April 2021
Volume 14, Issue 4

Elsewhere in America this month, they say "April showers bring May flowers", but here in beautiful Marin, our late winter storms followed by spectacular sunny weather are already bringing out the wildflower bloom! Getting those adult vaccinations and following our Council CoViD guidelines, are just what we need to kick off Scouting outdoors again in the fresh air!

So place a registration to come up to scenic Camp Tamarancho with your Scouts for a geo-cache exploration, rambling day hike, small-group camping, novice backpacking trek from Fairfax, or a wilderness survival overnight at our primitive outposts. It's all available for adventure, exploration and enjoyment just up the hill in Fairfax!
Council Roundtable Meeting - the First Thursday every month!
Our regularly-scheduled Council Roundtable meetings are held the first Thursday of every month, September through June. This Thursday, April 1, we will be meeting again online via ZOOM. The Roundtable will start at 7:30 sharp with current announcements and important presentations until 8:30pm. We have some valuable updates to share regarding making the most of being "Scoutdoors" this Spring, planning for Webelos bridging, Summer Camp at Marin Sierra, and so much more!
Please see program-specific log-in details below, and forward these invitations to other Scouters and parents in your local units to make sure every unit is represented!

Join Cub Scout Roundtable with Commissioner Roger Dickerson
ZOOM Meeting ID # 826 1598 5928

Join Scouts BSA Roundtable with Commissioner Mike Blum
ZOOM Meeting ID # 826 5610 8952
Next Quarterly Venturing Rally in June
The next quarterly Venturing Rally is planned for 7pm, Thursday, June 3, just before the regular monthly roundtable meetings. In the short term, an activity interest survey will be broadcast to all Scouts BSA youth (13 yrs or older) and adult leaders. For details, please email Venturing Rally Commissioner Monika Kainz, or check out the new Crews' Corner posting below!
Cub Scout Speaker Series - the First Wednesday every month!
Join us this Wednesday, April 7 at 5pm for our very popular Cub Scout Speakers Series. Our next presenter is Drake Johnson, who graduated from Stanford University with a degrees in Biology and bioinformatics, and now attends UCSF medical school. Drake grew up in Marin, is familiar with our Scouting programs, and he is ready to answer your questions!

Scouts who attend can ask questions and earn credit toward their rank advancement. Email Senior District Executive Nancy Rozell, or contact your Pack leadership to register your Cub Scout for this special presentation!
CODE RED on Mt. Tamalpais --- Outdoor First Aid
CODE RED 2021 is fast approaching and will be conducted virtually on Saturday, April 24, 2021! Similar to the in-person Code Red events in the past, participating Troops and Crews throughout the Marin Council will work together in patrols to evaluate and resolve the various outdoor first-aid scenarios.

Following a successful First-Aid topic draft, we hope that every Troop's scenario group have their creative juices flowing and are brainstorming ways of making their scenarios interactive, educational, and fun! Does your Troop/Crew have what it takes to be the Marin Council Code Red Champs?

Scenario group awards will include: 
Most Interactive
Most Informative
Best Prepared

Also, we encourage your Scouts who will be rotating to work on their first-aid knowledge and skills to be prepared to manage the myriad of mysterious maladies that they will encounter . . . virtually. 

Key date reminders for this exciting Scout Skills event sponsored by Troop 1, Mill Valley: 

1) Sunday April 11, 2021: Last day to register via the Marin Council website here.
Each Troop may register up to 2 patrols. We encourage patrols to be 5-10 Scouts each to encourage good teamwork. Please have your patrol(s) come up with their patrol name(s).

2) Sunday April 11, 2021: Due date for sending your Troop's scenario Zoom link (Troop leaders, please send the Zoom link via email).

3) Saturday April 24, 2021: CODE RED! 
Schedules of the day for each troop will be sent via email to troop leaders after the registration deadline.
National Environmental Education Week - April 19-23
Our Scouts spend a lot of time learning and experiencing in the outdoors. No doubt many of you are familiar with the annual Earth Day celebrations held around the globe, or participate in the many local Clean & Green days for conservation service project hours around Earth Day, Thursday, April 22.

National Environmental Education Week (EE Week) is the Nation's largest celebration of environmental education, held annually in April, which means EE Week is coming up soon! There are enriching EE webinars, stories, and resources scheduled throughout the week. Make sure to visit the websites below to view the full schedule, register for the webinars, submit questions for our panelists, and see what else is in store. Please have your Scouts join in April 19-23 for the nation’s largest celebration of environmental education!

50th-anniversary Environmental Protection Agency Award
The Environmental Protection Agency, as part of a public awareness campaign to celebrate its first 50 years, has partnered with the Boy Scouts of America to create an award for members of troops, crews and ships. This new award will recognize youth who research and learn about the subjects of human health and the environment, as the EPA develops its vision for the next 50 years.

The objective of the EPA award is to combine a variety of disciplines to challenge and educate youth; introduce them to the breadth of the EPA’s involvement in environmental protection and conservation; and encourage them to research, investigate, experiment, demonstrate, survey, and study air pollution, water pollution, solid and hazardous waste, and ocean dumping. Click here for more details on this exciting award available only during 2021!
National Constitution Center Scout Days - April 22, 24 & 25
Citizenship is one of the key Aims of Scouting, and all of our youth have important requirements to earn. The National Constitution Center in Philadelphia is thrilled to offer Virtual Scout Days for Scouts BSA youth nationwide!

Participate in special LIVE virtual programs including museum tours, panel discussions, trivia games, and more! All of our programming is specifically designed for Scouts and customized to help them achieve select requirements for badges. Mark your calendars for three days of Spring 2021 programs on April 22, 24 & 25; only $10 per Scout! To learn more about this exciting online event or to register your Scout, click here!
2021 Cub Scout Camping Programs Announced!

After the many challenges of 2020, we look forward to having "in-person" Cub Scout camping events again this year . . .
Cub Scout Day Camp - "Under the Sea" Theme
Day Camp is the highlight of a Cub Scout's year! Local boys and girls who are not currently in Cub Scouts are welcome to attend also, so invite your friends! Day Camp is open to youth who will be entering the second through fifth grades in the fall of 2021.
  • First Day Camp Week: July 12-16, 2021
  • Second Day Camp Week: July 26-30, 2021

Cost for Day Camp is $375, with a $80 discount for currently-registered Cub Scouts. Bus service is available from many parts of Marin if desired, and is only $70 additional per week.
Don't delay, Click here to reserve your spot for FUN!

NOW is also time for Scouts BSA and Venturing youth to apply to be on our staff; please download an application. It's all about having fun outdoors with our younger Scouts!
Put the following events on your family calendar!

Webelos Woods @ Camp Marin Sierra, September 3-5
Theme: Back to Baden-Powell

Family Fiesta @ Camp Tamarancho, September 17-19
Theme: Cub Scout Superheroes
It takes many hands to produce these events each year, from planning the festivities to staffing the actual activities themselves. As we look forward to 2021, we could use your help! Please consider joining our fun committee. Contact Chair Ron Poggi or SDE Nancy Rozell.
National Youth Leadership Training @ Camp Tamarancho
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an intensive week-long leadership training course conducted in an outdoor setting. As members of an NYLT patrol, Scouts BSA and Venturing youth learn the tools of leadership, communication, problem solving, ethical decision-making and much more --- experiencing the Patrol Method of Scouting first-hand while they camp, cook, eat, work and learn together.
NYLT is a six-day course held June 13-20, 2021 at Camp Tamarancho. In order to attend a NYLT course, all youth must have the following qualifications by the start of the session:
  • Must be a registered member of a Scouting unit.
  • Must have a current BSA Health and Medical Record form parts A, B, and C.
  • Scouts BSA members (male and female) must be at least 13. They must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILS-T) and have earned First Class rank.
  • Venturers must be at least 14. They must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILS-C).
  • Apply with a unit leader recommendation.
  • It is recommended that all youth have participated in Scout camping over one year. NYLT is not an outdoor skills course and it is important that each participant have basic camping and outdoor cooking experience.

For more info, contact Course Director Beth Bailey-Gates or register your Scout here!
Scouts BSA Summer Resident Camp in July!

We are well into planning for our delayed 70th-anniversary celebration in July 2021 at Emigrant Gap! Our Camp Marin Sierra forms are updated, and the Council website has all the exciting details to plan your best week ever for Scouts BSA resident camp! Opening camps in 2021 is critical to the mission delivery of the Boy Scouts of America. The decision to open and how to operate involves a solid plan for mitigating the risk of COVID-19 for your safety while at camp. Click here to register your troop for the best Sierra summer camp experience you can provide your Scouts!
One of the most important parts of preparing for a successful summer camp operation is recruiting that right balance of camp staff and training them well. In the CoViD-19 era this may be more difficult for us to get some staff back who you were not able to be employed in 2020 because camp did not open. Please refer any Scout youth and young adults 15 years and over. Click here to apply for the best seasonal Camp staff a young person can enjoy!

Now is a great time to consider what campsite to reserve, or apply early to ensure you get a place on staff and even the job you desire! If you don't see what you're looking for, please contact District Exec/Camping Director MJ Andrews for further details!
Announcing Marin Sierra Family Vacation Camp in August!
Parents, are you tired of hearing about all the fun your Scouts are having at our beautiful camp properties? Well now you'll have the opportunity to share some quality outdoor time together as a family with all the traditions of Scout Summer Camp. While celebrating our CoViD-delayed 70th anniversary of Camp Marin Sierra, we are also in the planning to introduce a family vacation camp with stays during Sunday, August 1 through Saturday, August 7, 2021.
Imagine packing for your family camping vacation, but not having to worry about setting up a tent, or cooking your food, or planning activities! For one low price per person, you will be able to register your family members to spend a couple days beside crystal-clear Chubb Lake, breathe in the fresh mountain air, and gaze at the amazing night skies while our camp staff takes care of all the basics necessities such as tent, meals, and all the standard program activities including waterfront, shooting sports, crafts, nature and more! Further details and registration site will be released soon!
Leadership Training Continues for all Adults!

The Scouts in your Pack/Troop/Crew deserve TRAINED adult leaders. This will help develop a better Scouting experience for your sons & daughters, improved preparedness when something goes wrong, and it fulfills an important adult volunteer requirement for unit programs. Is it challenging to know what adult leader training is needed and to keep track of it for your unit? A great solution is to have a Training Chairperson on your unit committee. It’s not a time-intensive role and it really helps to promote leader training and keep track of it all. Click this link and scroll down to the Unit Training Chair Information Guide for further details.
But we have bad news and good news. The bad news is that our percentage of adult leaders who are trained for their position has dropped significantly during the past "CoViD" year when you likely had the time to complete online training! The good news is that many of you are in the process of completing your position-specific training, once you were provided information on what specific training courses you needed to complete. We appreciate that and your unit will benefit too! The Leadership Training link on our Council website shows exactly what training Pack, Troop and Crew leaders need with specific courses. If you have any questions, please contact Council Training Chair Jeff Clark by email!

With outdoor activities anticipated to increase this Spring and Summer as vaccinations become more prevalent, be sure to take advantage of training opportunities such as Wood Badge, and also be sure to complete the required Hazardous Weather training – read on.
Wood Badge Training is great outdoor training for adult leaders at all experience levels. If you’re a registered adult and have completed YPT, then you’re eligible to attend Wood Badge. Scheduled dates are two weekends in September 2021 at Camp Tamarancho in Fairfax. Find more information about the 2021 Wood Badge course here: Wood Badge - part 1 Sept 10-12, part 2 Sept.25-26

Hazardous Weather training is required to qualify as a trained leader. It's only 30-40 minutes online and you will learn some great information for your next outing! Just click on the title and the link will take you there to get started!
Venturing BSA --- Crews' Corner

We have formed a new Council Venturing Committee to help guide our older Scouting youth and young adults toward the benefits of this co-ed program with fantastic leadership opportunities. More information about our Venture Crews, their special interests and the Venturing Officers' Association (VOA) will be provided at the Scouts BSA Roundtable meetings during the next few months. We will also be sending out an activity interest survey to all Scouts BSA youth 13 years or older, and all Scouts BSA adult leaders, as well as all current Venturing participants. For further details, please contact Venturing Commissioner Monika Kainz by email.
Talako Lodge News Bulletin --- Order of the Arrow Members
Important Reminders
Our next Lodge meeting of the year will be held at 7pm April 13 via ZOOM. Our LEC officers and ceremonies team are planning for many events this Spring, so everyone is encouraged to log-in and participate!
  • Of special note to all Cub Scout Packs, the Lodge has produced a new Bridging Ceremonies video for Webelos dens to use in their virtual events. Please contact by email either Vice Chief of Ceremonies Sam Silvestri or Lodge Chief Alex Perry for additional details.
  • We have been coordinating with all the Marin Scoutmasters and SPLs during the past few weeks to schedule Unit OA Elections (Scout Troops). Due to pandemic health pre-screening for all candidates, the cut-off is Saturday, April 3.
  • Our Spring Induction will be April 16-17 at Camp Tamarancho. Similar to last fall's big event, we will be providing a modified CoViD-friendly ordeal. We will be discussing at future planning meetings all the specifics, so don't miss out!
  • Finally, the annual Klondike Derby weekend has been moved to May 14-16 at Camp Tamarancho as a Spring Camporee with alternate troop competition activities. We will need Arrowmen to coordinate this fun event; more details to follow!
Annual Lodge Registration and Dues
If you are a Talako Lodge member of the Order of the Arrow, and you have not paid your dues for 2021, please use the link below. Paying your $15 dues helps the Lodge grow, and if you want to attend events or purchase our new PATCHES, then you have to be a member in good standing!

Currently, we have available the new No-NOAC 2020 patch sets shown. They can be ordered when you are completing your annual registration and dues payment online. Also, there is a new link for the Lodge Trading Post where you can order other OA or Talako memorabilia and swag!

If you have any questions about the National Order of the Arrow organization, or the local Talako Lodge in Marin, please contact Lodge Chief Alex Perry.
Continuing Local Scout Unit Meetings and Activities Safely
As a reminder, under the Marin County Public Health directives, social distancing and face masks are required. Our Risk Management Committee has produced several important documents to assist with determining your response for planning events and activities. These include Marin Council guidelines and FAQs, as well as a valuable unit restarting guidebook loaded with details and available by clicking on the image at right . . .

Other Helpful Links and Resources on CoViD-19
Marin County Public Health webpage
BSA National Memo webpage
BSA National Videos webpage
BSA SAFE Restart checklist
Marin Council Service Center: Office Status Updated
The Trading Post is open weekdays from 10am-4:30pm, and the Marin Council administrative offices are now accessible to the public again. Our office staff is still available to support you with Scouting inquiries almost anytime. Please be aware:
  • Council staff is onsite and available by phone Monday through Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm.
  • Staff may still be working remotely on some days, so if you need to visit a specific staff member in person, it is suggested you schedule an appointment or arrange a phone conference or ZOOM meeting.
  • No matter what . . . Council Executive Staff are always available via email here: (Michael DybeckNancy Rozell, and Michael "MJ" Andrews).

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during these novel times; please contact Scout Executive Michael Dybeck with any questions or concerns in this regard.
Scouting . . .
Prepared. For Life.
At the Marin Council, we will continue to do our best to keep you informed of changes in our program calendar. We will also strive to highlight new ways for your family continue to enjoy and benefit from Scouting-at-home under these unique circumstances.

Please check our Council website homepage regularly for the most current information updates and event calendar, and the frequent social media activity on our Instagram and Facebook pages linked below, as well as those for Camps Tamarancho & Marin Sierra.