October 1st, 2019
News at the Wing
by Jarrett Bertoncin
Remember, Honor, Inspire, Fly!
Longer then a text but not a newsletter here is the latest goings-on at the Wing.
Open Hangar Day
Saturday, October 5th
Fall Festival and Halloween Fun!
Kids…wear your Halloween costume. Trick-or-Treating for non-candy treats…we’ll supply the bags. Hot chocolate, cider, and other seasonal treats.We open to the Public at 10:00am. Set up starts at 8:00am. Come out and help invite the public to HOA. 
New(ish) Wing Patches
We have Wing Patches. Do you have one for your flight suit? Don’t have a flight suit? These are great on all styles jackets too!

Patches are $10.00 each. Please see anyone on staff to buy Wing Patch Today!
From Left to Right:
Ron Wright, Jim Boughan, KC Boyle and Gene Linder
Original HOA Squadron Member
We had a recent visitor from our past. KC (Ken) Boyle, one of the original HOA Squadron members. KC and his wife Judy now reside near Brownsville, TX. KC was one of the original four (Gene Linder, Bob Jereau, Pete Illman and KC) who were the Monday-Friday team during the construction of our hangar. KC was shocked by the progress our Wing has made. He commented "I never would have imagined how the Wing has grown (from 25 members to near 125) and how much has been accomplished in the past 20 years".  

by Bob Robinson
Weatherford Trip Rain Out
The Stearman trip to Weatherford, Oklahoma was cancelled due to weather concerns. Not so much in Weatherford but there was a high probability we all might get stuck in South-side Hogwallup, KS for longer than desired. Looking forward to next year. Thanks to all who had planned to participate and agonized over launching. 

Bob R
Today in History: Naval Air Station (NAS) Olathe Opens (1942)
Now New Century AirCenter
The base opened as Naval Air Station Olathe on October 1, 1942 and was referred locally as the Gardner, Kansas Navy Base because it was to be used for the Naval Air Transport Service (NATS) and Naval Air Primary Training Command (NAPTC). Future astronaut John Glenn was in the first class to be trained at the base and he was to make his first solo flight in a military (Stearman) plane from the base.

The base was decommissioned on 29 October 1969 and the air station was officially closed in July 1970 with the understanding that the Navy could retain thirteen buildings for non-flying Naval Reserve aviation programs as Naval Air Reserve Center Olathe.
Stearman on the Road
Our next event is scheduled for Saturday, October 19th. This is our annual attempt to fly over the Lineman's Rodeo in Bonner Springs, hosted by KCP&L. There may be seats available in a few planes. If you are interested, please let us know. This will be an earlier in the day flight, before our monthly meeting, weather permitting .

Bob R
October Staff Meeting
The October Staff Meeting is this Thursday October 3 rd , 7:00pm at the Hangar             

Watch for more Wing updates.

Stay informed. Get engaged!

Jarrett Bertoncin
Executive Officer
Public Information Officer


Wing Staff Meeting
October 3rd, 7:00pm

Last of the Year!
Open Hangar Day 
October 5th 10:00am-3:00pm
Fall Festival and Halloween Fun!

General Meeting &
Heritage Speaker Series
October 19th, 10:00am
WWII Tank Destroyer Unit Veteran Bill Casaas

Wing Staff Meeting
November 7th, 7:00pm

General Meeting &
Heritage Speaker Series
Staff Elections
November 16th, 10:00am
Speaker TBA

Wing Staff Meeting
December 5th, 7:00pm

Wing Christmas Party
December 7th
At the Hangar

Happy Holidays
No December General Meeting
See you in 2020!

Wing Staff Meeting
January 2nd, 7:00pm

General Meeting &
Heritage Speaker Series
January 18th, 10:00am
Speaker TBA