This Sunday
Please join us for worship this Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in English or 1:00 p.m. in Spanish as we hear Luke’s Gospel account of Jesus preaching in his home town of Nazareth. Jesus is invited into the temple to read and teach from the scriptures, as he had garnered a reputation as a teacher and a healer while ministering in the nearby town of Capernaum. But while teaching, Jesus tells the hometown crowd unpopular truths, words of truth his audience does not want to hear. The audience becomes enraged. And as a result, the mob runs Jesus out of the synagogue, out of town, and onto to the edge of a cliff. Talk about overreacting!
How do we react to hearing unpopular truths told from the pulpit? Do we become angry like mob in Nazareth, or do we allow ourselves to grow by listening to a new or different perspective? Come, listen, and be challenged to grow this Sunday!