St. John's Episcopal Church

to love, to serve, to grow in Christ

January 21, 2025

The Annual Meeting of St. John's Episcopal Church will be held in the parish hall on Sunday, January 26, immediately following the 9 a.m. service. We will present the budget for the coming year, elect three new members to our Vestry and receive reports from the leaders of our various ministries. The meeting is open to all who call St. John's their church home.

Profiles of the three candidates for Vestry has been sent out in a previous email. They are also posted on the bulletin board in the church entryway.

Visit our Website

Scan the QR code below to make a donation to St. John's, via Faithstreet. Your generous donations help to continue our mission of loving and serving God in our community and the world.

*Walk in Love commitment cards for 2025

If you have not turned in your commitment card for 2025, it is not too late. Please mail it to the church office or place it in the offering basket on Sunday. If you do not have a commitment card, they are available on the table as you enter the church.


Why do you attend an Episcopal Church?

There is a little book titled 101 Reasons to be Episcopalian. In the coming weeks, many of the 101 reasons will be shared. Some of them are serious; some are humorous. If you have a "reason" that is not included, send it to me. It could be reason #102.

#3 Reason: "I became an Episcopalian because of an invitation in the Sunday bulletin, "All baptized Christians are welcome at the Lord's Table."

The Rev. Jessica A. Hatch, Diocese of Utah.

101 Reasons to be Episcopalian was compiled by Louie Crew; published by Morehouse Publishing 2003

Sunday, January 19 is the 1700 year anniversary of Council of Nicaea and the Nicene Creed. The Council was the first ever ecumenical gathering of the Christian Church. It was presided over by the Emperor Constantine. The Nicene Creed is the statement of faith of mainline Christian and Eastern Orthodox churches. The Council also attempted but failed to establish a uniform date for Easter. (That is why Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the 21st of March - the spring equinox.)

St. John's Thrift Shop

The Thrift Shop has resumed the regular schedule: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sales are vigorous, and merchandise is flying off the shelves. The Shop is in need of donations, especially home decor, small appliances, kitchen and decorative items. A new donation shed has been installed in front of the parish hall. The Shop is also in need of newspaper to wrap delicate items.


The Shop is always looking for volunteers to work at the desk. If you would like to help, contact Caroline Barnett.


What you would like to see in eNews? We need your input to keep it fresh and relevant. Is your ministry area doing something that you would like to share? Please send your news, ideas, articles, photos, etc. to me at

The deadline submission for the Tuesday enews is Monday, 3 p.m.

Marlene Eichelberger


Our service is live streamed on FaceBook and YouTube at 9:00 am on Sundays. 

To watch on You Tube: Click HERE for January 26 service.

If you can't watch live, you can watch it at your convenience by going to St. John's FaceBook page and click on "videos".

The Third Sunday after the Epiphany

January 26, 2025

9:00 a.m.

Readings: Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

Psalm 19

1 Corinthians 12:12-31a

Luke 4:14-21

Prayer Chapel

The Chapel is open for anyone wishing individual prayer. You are invited to go to the Chapel to receive prayer with a member of The Daughters of the King immediately following Holy Eucharist. Daughters of the King is an Order of Women that take vows to extend Christ’s Kingdom by Prayer, Service and Evangelism. Prayer requests are held in strict confidence.

Weekly Schedule

Thrift Shop Regular hours:

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,

9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Hand Bell Choir - Tuesdays -

Church Sanctuary - 6pm

Vocal Choir - Tuesdays -

Choir Room - 7pm

Retirees - Parish Hall

Second Monday of the month 10:00 am

Wednesday Morning Bible Study -

Parish Hall - Wednesdays 10:00 am.

Zoom link: Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Rug Hookers - Parish Hall

Thursdays 10:00 am.

Men's Cursillo Grouping- Parish Hall

Thursdays 7:00 am.

Office Schedule and Contact Information

Church Office hours are Mon. - Thurs. from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Mondays & Wednesdays, for access to church office,

please call the office at 727-531-6020

The Rev. Kevin Mort, Deacon

cell phone: 727 409-8248 



Office phone number:



Office email addresses:

Parish Administrator


Jim May, Music Director email address:

Music Director

727-531-6020 Ex. 4


Super Bowl Sunday is February 9.

Let's make it a "Souper Bowl" by bringing in canned soup and other non-perishables for the next few Sundays leading up to Feb. 9. All food will be donated to Good Neighbors for distribution to those in need. Monetary gifts are always welcome.

St. Paul’s Wednesday Contemplative Services

The Contemplative Worship Services are held on Wednesdays in St. John’s Church sanctuary at 7:15 pm. This week's theme: Prayer Around the Globe, Prayer for peace and healing of nations.

A Quilting Group meets in the parish hall on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 10 a.m. The quilters are part of an international group. Quilts are folded, packed and taken to MacDill AFB for delivery to disaster areas around the world. All are welcome.

Good Neighbors - Volunteers Needed!

If anyone is interested in helping Good Neighbors, the following services are needed:

Drivers for daily food pick-ups

Breads and sweets need to be sorted daily

Sorting food in dry goods room daily

Assemble boxes for delivery daily

Break down cardboard boxes for recycling

Cleaning refrigerators inside and out

Sweeping and mopping floors

If interested in any of the above services, please contact Carol Jefford at 315-212-0479 or Heather Brooks,

Episcopal Church and Diocesan News

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