All Annual Conference Information
May 18, 2021 | Issue-7
Registration is now OPEN
WHEN: June 17-19, 2021
WHERE: Virtually
Click here for more information and to register.

More Links at Bottom of Newsletter- They Will Be Updated Soon
Please check out the bottom of the newsletter for more links that may interest you.
  • Narrative Budget
  • Registration Guidelines
  • What you need to know
  • Petitions/Resolutions/Report

Registration Closes June 1st
2021 Annual Conference Fee's
  • Active Clergy & Laity Registration Fee- $25
  • Lay Member to Annual Conference- $25
  • ALL Equalization Member- $10
  • Youth Equalization Member- $10
Clergy That Need to be Excused from Annual Conference
If you are a clergy member seeking to be excused from the Annual Conference session, please click here and submit this form.
Are You Interested in Being an Equalization Member to Annual Conference 2021?
Each year additional voting members to Annual Conference are needed to balance the votes between non-clergy and clergy, in other words, make the number of non-clergy votes equal to the number of clergy votes. To achieve this, each District in the UNY Conference is allowed to select a predetermined number of extra non-clergy to vote on behalf of the District. If you would like to serve in this capacity, please contact YOUR District. Please DO NOT register UNTIL you have been notified that you will serve in this compacity. All applicants will be notified following this process. For those invited to serve as equalization members, they may register upon receiving notification they are invited to serve. 

If you are interested or need more information contact YOUR District office.
Pre-Conference Training Dates
If you are a clergy or lay delegate or EQ Member to the 2021 Annual Conference, it would be a good idea to pencil in one of the days below to attend a Pre-Conference training—the UNY Cabinet and the executive staff have secured different days and times for this training in hopes of accommodating as many people as possible to attend.
The Last date of Training (UPDATED)

  • May 20th 9-11 am

Zoom links will be posted on the Conference website and an email sent to those that are registered for AC.

At these trainings, first, Dave Wood from GNTV (this year’s technology support) will offer a presentation and tutorial on how the platform will work for this year’s virtual conference.
GNTV has offered their services to many Conferences throughout the country and along with accolades and high recommendations, GNTV also received awards at the United Methodist Association of Communicators Awards gala.
This training will then move on to the Rev. Bill Gottschalk-Fielding, UNY Director of Connectional Ministries and Executive Assistant to the Bishop, and other Conference leaders previewing the agenda of the 2021 Annual Conference. There will also be a time for questions and answers.
2021 UNY Conference Journal Vol. I now available
The 2021 Upper New York Conference Journal, Vol. I is now available for download as a free PDF and for purchase through online publisher Click here to download the PDF; click here to purchase it for $4.84 (plus shipping and applicable sales tax) from 
Who Can Vote at Annual Conference NEW
There is often confusion regarding who is to attend and who has both voice and voting privileges at Annual Conference. For example, voting rights for Annual Conference are different than voting rights for clergy session. Even though you are appointed as a pastor at a local church doesn't necessarily grant you the right to attend and vote a clergy session. Review the voting information, as outlined in The Book of Discipline, below for further explanation regarding clergy and laity.

Watch 2020 AC Report Videos NEW
Several reports were given at the virtual Annual Conference on Oct. 3, including a Leadership report, Board of Pensions report, Equitable Compensation report, Board of Trustees report, Committee on Nominations, and a report from the Council on Finance & Administration. Below are the videos that were presented.

2021 UNY Annual Conference offerings

The following five offerings will be collected at this year's Annual Conference: 

  • Mission of Peace
  • Mission Central HUB
  • New Faith Communities
  • The Clergy Care Fund
  • The Helping Hands Fund
Click here to donate
Funding Our Mission
At the 2020 Annual Conference, Upper New York Annual Conference members requested reports from four Conference ministries, including Camp and Retreat Ministries (CRM), Hispanic and Latino Ministries (HLM), District Operations (DO), and New Faith Communities (NFC) on details regarding their individual budgets and how money is being spent. Click here to view the report.
Watch the following videos to learn more about Robert's Rules, which is used at Annual Conference.
Helpful Links for Annual Conference
Updated Soon