What's New
Proud to Give Back Over $260,000
We are proud to have given back over $260,000 in bonus dividends. In 2021, your membership and belief in the credit union are what helped us grow, to help even more members live better, healthier financial lives.

Open Up a World of Possibilities
We’re always striving to give our members more value ­­­­­­­— to help members live better, healthier financial lives. That's why the PAHO/WHO FCU Rewards World Mastercard® is different. This card earns you points that never expire.

Serving the Global Health Community
2022 Board of Directors Candidates & Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting will be held virtually on May 11, 2022. In accordance with the bylaws, the Nominating Committee has made three (3) nominations to fill the three (3) three-year term vacancies. Any Credit Union member who considers he/she meets the requirements to serve on the Board may file a nomination by petition with the Secretary of the Board by February 18, 2022.

Help Support Capital Area Food Bank
PAHO/WHO Federal Credit Union has donated $5,000 to the
Capital Area Food Bank of D.C., a member of Feeding America. We're inviting members to help support their efforts to feed the hungry and those with less by either making a donation or dropping off much-needed food items at our Columbia Plaza Branch.

PAHO/WHO Federal Credit Union Executive Participates in African Credit Union Exchange Program
Michael Ray, PAHO/WHO FCU Vice President of Business Development, recently joined a team of credit union leaders from across the nation in support of the African Credit Union Exchange Program. The discussions, which took place in November of last year, centered on credit union governance and how leaders from credit unions in Africa can enhance their skills and improve the lives of everyday Africans through credit union membership.

Financial Wellness Matters
Make a Resolution to Learn More About Money
Living a better, healthier financial life in 2022 starts with education. Now you can get solid financial advice crafted by professionals who know a thing or two about the world of money. Best of all, these quick courses are free and available anytime you need them. 

Simplify Your Financial Life with eStatements
Simple is good. When you switch from monthly paper statements to electronic eStatements, you’ll be adding a lot of simple to your financial life. You’ll get your PAHO/WHO FCU statements sooner, have access to a 24/7 archive, and enjoy peace of mind thanks to the security of Online Banking.

Hours and Holidays
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Monday, January 17, 2022
Washington's Birthday: Monday, February 21, 2022