Issue 1 | May 2023

Welcome to the City of Volga Newsletter!

Thank you for joining us!

Yard Waste Pickup Has Resumed

For residents who utilize the gray yard waste totes, Brookings Dumpster Service is once again emptying those every Wednesday, along with regular trash service.

If you don't currently have a yard waste tote and would like to add one, please call the city office. The cost is $2.00 per month.

The Community Gardens Are Tilled and Are Ready for Planting

Water will be turned on when the night time temperatures are consistently above freezing.

Thank you for your patience!

From your

City Administrator,

Michael Schulte

Thank you for subscribing to our new City of Volga Newsletter! Our goal is to send out relevant, timely, and useful information each month to better connect and inform residents and businesses. Information may include information on construction projects, public hearings, seasonal information, job announcements, and much more.

Thank you for being a resident of Volga and making Volga a great place to live and work!


Does My Project Need a

Building Permit?

With nicer weather approaching, you may be planning a summer building project. Building permits are to benefit the property owners to ensure projects meet any city setbacks or ordinances and ensure safe and reliable construction. A building permit is needed for, but not limited to, the following types of projects:

-New House

 -New Commercial or Industrial Building

 -New Additions

 -Finishing Basements

 -Remodels where Interior Walls or Structures are Significantly Modified

 -New Egress Windows or New Differently-Sized Windows (where walls are modified)

 -New Fencing

 -New Shingling/Roofing

 -New Siding

 -Detached or Attached Garages

 -Accessory Structures such as Garden Sheds

To learn how to apply or to learn more about the process, click here to visit our website.

Your 2023 City of Volga City Council was sworn in at the annual meeting on May 1. From left: Phil Madsen (Ward I - Appointed for 1-Year Term), Matt Jaquet (Ward III), Mayor Ken Fideler, Bev Cotton (Ward I), Doug Wermedal (Ward III - 2-Month Term), Stacy Sahr (Ward II), and Vickie Vanderwal (Ward II).

Photo Credit: Samantha Algood, Volga Tribune

There is still space available for swimming lessons and many other park and rec activities - call the City office at 605-627-9113.

Volga Park & Rec Spotlight

It's almost summer! Park & Rec activities will be underway soon.

Opening day for the Volga Swimming Pool is still to be determined. Please watch our Facebook page for updates.

Old Timers Day is Saturday, June 10 and this year's theme is Hoedown Throwdown!

The Committee is looking for 24+ haybales to use as seating and decor in the City Park. Bales should be picked up late Saturday afternoon after the park Please contact Lindsey at 605-627-9113 if you have some bales we can borrow!

Archery Range Added Fall 2022!

The archery range has been a great new addition to our options for outdoor activities! It is located on West 6th Street, near the community gardens and dog park. Please observe all rules and regulations noted below.