Fall 2023

Last minute deal averts government shutdown

Only a few hours before federal funding ran out, leadership in the House and Senate reached an agreement on a Continuing Resolution (CR) that would keep agencies funded at current levels through Nov. 17 of this year. The vote was 335-91 in the House and 88-9 in the Senate. President Biden signed the CR into law less than three hours before the deadline of midnight on September 30. With this extension, Congress still must complete all 12 of the appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2024, a process which has been moving very slowly in the House and Senate due to disagreements over topline spending levels. AAVMC will continue to advocate for funding for our key programs. More information can be found here.

Pet Night on Capitol Hill

As part of Pet Week, AAVMC was a sponsor of Pet Night on Capitol Hill. The annual event took place on September 20, and gave sponsors a chance to meet and mingle with Congressional staff, members of Congress, and other organizations from the pet industry. The main host for the evening was the Human Animal Bond Research Institute, or HABRI. AAVMC has a seat on the HABRI Board of Directors. More information can be found at: www.petnight.org

Meeting with new NIFA Director

On August 28, Kevin Cain and Dr. Andrew Maccabe met with Dr. Manjit K. Misra, the new Director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). NIFA houses several of the key programs that AAVMC advocates for, including the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP) and the Veterinary Services Grant Program (VSGP), as well as the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI). AAVMC is looking forward to working with Dr. Misra and continuing the great relationship with USDA/NIFA. Dr. Misra came to USDA from Iowa State University. The announcement for Dr. Misra’s appointment can be found here: https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2023/04/24/usda-announces-new-national-institute-food-and-agriculture-director

Student Loan Payments Resume

As of October 1, 2023, student loan payments have officially resumed. These payments were paused for several years during the pandemic but have now been restarted. The Biden Administration and the Department of Education have rolled out several plans to assist borrowers as this takes place. This includes the creation of the Saving on A Valuable Education (or SAVE) plan, which is designed to assist borrowers who have an Income Driven Repayment (IDR) loan plan. More information can be found here: Prepare for Student Loan Payments to Restart | Federal Student Aid

(PSLF) Coalition Activities

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Coalition has been a critical partner for AAVMC over the past few years. Through the coalition, we have been able to meet with key members of Congress and their staff, as well as policymakers at the Department of Education. On September 26, Kevin Cain was able to present to the Coalition about why PSLF is so important not just for our graduates but also for many faculty members at our institutions. The Coalition has helped us collaborate with the Dept. of Education to make the PSLF program work better, and as the original statute intended. AAVMC will continue to work on protecting and strengthening the program. More information about the coalition can be found here: https://pslfcoalition.org/

Advocacy Letters

The AAVMC continues to work closely with a wide array of organizations that share our interests in supporting the advancement of academic veterinary medicine, food security and public health. The letters below reflect some of that recent activity.

AAVMC Government Affairs

Please contact: Kevin Cain, Director for Government Affairs at [email protected] or 202-371-9195 (ext. 117) with any comments, questions and suggestions about our program.

AAVMC Newsletters

The AAVMC is working hard to create a culture of diversity and inclusion in every dimension of academic veterinary medicine. To foster this goal, the photographs and illustrations which are used in our communications programs are aspirational, and do not necessarily reflect the levels of diversity and inclusion that currently exist.

Sign up to receive the Vet-Med Educator in your inbox here. See past issues here

Sign up here to receive FOCUS, a newsletter that examines prominent issues in academic veterinary medicine. See past issues here.

Sign up for our Advocacy newsletter here. Read past issues here

Sign up for the newsletter of the Council on International Veterinary Medical Education (CIVME) here. Read past issues here.

American Association of Veterinary
Medical Colleges

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