March 2023

Issue No. 1



In this issue ...

Introducing The Hambrick Foundation!

Grant recipients

ReImagine Dance

Bethany Scroggs

THF spotlight

THF Board of Directors

Now accepting grant applications

Introducing The Hambrick Foundation!

At The Hambrick Foundation (THF) we are happy to do all we can to positively impact the lives of special needs children and their families. We do this by providing grants, scholarships and recognition to amazing special needs educators who go above and beyond for these kids, but don't always receive proper recognition for all they do.

THF was founded by Bobby Hambrick, a father who learned very quickly it does, indeed, take a village to raise a child. This sentiment hit home especially hard when it came to trusting the care of his special needs son, Truman, to others. Truman, his peers and the educators who have helped along the way are the inspiration behind THF.

"The teachers who dedicate their lives to children with special needs deserve to be able to focus on the kids and to not have to stress about how to find the means to do so," Hambrick said. "These kids deserve the best and The Hambrick Foundation will help to ensure they are given the best possible chance to thrive."

Learn more about THF


This month, we were honored to deliver the first of many THF grants to very worthy individuals who have big plans to help kids with special needs.

ReImagine Dance

Shannon Johnson and Melanie Simmons of Sarasota, Fla.-based ReImagine Dance teach the motto "our ability is stronger than our disability." They offer children and young adults with disabilities the opportunity to express themselves with dance and foster lasting relationships their community. THF grant funds will help them purchase materials including recital costumes, dance shoes and volunteer appreciation gifts.

Learn more

Bethany Scroggs

Special needs teacher Bethany Scroggs and her students are working on a sweet business idea that will satisfy the sugary cravings of the staff at Lincoln Elementary School in Morton, Ill. With funds from a THF grant, Scroggs and her students will soon start the Mane Event, a snack shop that will provide students with an exciting way to serve others while learning life skills along the way.

Learn more


THF Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is made of up individuals who work to uphold the mission and values of The Hambrick Foundation. They volunteer their time and bring a variety of skills and expertise to the foundation.

Business meeting. Top view of buiness team brainstorming while sitting at the office table together
Meet our Board 

Now taking applications for upcoming THF grants

Are you a special needs educator (or do you know a special needs educator) with big ideas who could use a little financial help to get things started? We'd love to hear all about it! We are now accepting applications for our next round of giving. Deadline is April 1st.

Young female teacher explain_ talk at desk with a down syndrome schoolboy. Color painting for disabled kids_ child who are down syndrome and student teacher_ development of children with spesial needs
View the application

Would you like to help us support special needs educators?

Visit our website to donate!

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