United States Commission on Civil Rights

March 2023 Newsletter

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held a Public Briefing on The Federal Response to Anti-Asian Racism in the United States

On March 24, 2023, The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held a briefing on the federal government’s response to anti-Asian racism in the United States. The Commission’s investigation seeks to examine the federal government’s role in documenting, prosecuting, and preventing hate crimes against persons of Asian descent during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The investigation will also include background and historical perspectives of Asian immigration in the U.S.; anti-Asian immigration laws and changes to immigration laws for persons of Asian descent; and misperceptions and stereotypes of Asian immigrants and Asian Americans.

At this public briefing, Commissioners heard from subject matter experts such as government officials, academics, policy experts, law enforcement professionals, advocates, and impacted persons. 

Watch the Briefing

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights welcomes new Commissioner, Rochelle Garza

On March 17th, 2023, Rochelle Garza was officially sworn in as a Commissioner of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights by Staff Director Mauro Morales. President Joe Biden appointed Rochelle Garza as a Commissioner of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Rochelle Garza is an attorney from the Rio Grande Valley currently serving as President of the Texas Civil Rights Project, one of the most influential legal organizations dedicated to empowering Texas communities and creating policy changes in the state. Rochelle has spent her legal career fighting for the civil rights of children, immigrants, and families and has expertise in immigration, family, criminal and constitutional law. Her work has had broad impacts on civil rights including the health care of women.

Commissioners of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights serve six-year terms.

Commission Staff Director, Mauro Morales stated: “We are honored to welcome Commissioner Rochelle Garza to be a part of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Her years of exceptional policy-making experience in civil rights will make Commissioner Garza a solid addition to our slate of Commissioners. We look forward to incorporating her extensive expertise in civil rights law to progress the mission of the Commission and develop comprehensive civil rights policy.”

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights welcomes new Commissioner, Victoria Nourse

On March 16th, 2023, Victoria Nourse was officially sworn in as a Commissioner of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights by Staff Director Mauro Morales. President Joe Biden appointed Victoria Nourse as a Commissioner of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Victoria Frances Nourse is the Ralph Whitworth Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law School. She has taught law at several institutions including Yale, NYU, Northwestern, Emory and the University of Wisconsin law schools. She has also taught courses across the public law curriculum from constitutional law to legislation to criminal law and gender and has written textbooks and dozens of articles in each field.

Commissioners of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights serve six-year terms.

Commission Staff Director, Mauro Morales stated: “We welcome Commissioner Victoria Frances Nourse and are excited for her to be a part of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Her impressive background in law and teaching law, make Commissioner Nourse a remarkable addition to our roster of Commissioners. We look forward to incorporating her valuable insight and judgment in enhancing the development of national civil rights policy and enforcement of federal civil rights laws.”



Wyoming Advisory Committee hosted Public Web Briefing on Housing Discrimination

On March 24, 2023, the Wyoming Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights hosted its first Panel of a series of online public briefings to hear testimony regarding the potential civil rights concerns related to housing discrimination and fair housing practices in the state. The Committee intends to provide the Commission with their findings and recommendations on these topics.

Advisory Committees have recently examined cases of the use of algorithms and employment discrimination. In addition to advising the Commission, Advisory Committee reports have contributed to policy changes at the national, state, and local levels.


The Connecticut Advisory Committee released an interim memo, The Civil Rights Implications of Algorithms in Connecticut. The Committee sought to increase awareness on the use of algorithms by government agencies and how they may create or perpetuate discrimination and regulatory approaches to address bias and discrimination. The Committee issues this memorandum to alert and encourage the Connecticut Legislature to be a national leader in the movement to address algorithmic bias and discrimination.

The Iowa Advisory Committee released a report, Examining Employment Discrimination and Administrative Closures. The focus of the Committee’s inquiry was to examine the effectiveness of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission’s (ICRC) screening process in protecting the employment rights of persons based upon their protected category. From a civil rights perspective, the Committee sought to consider the impact of the ICRC’s screening process in developing an accurate record from which an impartial decision can be made.

Read the CT Memo



The Commission meets to conduct agency business on civil rights matters. Pursuant to the Sunshine Act, meetings of official business of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights are open to the public, with the exception of executive sessions, which may be closed pursuant to the exemptions of the Sunshine Act.

Click the link for more information and view documents under heading Commission News:

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The Commission establishes Advisory Committees in every state and the District of Columbia. These committees serve as the Commission’s eyes and ears on the ground and advise the Commission regarding civil rights matters in their locales. All Advisory Committee meetings are open for public attendance. 

Interested in attending State Advisory Committee meeting?

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Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys held a Virtual Roundtable Discussion

The Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys held a virtual meeting on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, focused on “Creating a Model for Black Economic Citizenship.” The roundtable focused on the most pressing issues affecting Black men and boys, including policies and actions that can prevent these issues. Each participant spoke from their area of expertise. At this public briefing, the CSSBMB Commissioners heard from subject matter experts such as government officials, activists, non-governmental advocates, and academics.

The Way Ahead:

Moving forward CSSBMB looks to establish partnerships to secure a seamless transition toward healthy change. In conjunction with our myriad research and evidence gathering efforts, CSSBMB is elevating what works by highlighting the great work being done by activists on the ground in our “Profiles in Black Excellence” series. Through future endeavors such as, oral histories, documentaries, articles, and newsletters and quarterly meetings in 2023, we are looking to create a dynamic, interactive FY2023 Annual Report.

Watch the Roundtable






The Civil Rights Act of 1957 created the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Established as an independent, bipartisan, fact-finding federal agency, our mission is to inform the development of national civil rights policy and enhance enforcement of federal civil rights laws. We pursue this mission by studying alleged deprivations of voting rights and alleged discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, or in the administration of justice. We play a vital role in advancing civil rights through objective and comprehensive investigation, research, and analysis on issues of fundamental concern to the federal government and the public.

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