Volume 9 Issue 19 | September 21, 2020
University News for Faculty and Staff
Dear Faculty and Staff,

This is a reminder to continue to log complaints you receive from students. All complaints, including complaints about faculty, grades, university services, housing, or food, should be logged. If you receive a complaint but aren't the person to resolve the issue, you're still the person responsible to record the complaint. After you record it, email the person who will help resolve the issue, including details about the complaint and letting him or her know that you submitted the complaint on the log. 

This procedure for addressing complaints is important: it helps keep our attention on improving student satisfaction and retention. We're also required by both the Higher Learning Commission and the US Federal Government to maintain institutional records of student complaints.

The Complaints Log is HERE. Please bookmark and continue using it.

Student Life
Open Position at Maharishi School
Maharishi School is currently interviewing for the following position for the 2020-21 school year:

3rd Grade Classroom Teacher: full time, teaching all subjects, class size of 12 students. Beginning now, with a week of transition time built in.

Contact Terry Weiss, Human Resources: tweiss@maharishischool.org

It is the policy of Maharishi School not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, religion, age, political party affiliation, or actual or potential parental, family or marital status in its programs, activities, or employment practices.
Health and Wellness
Team Up for 10 on October 7!

Join us on October 7 for the Healthiest State 10th Annual Walk, presented by Delta Dental of Iowa. Registration is now open!

In 2020, we invite all Iowans to Team Up for 10 – to help us celebrate 10 years of the annual event.
We know that, due to COVID-19, your walk event may look different this year or you may not know all of the details yet. That's OK! We still invite you to "team up" – whether that means in a small group, in a socially-distant fashion or even as a virtual team – and walk for 30 minutes!
NEW THIS YEAR! Register your household to walk together on October 7! 

We know that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, your walk event may look different this year. We still invite you to "team up" – whether that means with members of your household, in a smaller group, in a socially-distant fashion or even as a virtual team – and walk with us on October 7!
2020 Healthiest State Month 5-2-1-0 in the WORKPLACE OCTOBER 2020
Thank you for participating in Healthiest State Month!
Healthiest State Month is a fun, informative way to engage Iowans in the 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! campaign. This proven, scientific method helps us healthy by focusing on the importance of good habits. Each week in the month of October will be dedicated to each of the four numbers in 5-2-1-0. It’s as easy as choosing one activity each week! This is what 5-2-1-0 stands for:

5 or more fruits and vegetables

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides vitamins and minerals, important for supporting growth and development, and for optimal immune function. High daily intakes of fruits and vegetables among adults are associated with lower rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and possibly, some types of cancers. 

2 hours or less of recreational screen time Watching too much television (TV) and use of other screen media is associated with an increased prevalence of overweight and obesity, lower reading scores, and attention problems. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends no more than 2 hours of screen time a day and that children under age 2 not watch any TV or other screen media. The AAP recommends keeping the TV and computer out of the bedroom.
1 or more hours of physical activity each day Regular physical activity is essential for weight maintenance and prevention of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and osteoporosis. While most school age children are quite active, physical activity sharply declines during adolescence. Children who are raised in families with active lifestyles are more likely to stay active as adults than children raised in families with sedentary lifestyles. 
0 sugary drinks – drink more water!

Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption has increased dramatically since the 1970s; high intake among children is associated with overweight and obesity, displacement of milk consumption, and dental cavities. Water provides a low-cost, zero-calorie beverage option and is a healthy alternative to sugary drinks.
FF Ledger Obit for Paul Rabalais - Beloved member of Fairfield family
Paul G. Rabalais, born November 26th, 1951, passed on to the next life on Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 in Iowa City, Iowa.
He is preceded in death by his father and mother, Harold Paul Rabalais and Sadie Theresa Mayeux Rabalais, and his younger brother, Karl L. Rabalais. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Arla Marie Rabalais, Philip Andrew Rabalais and his partner Hilary Nelson, and Dominic Joseph Rabalais and his spouse Tabitha O’Neill, as well as many nieces and nephews. He is survived by his sister and four younger brothers: Marie T. Crowe and her husband Arthur L., Clifford J. Rabalais and his wife Michelle W., John E. Rabalais, Elizabeth Rabalais (sister-in-law), Martin D. Rabalais and his wife, Mardith E. Hammond, and Joseph F. Rabalais and his wife Carla C.

Paul lived, worked, and thrived, surrounded by family and friends in the community of Fairfield, Iowa, where he arrived in the late 1970s, and made a home. He grew up in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, finished high school at Zachary High in 1970, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from Louisiana State University in 1975.

He was mechanically and electrically gifted and a craftsman of many talents. Within Fairfield and the surrounding community, Paul was known and loved both as a brilliant Master Electrician, and a joy to work with and be around.
Paul and his wife were spiritually and emotionally connected; their love for each other was unbounded.

As a father, he raised his children with boundless love and generosity; they carry it in their hearts forever. His humor and joy was a guiding light for his children; he taught them how to work, how to make things, how to live with conviction. He was tremendously giving, and would give with joy. He sought inner peace with his life, and guided others to find it as well.

He was a mentor, a helper, and a loving man to so many of us - they count like the stars.

His family and community were caught by surprise at his sudden passing, and the family is humbled, overwhelmed, and forever grateful at the outpouring of love shown thus far.

A memorial service is scheduled for Saturday, September 19th, 2 pm, outdoors at the Olson Family Amphitheater (located on the main lawn in front of the MIU Argiro Student Center). Masks and social distancing are required by MIU.
New Audio eBook - Maharishi Tells the "Seagull Story"
So many of us have been touched by Maharishi telling the inspiring "Seagull Story" during a course in Squaw Valley, California in 1968.

To view the eBook, click here or on the picture; it will take you to a new website with all the Maharishi eBooks that we have sent out over these last few months. Please scroll down on the page to find this new eBook: Maharishi Tells the "Seagull Story."

New eCard - Young Pandits recite Soma Sukta of Sama Veda

Young Maharishi Vedic Pandits in training at the Brahmasthan of India, reciting Soma Sukta from Sama Veda. This flowing recitation enlivens purity, softness and silence in life. Click here or on the picture to view the eCard and listen to the recitation.

Maharishi Veda App—New Recitations for Each Day & Other Improvements
We wanted to let you know about some significant enhancements to the Maharishi Veda App.
On the Vedic Recitations main menu there is a major new section:

Recitations of the Day with auspicious selections automatically changing for that day of the week and all Vedic celebrations.

Other improvements include:
  • Larger, user-friendly buttons at the bottom of the player screen for: Timer, Playback Modes, Share Track, Add to Favorites
  • Brighter text in areas that may have been difficult to see
  • New playback mode to automatically stop playing after a single track. The other playback modes are still available via a button on the player screen
  • New recitations in Sama Veda, Featured Recitations, and Devi Recitations
  • More timer options

We are actively working on a desktop version of the Maharishi Veda App and hope to release that in the coming weeks.

We felt during these challenging days to make sure the app was most widely and comfortably available. Therefore we decided not to increase the monthly subscription fee at this time.

If you are enjoying the App, please rate it on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, as your positive reviews really encourage others to try the App.

For App issues or problems, please write to us at support@maharishivedaapp.com; we review these emails daily.
New Book - The Coherence Effect
“35 years of coaching left me so stressed out and tired all the time. But using the strategies in this book, I’ve had so many health benefits, plus calmness, sleeping well, and just happier and gentler with people. I had no idea this could happen—it’s a true game changer.”

—Patricia Glispin, Hall of Fame Women’s Basketball Coach, Clark University, Worcester, MA
Box Lunches at the Golden Dome Market Now Available
Only available to MIU/Maharishi School Faculty and Staff, MIU Students. Also, IA Grant participants who live on campus.

  • $10 for 1 Boxed Lunch (a little over 1 pound of food).The menu for the box lunches is set and the same for everyone.
  • Substitutions are available for people with food sensitivities or a restrictive diet due to health concerns.
  • Menu items with tofu, wheat, and dairy may be replaced with the grains and vegetables available that day.
  • But you must let us know about your substitution when you call-in your order-- we need to know in advance. The weight of the box lunch is the same for everyone.

Dahl $3.50 for a bowl or $2.00 for a half (available on Tuesday's and Thursday's only)

Desserts are available in our dessert case in the Market.
Desserts often include Chickpea Burfi and Gluten-Free Cookies.
Fresh bread is also usually available.

  • How it Works (please read carefully.) You have to call in your order before picking up inside the market.
  • Café: 641-472-7000 Ext. 5310
  • We open at 9 AM and can take your order starting then.
  • Choose a pick-up time when you call.
  • Pick-up your order between 12 noon - 1 PM downstairs in the Market.
  • No customers are allowed upstairs.
  • We cannot take orders after 1:00 PM.
  • This box lunch service is available Monday through Friday.
  • No curbside service for box lunches at this time.

MENU This Week
Monday, September 21st
Tofu w/ Orange Ginger Dressing
Lasagna (dairy)
Acorn Squash

Tuesday, September 22nd
Turmeric Rice
Sagg Paneer (dairy)
Aloo Gobi - Potatoes & Cauliflower
Sesame Green Beans
Butternut Squash

Wednesday, September 23rd
Schezwan Tofu
Vegetable Quesadillas (wheat, dairy)
Summer Squash w/Corn

Thursday, September 24th
Coconut Rice
Tandori Paneer (dairy)
Spinach Pie (wheat, dairy)
Vegetable Curry w/Garbanzo Beans

Friday, September 25th
Sesame Tofu
Walnut Burgers (wheat, dairy)
Carrots w/ Thyme
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy (dairy)

Café Phone Number
Order Here: 641-470-1375
Global Mother Divine Organization leader Raj Rajeshwari Candace Badgett made this important announcement: 
During the time from Sept 17 to Oct 19, it will be a time of profound spiritual transformation for the world. With almost all the planets transiting their own house, according to the Vedic Lunar calendar, there will be the occurrence of a rare 13th month this year. [Purushottama-Masa]

It is NOT an auspicious time for beginning new endeavors or material gains. It Is however a very good time for going inward and deepening Spiritual gains and doing long programs. 

  • Be informed and prepare for this special time now. Mark your calendars and get lots of rest now.
Upcoming Events and Courses
September 20 – October 11, 2020
Sundays 2 - 3:30 pm and Wednesdays 8 - 9:15 pm 
This seven-lesson course is taught by Professor Robert Keith Wallace, PhD and Ted Wallace who is a certified ScrumMaster Professional (CSM, CSPO, CSP) and a registered corporate coach (RCC) with thousands of hours of coaching sessions. Together they offer a new vision of coaching in light of Maharishi’s Vedic Science.

World-Class Executive Coaches as Guest Speakers
Pat Reed has 40+ years of experience and her name is synonymous with business agility and Adaptive Leadership. Pat works with a large number of organizations such as eBay, Walmart, Cisco and more. Her unique skills include transformational leadership—connecting strategy to delivery and solving impossible business challenges by leveraging deep domain knowledge of human behavior.

Warren Blank is President of The Leadership Group, a leadership and organizational development firm founded in 1986 with corporate headquarters in Seattle and field offices in Vero Beach, FL and Fairfield, IA. Warren provides leadership training, consulting and speaking for organizations throughout the US and 30 other countries. Corporate clients include over 70 Fortune 500 firms and 100 government agencies. He is the author of six books and numerous
articles published in professional journals. 

Free Talk: Sunday, September 20 Live 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm US Central Time. (3:00 pm ET | 2:00 CT | 1:00 MT | 12 Noon PT) Click here to view the free talk.
Course schedule: September 20 – October 11  Sunday afternoons, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm US Central Time and Wednesday evenings 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm US Central Time (Seven classes)

These Zoom sessions are live and will be recorded and posted for anyone who is unable to view them live.
Course Fee: $45 is the reduced course price for everyone during this difficult time of the coronavirus. (Normally, it would be $75.)

Click here or on the image to enjoy the replay of this event.
Brain Health in Challenging Times
Click here or on the image to enjoy the replay of this event.

“Darkness will disappear
and we will see peace in the world”

As we enter more deeply into the phase transition which is currently underway, we are fortunate to be blessed with powerful technologies of consciousness that are capable of achieving the goals of ALL peace-loving men and women. These gifts from Maharishi allow us to embrace the goals and process of transformation in a coherent way—without getting pulled into the surface level of discord which can accompany changes of this magnitude.

Maharishi explains how we need only,
“…raise the quality of collective consciousness, and then society will naturally do better and better.
“Ancient wisdom is always held by small numbers, throughout time, who hold the Vedic tradition.
“Darkness will disappear and we will see peace in this world.”
Maharishi, March 28, 2006

Our National Yagyas, performed by deeply trained Vedic Pandits, are an effortless technology to increase coherence and raise collective consciousness—into, through, and out of this momentous period in our nation’s history.
What greater gift can we give to our nation, to our families, and to ourselves?

The purpose (Sankalpa) of the next U.S. National Yagya will be:
Bringing coherence, harmony, and peace
for the United States―and all of its people.
Now Online: Courses for Self-Knowledge and Personal Growth

Maharishi International University offers a wide range of online noncredit courses for personal development. These courses have no exams and no required homework assignments—just deep learning about fascinating topics. Here are some exciting ongoing and upcoming courses.
Create a healthier, more balanced physiology by learning and practicing Maharishi YogaSM Asanas and Pranayama (breathing exercises) in a group.
Sessions are led by Maharishi International University faculty and followed by a 20-minute online Group Meditation.

Now offered two times per week
Fridays at 5:00 pm ET (60 min.)
4:00 pm CT | 3:00 pm MT | 2:00 pm PT
Followed by a 20-minute Online Group Meditation

Sundays at 11:00 am ET (60 min.)
10:00 am CT | 9:00 am MT | 8:00 am PT
Followed by a 20-minute Online Group Meditation

Course Fee: FREE
Prerequisite: Suitable for all Meditators, Sidhas, and TM Teachers

TM Connect—Group Meditations with Bob Roth
Wish you could participate in a remote Group Meditation led by a TM teacher? You're in luck!

A brand-new program called TM Connect is available twice a day, every day, in all U.S. time zones. This program is complimentary for everyone who has taken the TM course.

Celebrated TM teacher Bob Roth, David Lynch Foundation CEO, is hosting the conference calls at scheduled times each day. He provides a brief reminder of correct TM practice, then leads everyone who is connected in a 20-minute Group Meditation.

Please note: TM Connect is very popular, and Zoom has been overloaded. We apologize if you've had problems connecting. These instructions should make it easier, but please let us know if you have any difficulty.
How to connect:

For best results: Connect by Zoom. Download the Zoom app on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, and use this link: https://zoom.us/j/177174913. If you join by opening your Zoom app first, click Join, then enter Meeting ID 177-174-913.

Second choice: Connect by phone. Call 929-205-6099 or 253-215-8782, then enter the Access Code 177-174-913#.

Weekday morning schedule: 6:00 am or 8:15 am

Daily afternoon schedule: 5:00 pm

Weekend morning schedule: 7:30 am or 8:15 am
Special Articles
Popular Webinars Inspire Record Number of New Students to Enroll at MIU
Summer online series helps drive growth
Maharishi International University (MIU) welcomed record numbers of new students to their fall entry on August 12th, with 155 new undergraduate students, and 340 new graduate students.

Two online Master’s programs—an M.S. in Maharishi AyurVeda® and Integrative Medicine and an M.A. in Consciousness and Human Potential—drove a major portion of the growth. Both programs are unique to MIU, which also offers B.A. degrees in these fields.

A weekly MIU online webinar series helped to attract new students over the summer, after the university’s popular Visitors Weekends were suspended due to COVID-19.

In a recent survey, over half of new students cited the popular MIU webinars as a significant influence in their decision to enroll.

Some of MIU’s most highly attended and viewed webinars include:
• “Self-Pulse for Balance in Mind and Body” with Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf
• “How to Improve Your Gut Health” with Dr. Robert Keith Wallace
• “Maharishi YogaSM Asanas” with Dr. Paul Morehead and Sankari Wegman
• “Explore Aromatherapy” with world-renowned experts
• “Learn about Ayurvedic Cooking” with Professor Sabita Sawhney

FAIRFIELD - Through proper planning and perhaps a pinch of good luck, Maharishi International University has been able to avoid the huge spikes in COVID-19 cases that have rocked the state's two largest universities and neighboring schools such as Iowa Wesleyan University.

Dr John Fagan publishes ground-breaking scientific research study: First open source detection test for a gene-edited GM crop.
For more than two years, Dr. Fagan has been working on a challenging research project--to create the first test to specifically detect a gene-edited GMO, a euphemism for a new class of GMOs. Proponents in the biotech industry maintain that these DNA alterations can not be detected, and therefore can not be traced or tested or regulated, and should not even be called GMOs. However, they definitely are GMOs, and create the same risks as the earlier GMOs, although maybe more so: huge disruption of the genome, unexpected side effects, environmental and health damage, toxic influences, etc.

Other scientists who have been working on the risks of GMOs and on that research front for years have called this work historic. The study was published in the EU on Monday, and in the US on Tuesday, September 6.

Read this article on the GMWatch site and access linked sources:
Each weekday, Bob Roth, best-selling author of Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation, releases a new episode of his Stay Calm with Bob Roth series on iHeartRadio. He shares bite-sized personal stories about the power of the TM technique, with simple, practical tips about living well.

In these turbulent, uncertain times, find a moment of calm by tuning in to Bob’s daily podcast. While we may not always have control over outside forces, there are things we can do to find that calm within.

Stay Calm with Bob Roth is a daily reminder of the inner strength we already possess—and how our TM practice helps us tap into and expand that core of silence.

Subscribe for free to this popular new series—already over 70,000 subscribers in the first three weeks! Download and listen to the Stay Calm podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Humor Corner
TM in the News
Meeting the Beatles in India
Reviewed by Bruce Steele on September 8, 2020

Who wouldn’t like Morgan Freeman to narrate their home movies? All you need to make that happen is a wealth of photographs taken during the week you spent hanging out with the Beatles in India during their historic two-month stay with Transcendental Meditation guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
“Home movies” is a misnomer, since TV producer and documentary filmmaker Paul Saltzman (Prom Night in Mississippi) didn’t have any film footage of his 1968 encounter. Instead, he commissioned drawings and sketchlike animations of his memories, doing his best to stretch a few dozen images and seven days of memories into a full-length documentary.

It is a great story, like something out of Zelig: Saltzman, then in his 20s, manages to get himself to India, in search of inner peace, and winds up at the gate of the maharishi, asking for TM lessons. He’s told the ashram is closed because the Beatles are inside, so he sleeps in a tent outside the gate for eight days, waiting. And, finally, they let him inside.

The Beatles — along with Mia Farrow, Mike Love and others in their party — quickly befriend Saltzman, and they spend a week meditating and hanging out and having retrospectively profound talks, all meticulously reconstructed by Saltzman. He interviews himself, his daughter, Beatles experts and — inexplicably — meditation fan David Lynch (yes, that one), but only the narrative about the Beatles encounter has any real weight to it. Watching Saltzman sort through his mildewed Beatles LPs is less captivating.

If you love the Beatles or Transcendental Meditation, this is a must-see movie, although it has no real global insights into either subject. And if you really love the Beatles and TM, Saltzman also has a limited-edition book of his story and his photographs available in $325 and $875 editions. Have at it.

‘Meeting the Beatles in India’ Review: A Fellow Seeker’s Documentary Blends Fab Four Lore and Gentle TM Proselytism

Film Review: Meeting The Beatles In India
By Sal Cataldi Sep 9, 2020
In February of 1968, The Beatles pulled the ultimate disappearing act. The world’s most culture-bending and publicized foursome went radio silent, forsaking the comforts of Swingin’ London for a humble ashram in remote Northern India to study transcendental meditation with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

For two months, the justifiably world-weary fabs were alone but very together, with just their romantic partners, trusted roadie Mal, and a few heavy friends like Beach Boy Mike Love, the singer Donovan, actress Mia Farrow and her soon-to-be immortalized sister, Prudence. And, oh yes, one very lucky 22-year-old Canadian, Paul Saltzman, who unknowingly stumbled into the world’s most exclusive mystical gathering, all in hopes of learning meditation as a way to mend his recently broken heart. 

More Coverage of Paul Saltzman's Movie about his Time with The Beatles in India
Click on the image below to view the article
Jeffrey Abramson on The Do One Better! Podcast
Transcendental Meditation and philanthropy come together as we hear Jeffrey Abramson discuss his Foundation’s work and his support

Alberto Lidji|8/24/2020
Jeffrey is a Washington DC-based philanthropist who’s been practising Transcendental Meditation (TM) for more than 40 years and he’s a Co-Founder of the Rona and Jeffrey Abramson Foundation.

He started thinking about improving the world when he was just 8 years old. He knew he wanted to end suffering and he wanted the solution to be one thing that could be given to people everywhere to change their circumstances, so they were the ones who lifted themselves up, and it needed to make them self-sufficient; not dependent on others.