Volume 9 Issue 6 | March 23, 2020
University News for Faculty and Staff
Dear Faculty and Staff Members,
We hope this finds you well.
In light of the CoronaVirus (COVID-19) situation, the University has developed, through its Emergency Management Group, policies, practices and recommendations regarding the Virus and information which is important for you to review. This information is located at
and will be updated as circumstances may change.
Please contact
if you know of anyone who has the qualifications and interest to fill any of these positions.
Open Positions:
- MUM Online - Student Support Services
- Compro - Admissions Counselor
- Compro - Career Coach
- GDM Cafe - dishwasher for Fridays, perfect for IA participant
- Recreation Center - Opener/cleaner - start at 6:00am
For job descriptions and application information on any of these positions click
Other Job Openings
Maharishi International University is an equal opportunity employer.
A Yogi's Quest to Popularise Transcendental Meditation
An excerpt from Alistair Shearer’s book 'The Story of Yoga'.
Mind-yoga was likewise soon to be presented as a quasi-medical therapy, a process best exemplified by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s simple technique of Transcendental Meditation. When he left India to begin his worldwide teaching mission in the late 1950s, Maharishi couched his message in largely spiritual terms, a traditional vocabulary that included Hindu deities, kundalini and chakras, reincarnation, God, karma and enlightenment. However, such riches were disregarded by some of his pupils in light of their immediate medical needs.
Nancy Watkins Passes
It is with great sadness, and with deep appreciation for her tremendous service to the University, that I share the news of the passing of our dear Nancy Watkins.
She was our International Student Advisor for almost 25 years. To generations of international students she was their guardian angel. She not only helped with the complexities of their visas, but she was also there as an advisor for every aspect of their lives.
She was a mother to each and every one of them. The walls of her office are covered with pictures of her students and the important events in their lives. She was always included in wedding invitations and birth announcements. Her home and office are filled with gifts of appreciation from grateful students, staff, friends and everyone she blessed with her time and attention.
She was a devoted Governor of the Age of Enlightenment. She appreciated her program in the Dome and all of Maharishi’s precious gifts. She took advantage of every new package of knowledge as it was unfolded, and integrated them into her life.
She gave generously to those who needed her skills or support. She was truly a friend to all.
We will remember her always with love and appreciation.
President John
MIU and North Campus village have started to raise funds for a Yagya for our dear Nancy. We're already pretty close.
Please click here to access the site to make a donation if you so wish. Many of you were able to attend the lovely Vedic funeral, and rest assured that we plan to have a memorial for her when we can all get together again. If you are interested in speaking or helping with organization, please let me know.
Victoria Alexander Herriot
Our saintly, brilliant, colorful and loving Nancy will be missed very much. A founding member of the NorthCampus Village Board of Directors, an advisor to all those needing her, an advocate for immigrants coming from throughout the world and a great, great friend to so many; her wisdom, counsel, creativity, and steadiness helped our community become what it is today.
Maharishi International University and several dear friends are leading the initiative to request Maharishi Yagya performances to support her soul. These will begin on March 23 at the auspicious Muhurta for her and continue to April 6. For those who would like and are able to support this, a funding link has been created that brings you directly to Brahmananda Saraswati Yagya Foundation to make your tax deductible donation:
We delight in the loving thought of her. All of us wish her absolute peace and unbounded bliss on her way.
Free Access to the New York Times
The New York Times is now available for free to MIU faculty, students, and staff from our website
. To access it, click on the databases link and then click on the New York Times link at the bottom. Follow the instructions to create your individual account. Please note this will work only from on-campus and NOT off-campus. Once registered, you can also install the New York Times on your smart phone and read the latest news every morning. If you have any questions, please call me at 472-1154 or come to the library with your laptop.
Martin Schmidt
Synchronized Yogic Flying
Times to Create Coherence & Help Reduce Stress
During this time of increasing concern about the coronavirus, I have been asked what more we can do to help create the most integrated, coherent, and stress-free national consciousness possible. It is with this in mind that I am pleased to re-introduce our National Super-Radiance times for the practice of the TM
and TM-Sidhi
We are setting up a choice of lift-off times for each time zone (see below) to make it easy and convenient for most of us to participate from our own homes or workplaces. The goal is that Yogic Flyers should be lifting off around the world, starting from New Zealand, and progressing from time zone to time zone throughout the 24 hours of the day.
We will invite everyone, including Meditators, to join us so we can have the maximum number of people meditating at the same time.
Together, we can use this time to create a wave of coherence and peace for the whole country, and make even greater use of the transformational knowledge that Maharishi so generously shared with us.
Wishing you perfect health and great happiness,
Dr. John Hagelin
National Director of the Transcendental Meditation program
Super-Radiance program schedule for Yogic Flyers
Please note: All times listed are lift-off times.
Morning: 8:15 am | Evening: 5:45 pm
Alternate times:
Morning: 6:45 am | Evening: 6:45 pm
Start Times for Meditators
Morning: 7:30 am | Evening: 5:00 pm
Alternate times:
Morning: 6:00 am | Evening: 6:00 pm
Upcoming Events and Courses
A new exhibition at
MIU's UNITY Gallery
Featuring works by artist Dylan Nelson
The show will run from March 13th through April 10th.
Unity Gallery is located in the MIU library
Library hours:
Mon-Sat: 8am to 10pm
Sun: 7pm to 10pm
Reducing Veteran Suicides from 21 to Zero Per Day
"21 to None" inauguration 6:00 p.m. Thursday, April 2, Plaza Hotel, NYC
On April 2, 2020, the David Lynch Foundation (DLF) will inaugurate The Trauma Project’s campaign to stem the epidemic of veteran suicides by making the Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique available free of cost to veterans and their families. A Department of Defense–funded randomized controlled trial published in
The Lancet Psychiatry
showed the TM technique reduces Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) symptoms and depression equal to or exceeding Prolonged Exposure therapy, the current gold standard of PTS care.
Jon Bon Jovi and Jake Gyllenhaal will help launch the David Lynch Foundation “21 to None” campaign on April 2, 2020.
Jon Bon Jovi, Grammy Award winning inductee of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and Academy Award-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal will help launch the national campaign at the Thursday, April 2 event, 6:00 p.m. at the Plaza Hotel, New York City. They are strong DLF supporters and longtime TM meditators.
The David Lynch Foundation will honor four U.S. military leaders who are spearheading the “21 to None”® campaign and also practice the TM technique themselves: General James Marks (U.S. Army, Ret.), General Stephen T. Rippe (U.S. Army, Ret.), Admiral Richard Schneider, Ph.D. (U.S. Coast Guard, Ret.), and General Loree K. Sutton, M.D. (U.S. Army, Ret.).
Proceeds will support DLF’s work to reduce from 21 to zero the number of veterans who commit suicide every day by bringing the TM technique to all veterans and their families.
An estimated one million veterans suffer from PTSD, but less than 20 percent receive adequate care due to lack of effective treatments, fear of stigma, or insufficient government resources. Half of those won’t receive any care at all. Left untreated, PTSD places veterans at great risk for violent and self-destructive behavior, and nearly 8,000 vets die by suicide every year.
World Peace Assembly
23 May, 28 May, or 30 May to 6 June 2020
for those practicing the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program
including Yogic Flying
Meditator Residence Course
30 May to 6 June 2020
for those practicing the Transcendental Meditation Technique
• Deep rest and profound rejuvenation
• Extended practice of the Transcendental Meditation and
Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program
• Enlivening discussion of experiences
• Enlightening videos of Maharishi
• Comfortable air-conditioned rooms in newly renovated and furnished Fortune-Creating Maharishi Vastu buildings
• Delicious, freshly prepared vegetarian cuisine
To Apply, please contact your National Office
Maharishi Yoga Asana Instructor Training, Phase 1
The first phase of a new, 300-hour certified training program
10 online webinars two hours each, accessible after your confirmed application,
and a two-week in-residence section from
29 May – 13 June 2020 at MERU, The Netherlands
This spring, Governors and Sidhas have the unique opportunity to join the first phase of a high-level, systematic training: the new certified Maharishi Yoga Asana Instructor Training at the 300-hour level. This programme, offered by the Maharishi College of Perfect Health International for the first time this year, is a systematic training programme in accordance with international standards but with a special focus on Maharishi’s Vedic Science.
The training consists of three phases. Phase One offers systematic training to teach the Maharishi Yoga Asana 16-Lesson Course with expertise and confidence to the public as well as in TM Centres – and provides a solid basis for the advanced training Phases, Two and Three. While Phase One participants are encouraged to attend Phases Two and Three, it is also possible to only attend Phase One.
2020 Purusha Capital
Course Schedule for Men
Top Leaders Coming Again This Year
We invite all male Governors and Sidhas to join us for deep experience and knowledge on one of our courses. During these courses, top leaders of the TM
organization will share their knowledge and the latest news and developments in their area of expertise.
For a complete list of all courses, including detailed course descriptions, please visit
Upcoming World Peace Assemblies (WPAs)
- Mar. 28–Apr. 4: Maharishi Vedic AstrologySM WPA — with Dr. Charlie Heath, during the Nine Days of Mother Divine
- May 22–25: Memorial Day WPA
- June 13–20: WPA on the Bhagavad-Gita — with Purusha Raja John Bright
- June 29–July 6: Guru Purnima WPA
TM, Religion, and Transcendence
Maharishi explains that the Transcendental Meditation technique is a great friend of Christianity and all religions because transcending takes the meditator to that universal field of pure consciousness, which has been described by all religions as the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within us. When experienced regularly through daily practice, pure consciousness creates a fully developed, fulfilled individual, a person capable of spontaneously living a truly good, truly religious life.
Length: 18 minutes 30 seconds
Special Message and Gift from Raja Harris Kaplan
Arlene, Lauren and I have been thinking of all the Pandit supporters during these challenging days and hoping that everyone is well. This crisis will pass. A great credit for why is the consistent support that our global Movement family has been providing for the Maharishi Vedic Pandits, enlivening the connection between the Cosmic and the individual, between the Divine and all peoples and nations on earth.
We are so fortunate that we have this blessed knowledge and programs.
We wanted to offer you this special eBook: 'Maharishi Mahesh Yogi – Selected Quotes – Love and God’ with beautiful pictures of Maharishi, and audio of Maharishi reading selections from Love and God. Please click on the picture above to open the eBook.
With love and our best wishes
Jai Guru Dev
Raja Harris, Arlene and RR Lauren
Note: The eCards are best viewed on Google Chrome. Please turn the pages slowly to give a chance for the audio bar to appear on the page. The audio bar will appear on the upper left-hand side of the page. Please wait a few seconds for the audio to begin. If the audio still doesn’t load it is probably due to a weak internet connection. To view more eBooks please click
What Is Transcendental Meditation, the Practice Beloved by Celebs—and What Makes It So Special?
FEBRUARY 19, 2020
If you’ve done any research into the
, you’ve likely heard of transcendental meditation. Just about every celebrity seems to be practicing it these days. Popularized by The Beatles (who originally learned in 1967), it’s now a favorite of Katy Perry, Hugh Jackman,
Sheryl Crow
and Liv Tyler.After discovering it herself,
even paid for her 400 employees to become trained in the methodology!
But what exactly is TM and how does it differ from the other types of meditation out there? We caught up with transcendental meditation expert and CEO of the David Lynch Foundation, Bob Roth, who walked us through the ins and outs of this popular form of meditation.
What is transcendental meditation (TM)?
Transcendental meditation (TM) is a mental technique that is practiced for 15 to 20 minutes twice a day, sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. During the technique, the mind and body settle down to a unique state of “restful alertness” where the whole physiology is deeply relaxed while the mind is quiet inside, yet wide awake. Hundreds of published studies show the technique is effective for reducing stress, anxiety, insomnia,
and at the same time, improving health, focus and performance. TM does not involve religion, philosophy or a change in lifestyle. It has been learned by 10 million people.
Dr. Pam Peeke interviewed Bob Roth for HER Mind Body Life podcast on RadioMD
Daily life can be so stressful that we need to find some inner peace. Meditation can enable calm.
Transcendental meditation (TM) allows your busy mind to experience quiet at a deeper level.
Listen as Bob Roth joins Dr. Pamela Peeke to discuss transcendental meditation.
Featured Speaker:
Bob Roth, Chief Executive Officer, David Lynch Foundation
Bob Roth is one of the most experienced and sought-after meditation leaders in America. Over the past 45 years, Bob has taught Transcendental Meditation to many thousands of people, and is the author of the 2018 New York Times bestseller, “Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation.” As CEO of the David Lynch Foundation, Bob has helped bring Transcendental Meditation to more than one million students in underserved schools in 35 countries, to military veterans and their families who suffer from post-traumatic stress, and to women and children who are survivors of domestic violence. Bob also directs the Center for Health and Wellness, which is bringing meditation to Fortune 100 companies, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. Bob is the host of the SiriusXM radio show, “Success Without Stress,” and has spoken about the “science of meditation" to industry leaders at such gatherings as Google Zeitgeist, Aspen Ideas Festival, Aspen Brain Conference, Wisdom 2.0, Summit, Global Wellness Summit, and CURA’s Unite To Cure at The Vatican.