drills and what the coaches hoped to get out of the session. Parents in attendance were able to talk with Coach James and several parents from the MIHS GIrls Soccer Booster Club about the flow of the season and his philosophy of play. A good time was had by all.

Stay tuned for info on possible kickarounds with MIHS players on local fields sponsored by MIFC, as well as solicitations to sign up to be a ball girl - retrieving out of bounds balls during home games.

Pic 1 - MIFC player following practice with JV Coach Erin Bourguignon; Pic 2 - MIFC players helping to rearrange equipment during practice.
Mark Your Calendar for Jamboree
The MIFC Jamboree for our U8-U12 players will be held on August 28 at the South Mercer playfields. The Jamboree is a chance to meet your child's coach in the pre-season. The teams play a series of short round robin games to get the team players comfortable with each other before match play begins. Uniforms will be distributed there and lots of fun and socializing to be had by all.
Support our Outstanding MIHS Girls Soccer Teams This Fall
The best way to learn soccer is to watch high quality soccer. Mark your calendars and come out to cheer our MIHS Girls Soccer Teams during the Fall Season. Home Game Varsity Schedule below

Tuesday, September 7: Home game v Ballard High School
Tuesday, September 8: Home game v Lake Washington
Tuesday, September 21: Home game v Interlake HS
Thursday, September 30: Home game v Liberty HS
Tuesday, October 5: Home game v Bellevue HS
Tuesday, October 19: Home game v Juanita HS
Tuesday, Oct 21: Home game v Hazen HS

Full Varsity schedule (including away games) here
Full JV schedule here
Full C Team schedule here