Volume 9 Issue 5 | March 9, 2020
University News for Faculty and Staff
Dear Faculty and Staff Members, 

We hope this finds you well.

In light of the CoronaVirus (COVID-19) situation, the University has developed, through its Emergency Management Group, policies, practices and recommendations regarding the Virus and information which is important for you to review. This information is located at  miu.edu/virus  and will be updated as circumstances may change. 

Currently, there are no cases of CoronaVirus reported in Iowa or M.I.U.

Please open the  miu.edu/virus  link which contains important information on the Virus, US Center for Disease Control information, travel and other MIU policies and recommendations, self-care advice, FAQ's, contact information, and other important information. 

Thank you for reviewing these pages carefully, as these policies and information may impact your activities and help you to minimize the risks that this Virus presents. 

With our individual and collective vigilance, we can keep to an absolute minimum the impact of this unfortunate situation on us all.

All the best,

Bill Goldstein
Dean of Global Development and General Counsel

Tom Brooks
Vice President of Operations
Open Positions
Please contact hr@miu.edu if you know of anyone who has the qualifications and interest to fill any of these positions.

Open Positions:
  1. MUM Online - Student Support Services
  2. Compro - Admissions Counselor
  3. Compro - Career Coach
  4. GDM Cafe - dishwasher for Fridays, perfect for IA participant
  5. Recreation Center - Opener/cleaner - start at 6:00am

Other Job Openings

For job descriptions and application information on any of these positions click here .

Maharishi International University is an equal opportunity employer.
Health and Wellness
In Ayurveda, our digestive fire is called agni, and it is our baseline for maintaining good health. When in balance, all aspects of agni work in a unified manner, and this is called Sama Agni. If digestion is weak, irregular, or erratic in nature, it may be what is known as Vishama Agni. Vishama Agni occurs when Vata is out of balance. When Vata is out of balance, it's cold and mobile qualities, air and space, can interfere with agni, dampening the fires of digestion leading to irregular appetite, indigestion, gas, bloating, and ama (toxins) - Vishama Agni. However, Vata’s light and dry qualities can actually be quite supportive of digestion, keeping it burning strong.
Join Vaidya Dinesh Gyawali to learn more about the signs of Vishama Agni, Ayurvedic tips, and dietary recommendations to enliven strong, Sama Agni.
Wednesday, March 11, 3:00 - 3:30 P.M.
or register and receive the replay link
Two free MAV Wellness consultations  
Full time faculty, staff and students are eligible for two free Maharishi Ayurvedic consultations at the Maharishi AyurVeda Integrative Health Center (MAIHC) each academic year. After that, there is a fee of $50 per appointment.  

This semester, there are appointments available for an Ayurvedic consultation with Ruchi Sharma, BAMS and the students in the Ayurvedic Wellness Consultation program. These consultations are 90 minutes, at either 10:30 AM or 1:30 PM, and are held at the MAIHC (formerly The Ladies Peace Palace).  We can provide an excuse for the students who will be out of class during that time.

To make an appointment please send an email to  appointments@mum.edu  with your full name, date of birth, phone number, zip code, and desired time and date of consultation. You can also call 641-472-7000, ext.3406 to talk with Helen or ext. 3411 to talk with one of the campus nurses.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and CDC will provide updated information as it becomes available, in addition to updated guidance.

No Coronavirus in Fairfield!

Contrary to a recent rumor, there are no reported cases of Coronavirus in Fairfield — or indeed in Iowa at this time

Please be careful not to spread unconfirmed rumors and resulting fears across our town.

Such rumors may have arisen because responsible parties across Jefferson County (and across the country) have been meeting to review sound preventive and early-detection strategies — and to put in place a viable response in the event that an actual case or cases should arise. 

Please do not confuse these preventive, precautionary steps with an actual viral outbreak. 

John Hagelin, President
Maharishi International University
Staff Christmas Party Gift
If you attended the Staff Christmas party you may recall Isabel Ramos’ extraordinary gesture when she was awarded one of the biggest door prizes at the event, a $100 Amazon gift card. She turned around and gave it to me. I didn’t feel comfortable accepting it, so I had it split into four $25 gift cards and they were raffled off at the February Entry Compro luncheon, so that four of our new students received this gift.
Susan Ruby - Computer Science Registrar
New Online M.S. in Aromatherapy at MIU
Become a professional aromatherapist in a part-time online program BY DEBBIE THOMPSON

A unique program within MIU’s popular and acclaimed curriculum in integrative medicine

Maharishi International University (MIU) is accepting applications for a new Online Master of Science in Aromatherapy, with classes starting in August 2020. MIU is the only accredited university in the United States to offer this degree with a program that includes extensive clinical training. Federal financial aid for full tuition is available for most U.S. students.

MIU Visitors Weekend Calendar - 2020-2021

2020 2021
September 3 - 5 January 14 - 16
October 1 - 3 March 4 - 6
November 5 - 7 April 1 - 3
December 3 - 5 May 6- 8
June 3- 5
July 15 - 17

Enjoy listening to Greg Thatcher on Iowa Public Radio's Talk of Iowa which aired on February 25th

On this edition of Talk of Iowa, host Charity Nebbe is joined by Fairfield-based artist Greg Thatcher, who has been making art inspired by yew trees for more than 30 years. Thatcher talks about his “Sacred Yew” exhibit at the  Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden  and his multi-decade relationship with a single grove of yew trees in a small English town. Guest: Greg Thatcher , Artist. (17 minutes)

At 1:45 Greg mentions that since he practices Transcendental Meditation he was familiar with that settling down experience, which he also noticed in nature looking at a scene like the yew trees, or a mountain off in the distance. His exhibit will be up until March 30. He will be at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden for a walk-through on Saturday, March 21.

Visit Greg's website to see some of his yew trees and more:  https://www.gregthatchergallery.com . Greg teaches art at Maharishi School.
Upcoming Events and Courses
Let’s welcome spring with another Global Group Meditation, which will take place on March 15, 2020, at 5:00 pm.
Reducing Veteran Suicides from 21 to Zero Per Day
"21 to None" inauguration 6:00 p.m. Thursday, April 2, Plaza Hotel, NYC
On April 2, 2020, the David Lynch Foundation (DLF) will inaugurate The Trauma Project’s campaign to stem the epidemic of veteran suicides by making the Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique available free of cost to veterans and their families. A Department of Defense–funded randomized controlled trial published in  The Lancet Psychiatry  showed the TM technique reduces Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) symptoms and depression equal to or exceeding Prolonged Exposure therapy, the current gold standard of PTS care.

Jon Bon Jovi and Jake Gyllenhaal will help launch the David Lynch Foundation “21 to None” campaign on April 2, 2020.

Jon Bon Jovi, Grammy Award winning inductee of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and Academy Award-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal will help launch the national campaign at the Thursday, April 2 event, 6:00 p.m. at the Plaza Hotel, New York City. They are strong DLF supporters and longtime TM meditators.

The David Lynch Foundation will honor four U.S. military leaders who are spearheading the “21 to None”® campaign and also practice the TM technique themselves: General James Marks (U.S. Army, Ret.), General Stephen T. Rippe (U.S. Army, Ret.), Admiral Richard Schneider, Ph.D. (U.S. Coast Guard, Ret.), and General Loree K. Sutton, M.D. (U.S. Army, Ret.).

Proceeds will support DLF’s work to reduce from 21 to zero the number of veterans who commit suicide every day by bringing the TM technique to all veterans and their families.

An estimated one million veterans suffer from PTSD, but less than 20 percent receive adequate care due to lack of effective treatments, fear of stigma, or insufficient government resources. Half of those won’t receive any care at all. Left untreated, PTSD places veterans at great risk for violent and self-destructive behavior, and nearly 8,000 vets die by suicide every year.

World Peace Assembly 
23 May, 28 May, or 30 May to 6 June 2020
for those practicing the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program 
including Yogic Flying

Meditator Residence Course 
30 May to 6 June 2020
for those practicing the Transcendental Meditation Technique

• Deep rest and profound rejuvenation 
• Extended practice of the Transcendental Meditation and 
 Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program 
• Enlivening discussion of experiences 
• Enlightening videos of Maharishi
• Comfortable air-conditioned rooms in newly renovated and furnished Fortune-Creating Maharishi Vastu buildings
• Delicious, freshly prepared vegetarian cuisine
To Apply, please contact your National Office
Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems

International training course for Governors – Phase 1  
Sidha health professionals also welcome 

13 April – 1 May 2020 at MERU, Vlodrop

Are you looking for new knowledge to better serve your community? If so, we warmly invite Governors, and Sidhas with a qualifying health background to join this very special training course that happens only once a year.

In this comprehensive training, you will learn the fundamentals and applications of Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems, a powerful, health-promoting technology developed by Joachim and Iris Roller under Maharishi’s guidance.

You will also dive deep into the intellectual understanding, subjective experience, and practical applications of this profound knowledge.

Upon successful completion of the course, you’ll be certified to give Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems treatments to healthy people and those with minor imbalances, the first phase of a rewarding career as a Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems practitioner.

2020 Purusha Capital SM
Course Schedule for Men
Top Leaders Coming Again This Year

We invite all male Governors and Sidhas to join us for deep experience and knowledge on one of our courses. During these courses, top leaders of the TM ®  organization will share their knowledge and the latest news and developments in their area of expertise.

For a complete list of all courses, including detailed course descriptions, please visit  PurushaCourses.org .

Upcoming World Peace Assemblies (WPAs)

  • Mar. 28–Apr. 4: Maharishi Vedic AstrologySM WPA — with Dr. Charlie Heath, during the Nine Days of Mother Divine
Special Articles
The Unified Power of Peace

Quantum physicist John Hagelin, Ph.D., President of Maharishi International University, explains how regular experience of the abstract, fundamental field of pure consciousness during TM practice is the basis for inner and outer peace. 

Question: What is the Maharishi Effect?
Answer:  Large groups of peace-creating experts, practicing the technologies of consciousness (The Transcendental Meditation Technique and the TM-Sidhi Program) together, dive deep within themselves to the most fundamental level of mind and matter, which physics calls the unified field. From that level of life they create a tidal wave of harmony and coherence that can permanently alter society for the better, as the research confirms. And this consciousness-based approach is holistic, easy to implement, non-invasive, and cost effective.

Question: Has it been scientifically studied?
Answer:  More than 50 demonstration projects and 23 studies published in leading peer-reviewed journals have shown that this new consciousness-based approach to world peace neutralizes the ethnic, political, and religious tensions in society that give rise to crime, violence, terrorism, and war. The approach has been tested on the local, state, national, and international levels, and it has worked every time, resulting in highly significant drops in negative social trends and improvements in positive trends.

As we finish our ninth season of Brahmasthan courses, we have been feeling great appreciation for everyone who has come here and everyone who has been supporting the Maharishi Vedic Pandits. We wanted to offer you a new eBook, filled with more magical pictures that the very gifted photographer Amine Kouider just took when he was here; there are delightful pictures of Bijauri sunrises, the gardens and the lobby.

At the end of the eBook there is a beautiful Pandit recitation of Swasti Vachan - a blessing for peace and well-being for the individual and the world.

We have also updated all the pictures of the Pandits on the  Maharishi India Course Website . Each picture is filled with such depth of expression of the Pandits during their recitations. Please look at each page; there are multiple pictures on many of the pages as you scroll down.
Humor Corner
TM in the News
Feelings of Well-Being in Transcendental Meditation Tied to Brain Changes
By  Traci Pedersen 28 Feb 2020

Many people who practice meditation on a regular basis report a strong feeling of well-being. Now a new Italian study shows that these positive feelings can be linked to specific changes in the brain.
For the study, researchers at IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca, Italy examined the effects of the technique known as Transcendental Meditation (TM), which consists in the silent repetition of a meaningless sound, a “mantra.”

The researchers enrolled 34 healthy young volunteers and divided them in two groups. The first group practiced Transcendental Meditation 40 minutes per day in two sessions of 20 minutes each, one in the morning and the other in the evening; the second group did not change its daily routine.

At the beginning of the study, the researchers used psychometric questionnaires to measure the  anxiety  and stress levels of all the participants, as well as their ability to manage stressful situations.

Each participant was also subjected to a  functional magnetic resonance imaging  test (fMRI), in order to measure brain activity at rest and changes in the functional connectivity among different cerebral areas. After three months, at the end of the study, the same tests were repeated.

The overall findings show that levels of anxiety and stress perceived by the subjects who followed the meditation program were significantly reduced in comparison with those of the volunteers who did not practice TM.

Transcendental Meditation Relieves Perceived Stress And Leads To Specific Cerebral Changes
FEBRUARY 22, 20202

For researchers at IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, a study evaluating the effectiveness of Transcendental meditation (TM) among healthy participants led to promising findings.
According to new research, released in the journal  Brain and Cognition , Transcendental meditation was linked to reductions in perceived stress. The technique, first developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, involves the use of a mantra practiced with eyes closed, a few times a day.

Researchers studied 34 healthy participants, half of which incorporated Transcendental meditation to their daily routine for 40 minutes per day. The other half carried on without meditation implemented into their normal daily routine.