Volume 9 Issue 8 | April 20, 2020
University News for Faculty and Staff
Dear Faculty and Staff,

I wanted to say hi and mention a few points during this challenging time. I also, wanted to thank all of you for your time and attention invested in getting our campus community through this as safely as possible. Social distancing seems to be working and the weather at least has been spectacular.

We did get a report from Food Service that some Staff and Faculty are resisting washing their hands before entering the serving area. Please cooperate with the Food Service. It is a stressful time for them, and they are working extra hard to keep the dining halls open. Please avoid touching the stairway handrails after you have washed your hands.

Also, some Staff and Faculty have been reported as hosting social gatherings in their homes. For obvious reasons this is not a good idea during this time. Please let us know if you hear about such social distancing violations on campus.

If you are working from home, it will be a good idea to forward your office phone to a phone that you can be reached on. The MIU Phone Switch allows you to forward your office phone to any other phone number including a cell phone. This way people will still be able to find you at your published number.

This feature lets you route all incoming calls to another phone.
1. Lift handset; receive a dial tone.
2. Press *2; receive an interrupted dial tone.
3. Dial the number you want calls forwarded to; receive a service set tone.
4. Remember to cancel your call forwarding. You won’t be able to call out until you do.

To cancel call-forward:
1. Lift handset; receive a dial tone.
2. Dial #2; receive a service set tone.
3. You will not be able to call out from a call-forwarded phone, except to the campus operator. (If you try, you will always receive a fast-busy signal.)
4. Only the phone you have forwarded to can call you.

Thanks again,

Tom Brooks
Anybody has need for this beautifully framed picture? It is a donation to go to a deserving staff member.

Contact tbrooks@miu.edu
From the MIU Mask Making Project
We are well on our way to making over 1000 Face Masks for everyone in our greater MIU community. We have created kits with enough material to create 20 Face Masks. I want to take this time to thank everyone who has spent hours cutting and preparing these packages and the sewers who have already been sewing. We NEED more HELP ASAP!
We need experienced sewers who can SEW AT HOME! We have drivers that can provide a no contact delivery to your home. When you are finished just give us a call and we will pick them up and deliver a new kit. With enough experienced sewers, we can get everyone in a face mask within a week. If you are an experienced sewer and don’t have a machine at home, you can come to the MakerSpace and work there.
If you can help sew please contact me at kballinger@miu.edu .
Thank you in advance.
Open Positions
Open Position: CEO at Maharishi Ayurveda Products International (MAPI). ►  Job Opening: CEO at MAPI

Maharishi International University is an equal opportunity employer.
Health and Wellness
Six Ways to Slash Stress for Health and Immunity

by  Linda Egenes
April 1, 2020
There’s a humorous story circulating that goes something like this:
Doctor: Due to a virus circulating in society, you have two options: A or B. Option A means staying at home with your spouse and kids all day for the next two months—
Patient: OK, I'll take Option B.

Unfortunately, for most of us these days, there is no Option B. Parents are working at home with the kids underfoot, and, at the same time, health, jobs, and finances are at risk. It's an understatement to call these stressful times.

When you’re feeling stressed, your body releases more of the hormone cortisol to provide you with a burst of energy. This is helpful when you’re facing a sudden threat, like a car coming at you, as cortisol revs up the body's fight-or-flight responses to the threat, and you are able to respond more quickly.

The trouble comes when you’re feeling stressed over a long period of time, causing cortisol levels to stay heightened. A few things happen when this long exposure to cortisol takes place. First, it can make you less sensitive to the surge in cortisol, which means that you don’t experience the benefits of a cortisol boost when you need it. Second, it leads to physical stress when the fight-or-flight response stays active continually. Your blood pressure may rise, your breathing may be heavier, your pulse quicken, and other physiological markers go out of balance. All these short-term changes may be great when you need to fight a tiger, but not so good for the body when it becomes stuck in a long exposure mode. When you’re stressed out on a long-term basis, it takes an emotional toll and suppresses your immune system.

Ayurveda offers valuable insights to keep your stress levels low, create better health, and in turn maintain strong immunity. Here are six ways to reduce stress the Ayurvedic way.

1. Make Exercise a Habit .
Physical activity of all kinds has the ability to lower the stress response. Aerobic exercise cuts cortisol and adrenaline, the body’s stress hormones. 

Good Morning America video from April 6 now available
For those who may have missed ABC's Good Morning America episode on TM with news anchor Robin Roberts and Bob Roth, here is a link to the show on the DLF website announcing their new initiative: Heal The Healers Now.   https://healthehealersnow.org/

They also put out a press release announcing this new effort:

David Lynch to Support Launch of Initiative Aimed at Reducing Anxiety, Boosting Resilience and Healing Trauma: Visit  HealTheHealersNow.org  to Support.
Fairfield company produces face shields to help protect health care workers during coronavirus pandemic

For Iowa businesses who are still able to conduct business regardless of the capacity, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced many of them to operate in a different manner. For Wheaton Capital in Fairfield that means making plastic face shields to be distributed to health care workers as PPE’s are currently at a premium. Around 2,400 of these have already been produced and are ready to be shipped pending State approval.

President and CEO of the company Nate Weaton said that he contacted those with experience in the face shield industry in an effort to learn how Weaton’s machines could be altered in a way that they could begin production. The modifications needed were fairly basic, however one obstacle that he is facing in the production process is the lack of available materials for purchase, as even that is at a premium at the moment. Weaton said he is making the face shields at his own cost.

Here is a link to another article about this company from the Ottumwa Courier.

This company was formerly caller Creative Edge.
UPDATE: Pandits in India and Powerful NEW App Recitations

 We wanted to update you on the situation with the Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India. With the full-hearted support of our Pandit program leaders and the Pandits themselves, we have been able to continue the National Yagyas and Special Yagyas, the daily Atirudrabhishek and Adbhutashanti Yagyas, and, most recently, to add some special Yagyas targeted to help bring an end to this current health crisis. We had been obliged to reduce the number of Pandits at the Brahmasthan, per government requirements, while still able to have a very sizeable group. We have adapted the way that the Pandits do Atirudrabhishek accordingly.

We have also received a number of requests to add some specific recitations to the Maharishi Veda App for supporting health and overcoming obstacles. That has begun.

Two days ago some very top Pandits recorded the powerful Mahamrityunjaya Mantra recitation . We encourage everyone to listen to that plus other recitations suggested for this time. This includes, in the Featured Recitation section, Vishnu Sahasranam, as well as selections from the Sama Veda and Devi Recitation sections.

We will be adding additional selections from different mandalas of Rik Veda in the next days. When you go on the app, you will see a banner at the top which shows the new recitations. If you have not yet subscribed to the Maharishi Veda App, and would like to, please click  here  for Apple and  here  for Google Play.

We have been heartened to hear the reports from so many saying how much they are appreciating the Maharishi Veda App, especially now.

Following are some new recordings that were recently made.
Krishna Ashtakam
This is a beautiful recitation of Krishna Ashtakam which traditionally enlivens happiness and positivity. Please click on the photo to view the eCard and to listen to this recitation. The recitation is also available on the Maharishi Veda App.

Below is a special eBook with our thanks to the heroes of the Ambassador Resource Office and team of Ambassadors around the world, the dear supporters of National and Special Yagyas, and all those who quietly hold in their hearts the welfare of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits.

This lovely new eCard features beautiful black and white photos of Guru Dev and Maharishi. Please click on the photo to view this eBook.
Aditya Hridaya Stotram
Aditya Hridaya Stotram is traditionally listened to for protection and overcoming obstacles. This can be listened to at any time and as often as you like.

Please click on the picture to view the eCard and to listen to the recitation.
Debunking Stimulus Check Myths and Squashing New Scams
By  Chad Stone  | Apr 15, 2020
A lot of rumors arise when it comes to free money, and that’s no different for the direct payments the government is sending out to every eligible American, so let’s debunk some stimulus check myths so you can avoid being scammed out of your money.

It’s not very often the U.S. government gives a handout with no strings attached, but the formally named “Economic Impact Payments” to help fight the ongoing economic hit from the  coronavirus  outbreak appears to be one of those rare occasions.

The Internal Revenue Service  has started sending  electronic payments directly into bank accounts this week, and the Department of the Treasury announced Monday that over 80 million will receive their stimulus checks by week’s end. Tens of millions of those payments should hit bank accounts by Wednesday, even .

R ead More Here
Remote Learning-A Message from Dr. Beall
Spring Break is over. Students are back to school. Teachers are back to work. REMOTELY.
Part 2: Families at Home
Meet the Jarmosco Family
Part 3: Families at Home
Meet Etson & Nair
Celesta and Wilson both work outside the home, and are now working from home. Etson and Nair both attend Maharishi School Children's House, doing remote learning at home.
We are pleased to share with you how— from the comfort and safety of their own home—students are following a regular routine, as teachers deliver lessons, lead daily meditation, and create engaging activities.

Click here  to see what is planned for our Lower School students, and  click here  to see what is planned for our Middle and Upper School students.

Weekly, you will receive a home-made video with a Family Story on how Maharishi School is adapting to this new norm. Let us know how you like them!

Our first video is from Co-Head of our School Family, Dr. Richard Beall.

Donations are being accepted, no matter how large or small. We know it's harder to give in these uncertain times.To keep all of Maharishi School employees on full salary, as well as to offset additional coronavirus expenses, we appreciate your donations more than ever. 
Upcoming Events and Courses
Join Us for our Next Live Webinar
How to Find an Ideal Site for your Maharishi Vastu Home
Thursday April 23, 1:30 pm and
Tuesday April 28, 7:30 pm

Jon Lipman, our National director for North America will be joined by Ognjen Djurovic, a Vastu Architect and Partner, Director, CEP, Belgrade.

Ognjen will present some of the elements behind a Maharishi Vastu site assessment and take a look specifically at urban sites. Jon will then share practical tips about how you can begin to locate a suitable site before submitting it to our formal evaluation process. As always, there will be time for questions.

Click on the links below to access the appropriate registration page for either event. WE ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO SHARE THIS LINK WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY.

An email confirmation will be sent with your personal link to the online event. A reminder email will also be sent to you one day before the event.

Thursday, April 23  at 1:30 pm CDT (click to register for the Thursday webinar)

Tuesday, April 28th  at 7:30 PM CDT) (click to register for the Tuesday webinar)

You may submit questions in advance to:  info@maharishivastu.org , OR submit your questions thru the Q & A icon during the webinar.

We look forward to sharing with you the timely and extraordinary knowledge of Maharishi Vastu architecture.


1. Dr. Tony Nader Live: Meditation and More — 11am daily,  Dr. Nader’s Facebook page .
Join Dr. Nader, head of the international TM organizations. In these 30-minute sessions, Dr. Nader offers useful tools for reducing stress and creating calm, insights from both modern medicine and Maharishi Vedic Science, and a group meditation.
Previous sessions can be found on  Dr. Nader’s Facebook videos page . If you are new to the series, you may want to begin with the first one and continue on sequentially. Registration is not required. The sessions are free and open to the public.
How to Connect:  Look for the post with the LIVE banner on  Dr. Nader’s Facebook page .

2. Special Q&A Meditator Meetings with Dr. Tony Nader — Every Thursday at 2 pm CDT
Dr. Tony Nader takes a deep dive into TM practice and theory in these lively 1-hour Q&A discussions. Registration is required. The sessions are free and open to all  TM  Meditators.
How to Connect:  To find the current link and to register for the upcoming talk, please visit  enjoy.tm.org/online-events .
3. TWO Options to Join a Large Group Meditation from Home
  1. Meditate together according to time zone (no need to call in). Click here to find the meditation times for your area.
  2. TM Connect. You are also cordially invited to connect twice a day through phone or Zoom to group meditations hosted by Bob Roth, who also offers a few “TM reminders.” These calls are quite popular and help to establish correct and regular practice.
  3. How to Connect: For times and connecting details, please visit enjoy.tm.org/online-events.
4. NEW!  TM  Talks
A weekly series of webinars on personal development and the growth of higher states of consciousness, for  TM  Meditators. These one-hour meetings are offered every Sunday at 4 pm CDT. Please visit  enjoy.tm.org/online-events  to find out about the next talk.
• How to connect by Zoom. Click on:  https://zoom.us/j/177174913  If you join by opening your Zoom app first, click Join, then enter Meeting ID 177 174 913.
• By phone. Call 929‑205‑6099 or 253‑215‑8782, then enter the Meeting ID 177 174 913 #.
Akshaya Tritiya - Special Yagya Opportunity - April 26th
April 26th is Akshaya Tritiya – the Day of Lasting Achievements. On this auspicious day in the Vedic calendar, traditionally Yagyas are performed for long-lasting accomplishments and well-being on every level of life.
This is an ideal opportunity to have a Well-Being Special Yagya – on a day that supports the qualities of happiness, spiritual progress, good fortune and peace of mind. You may even have a birthday or planned a special starting point in your life on or near that time.

Applying for these Yagyas is very easy and  can be done here .  Please request your Yagya at least seven days in advance. To read more about the Special Yagyas  please click here .

All proceeds from the Yagyas go towards supporting the Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India and are deeply appreciated.

Thank you so much for your very kind support and wishing you all the blessings of this upcoming Vedic Celebration.
"Maharishi Jyotish is that very perfect science which connects the total universal influence on each individual; and each individual’s influence on his surroundings, on his environment, his relationship, his friends, his dear ones, with everything."
Course Dates:  Livestreams on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings April 27 – May 23, 7:45 to 9:15. (First class on April 27 begins at 8:00 pm) Plus workshops will be held on Saturday afternoons 1:30 – 3:00 and Saturday evenings 7:45 – 9:15.

All livestreams and Zoom sessions will be recorded and available to view for up to one year.

Free Talk:  Monday Evening, April 27 starting at 8:00 pm  (Please click here to view the free talk)  Password: jyotish

Course Leaders:  Dr. John Boncheff who holds a PhD in Maharishi Jyotish will be teaching this course.

Course Fee:  $75 is the discounted price for everyone during this difficult time of the coronavirus.

Maharishi’s profound insight into the transformation
of the world is heartening at this time

“In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken. And for shaking to remain under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para (the transcendent), have to be Para—that is, unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, the fast-moving chaos and change will pass away in a steady manner.

“So, we have to be very steady. We have to be very careful not to get upset by little or big things. If we lose our basis, our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer. Don’t give importance to things that may upset us.

“This is a very precious time for the world. Everything depends on how our awareness is—just don’t let it be shaken. Our awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than ever before, time demands we remain completely ourselves.

“It is a very tender, delicate time for us—we should not become angry, indifferent, or sad—we should just be like an ocean.

“The evolutionary power is waking up. We shake it, then leave it—then after some time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening is added.” —Maharishi

If ever there was a need for the soothing, stabilizing effect of the Maharishi National Yagya SM  performances, it is now. Participation in these massive Vedic performances not only benefits the nation, but the donors and their honorees as well.

The next U.S. National Yagya will coincide with Akshaya Tritiya, the Day of Auspicious Beginnings for Lasting Achievements, on April 26.

Launching new endeavors and resolutions on this most auspicious day is said to bring long and lasting success, particularly when launched with the support of Yagyas.
The Sankalpa (intention) of the Yagya will be:
Restoring health and prosperity for the United States and its people.
2020 Purusha Capital SM
Course Schedule for Men
Top Leaders Coming Again This Year

We invite all male Governors and Sidhas to join us for deep experience and knowledge on one of our courses. During these courses, top leaders of the TM ®  organization will share their knowledge and the latest news and developments in their area of expertise.

For a complete list of all courses, including detailed course descriptions, please visit  PurushaCourses.org .

Upcoming World Peace Assemblies (WPAs)

  • May 22–25: Memorial Day WPA
  • June 13–20: WPA on the Bhagavad-Gita — with Purusha Raja John Bright
  • June 29–July 6: Guru Purnima WPA
Special Articles
The head of the worldwide TM organizations offers insight, perspective, and techniques for creating calm
“We trust in our creativity, in our potential, and in our togetherness to do something that is absolutely great out of even the most challenging situations and circumstances.” —Dr. Tony Nader

As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s successor, Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R., heads the international Transcendental Meditation organizations and oversees Consciousness-Based SM  programs in education, health, business, and other areas for more than 100 countries. Now he brings his wisdom and expertise to our global health crisis.

A medical doctor, M.I.T. and Harvard-trained neuroscientist, and scholar of meditation, yoga, and consciousness, Dr. Nader is inspiring millions with ways to take action and implement solutions from the transcendent level of inner peace and clarity.

In daily, open Facebook meetings and Group Meditations, Dr. Nader offers a holistic perspective on the current pandemic and practical techniques on how to relieve stress during these uncertain times.

In addition, Dr. Nader has been holding weekly Zoom webinars specifically for TM practitioners, to discuss questions and answers on TM practice. The next call is on April 23.

Bob Roth, the leader of the TM movement in America (here shown on The Ellen DeGeneres Show), talks about the science of transcendental meditation on The FitMind Podcast episode 39.
If you’d prefer, here’s Bob Roth’s podcast interview in video format:

Bob Roth is the CEO of the David Lynch Foundation, bringing TM to millions of people worldwide. He has taught the technique to numerous celebrities, including Oprah and Tom Hanks.

In this episode of The FitMind Podcast, Bob talks about how he started teaching meditation to celebrities, the underlying psychological mechanics of TM, and the scientific findings regarding TM's effects on the brain. TM is the most researched meditation technique and has substantial evidence to support considerable physiological and psychological benefits.

While TM has received some flack from skeptics for charging a high price to learn meditation, Bob makes it clear that this structure exists to support the teachers and that anyone can learn at whatever price they’re able to comfortably afford. He also dispels the notion that TM is somehow a religion and dives deep into explaining how exactly this method impacts the mind.
Bob also makes a generous offer to the listeners of this episode, as you’ll find out towards the end.
Humor Corner
I used to spin that toilet paper like I was on Wheel of Fortune. Now I turn it like I'm cracking a safe.    

I need to practice social-distancing from the refrigerator.    

Still haven't decided where to go for Easter ----- The Living Room or The Bedroom  

PSA: every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom.    
This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. I came into my house, told my dog..... we laughed a lot.    

Quarantine Day 5: Went to this restaurant called THE KITCHEN. You have to gather all the ingredients and make your own meal. I have no clue how this place is still in business.    

Day 5 of Homeschooling: One of these little monsters called in a bomb threat.    

I'm so excited --- it's time to take out the garbage. What should I wear?    

I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to Puerto Backyarda. I'm getting tired of Los Livingroom.    

Day 6 of Homeschooling: My child just said "I hope I don't have the same teacher next year".... I'm offended.  

Better 6 feet apart than 6 feet under.
TM in the News
How This Twice Bankrupt Founder Built Herself
Up To A $240M Net Worth Emily Hutton 09 April 2020

Yes, this woman is on a mission to keep your bathroom dos (and don'ts) on the DL, but she is doing it all with a hefty dose of personal philosophy and spirituality.
4. A lot of people feel that there is a big disconnect between capitalism and spiritually, but you seem to have found a sweet spot for both yourself and your business ventures. How closely intertwined is your spirituality with your entrepreneurial ventures? And why?

I don't think of things as being a part of my work life or a part of my personal spiritual life. It's all the same for me. Your external reality is just a reflection of your internal reality, so you have to do your personal work to shift from the inside out. Daily transcendental meditation is my number-one non-negotiable. Starting my day with space to clear out the noise of the outside world has been just as essential for my business as it has for my personal wellness. I share this gift with Poo~Pourri employees as well by offering TM training and Headspace app subscriptions and providing only healthy fuel and snacks in the office so we are all operating at optimal levels.

I also believe that there's nothing wrong with wanting money and success. Who wouldn't? But where I've found the most impact is in my actions. If I'm doing something or chasing an idea only to get money, it doesn't come. When I do my internal work and follow what's resonant because it feels good within my being, wouldn't you know that's when the money flows.

David Lynch Wants You to Meditate, Maybe Make a Lamp During Self-Isolation
Fueled by caffeine and Transcendental Meditation, the acclaimed director spoke to us from his woodshop about his current routine, and why the coronavirus pandemic could lead to a new way of thinking.
By  Nick Rose Apr 9 2020
Why is daily meditation important?
Transcendental Meditation allows the human being to dive within and experience an eternal form of pure consciousness that is within all of us. For some reason, we’ve lost contact with this field within—this non-relative, absolute, eternal level, but it’s there within us all.

Why Transcendental Meditation, specifically?
Because it’s easy and effortless. It’s built for the human being in isolation. It’s not a concentration or contemplation or mindfulness meditation. Those are all fine, but only TM will let you transcend.

What would your advice be for people dealing with the stress and anxiety of a global pandemic?
What do you think? [  Laughs .] Learn the technique of TM and get a whole different ball game going where you start to enjoy life and solving these problems! We can grow in that and expand consciousness. Life gets better and better. People begin enjoying being alive and start seeing a bigger and bigger picture for themselves and getting better with their fellow human.

What if you’re stuck inside in quarantine or are under financial stress right now and can’t take TM courses?
You can learn it right now. Find the local TM teacher in your area and find a way to learn with six or eight feet of separation. If you can’t afford it you can pay over time or get a scholarship from the David Lynch Foundation. Just get it. Talk to a TM teacher and get a plan. Take advantage of this technique right away. Not tomorrow! This afternoon! Go get it!

World peace is one of the stated goals of TM. With billions of people in quarantine right now around the world, what do you think would happen if they all meditated at the same time?
Within every human being is a field of unbounded intelligence, creativity, happiness, love, energy, power, and peace—all positive qualities, within us all. If it can be enlivened powerfully enough, it can bring world peace. It’s been researched and studied. What’s come out of this is what are called  Peace Creating Groups  and if they get big enough and on a permanent basis they can bring world peace. But the secret is within. Always has been, always will be.