While our MIFC high school teams have spent the fall on the pitch practicing and attending clinics, Island high school coaches are getting their teams ready for the upcoming spring seasons. 
MIHS GIrls Soccer Update from Head Coach James Valles: The MIHS girls soccer program has been training three times a week since November. We have had a really great turnout and even though the training sessions have restrictions, such as pods and face mask requirements, the training sessions have been great. The coaching staff has been able to take a negative and turn it into a positive. The primary focus of the training session has been to build the technical ability of the players. Players with a solid technical base will have no problems adapting to the tactical changes that playing for Mercer Island High School soccer will require. 
In the short time we have been able to work with the players, we have seen a vast improvement in passing, receiving, and the confidence to take on players off the dribble. We have also been able to work on shooting, which is every player's favorite thing to do, and if not, it should be. We are seeing the results in better shot selection, technique, and composure in front of goal. The incoming freshmen have really impressed with their work ethic and attendance. The future looks bright for the program. 
The MIHS open session period has been extended until January 23, 2021, so if you have a player who is interested in the program all are welcome. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays from 6:30-8, even if the players have to leave early, all players are encouraged to attend. 
Finally, the girls soccer season is officially scheduled to start 3/15/21 and run through the first week of May. To date, our season, although pushed back and reduced in length, is still a go.
MIHS Boys Soccer Update from Head Coach Forrest Markowitz: The boys program has been holding weekly training sessions, which provide an opportunity for the guys to get together in a safe and structured environment. These essentially replace a typical captains practice, and after a long week of online learning we all feel grateful to be able to play together in a physical space. 
As of now, our 2021 season is set to start April 26th and run through the middle of June. We remain hopeful that we will have a season and games to play come springtime. Until then, our players will be training hard with their respective club teams, also holding on to some hope that there may be games to play on that side of the youth soccer world as well.

Message from MIFC Select High School Coach Tom Hill: The best thing players can do is play. Gather friends together and play for an hour or two. Getting and staying in good shape is also important so both jogging and interval training in addition to or in lieu of training.  It is important to take recovery days. Daily intense workouts are counter productive due to cumulative fatigue that leads to injuries.