Volume 1 Issue 38


Office: 8:30am- 4:45pm

Not for School, But for Life We Learn. -Seneca

Good evening Falcon Nation!

Well, the last week of the school year is upon us. It is hard to believe that we have completed the 23-24 school year. It has been a great year and there are a number of things coming up this summer to make the 2024- 2025 school year even better. Please note that our last day of school, May 24th is a one-hour early release. We appreciate all of your support this school year and look forward in partnering next school year.

As we finalize school this week, please note that final summatives are taking place Monday and Tuesday, while the rest of the week will include remediation and reassessment. Grades are due this Friday. Please note that teachers, deans and school counselors will not be on campus this summer. We are incredibly excited to recognize all of our seniors this Wednesday at the St. Augustine Amphitheater for the 2024 Commencement Ceremony. Tickets have already been distributed and are required for entry.

It is important to note, unlike in year's past, students are allowed to bring backpacks if needed this final week. We have made this change since student's now have teacher -created summatives and projects this week versus district finals.

We will be sending out intermittent information this summer. There will be opportunities throughout the summer regarding academics, athletics, and student leadership. Please check your email weekly for messages from PMHS.

All of our athletic teams have finished there seasons for the 23-24 school year and we have had a number of teams with increased success. Spring football will have its Spring game on May 23rd and check the PMHS website for athletic updates.

We are also ramping up for a number of projects and improvements here at PMHS this summer. We started this past week with the start of a window installation at the front of the school. We are excited to share that this summer we will be completing facility improvements in our gymnasium and auditorium which will include seating and sound in the gymnasium and seating and flooring in the auditorium. We are also installing a number of upgrades in our courtyard. We will be sending out pictures as these projects are completed in the Menendez Message.

We are very excited about our recent partnership with SportClips of St. Augustine. For every ultimate VIP haircut, SportClips will donate $5.00 for the benefit of Pedro Menendez High School. Please see the flyer below.

We recently had a faculty and staff meeting where we discussed the four tenets that will serve as the foundation for PMHS moving forward.

  • Communication
  • Clarity of Standards/ Expectations
  • Consistency
  • Commitment

These foundational practices will help all of us as we start next school year. Furthermore, we have emphasized the importance of clear and consistent standards and expectations. As the wise Hall of Fame baseball coach, John Scolinos, once said, "don't widen the plate."

Visitors to campus MUST complete a School Access Form which can be found on the SJCSD website at

  • This clearance is for entry on campus during school hours such as a morning meeting with teachers or counselors, volunteering, or other events.

Please make sure to subscribe to The Menendez Message at the link below.



Ted Banton


Pedro Menendez High School

Sign up for the Menendez Message

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Upcoming Events

  • May 21st - Sport Phsyicals on campus 5:00PM-7:00PM
  • May 22nd - Graduation 7:00PM
  • May 23rd- Spring Football Game 7:00PM
  • May 24th - Last day of school - early release
  • May 27th - Memorial Day

Deans' Office

The PMHS Student Services office asks that families review the SJCSD Student Code of Conduct at

We especially ask that students and parents review cell phone policies. Please remember that phone are only allowed out during class time under the direction of the teacher for instructional purposes only. This is a change from year's past, but now aligns to Florida State Law.

For more information regarding the Deans' office, please visit

Yanetta (Arnold) Smith

Dean, Attendance and Tardies

Danielle Waldrop

Dean, Students A-L

Kevin Leonard

Dean, Students M-Z

Academy News

Check out our academy newsletter for a glimpse into the great things our students are doing in their academies.


All final exams must be completed by May 24 - a pdf explaining how to access scores can be found on our website”

School Counselors

Students who want to leave campus one or more periods early next year need to have turned in the correct paperwork. If your student did not receive the paperwork needed for a modified schedule (seniors only), executive internship (juniors and seniors), or voluntary public service (seniors only), please print off the correct paperwork from the school website or send your student to ask their counselor. Thank you for your help with this!


Congratulations to all of our seniors that have been accepted into college! Make sure you are following all the required steps outlined in your admissions offers, like housing deposits and residency verification. Final decisions on which school you are attending are due to the colleges by May 1st. Final transcripts will need to be requested from Menendez in July via


Mrs. Toffaletti posts scholarship opportunities regularly on the guidance Schoology page, check it often if you're on the hunt for money for college!


A reminder that Bright Futures requirements must be met by graduation, which includes the unweighted GPA and community service and/or work hours. You can check your hours on HAC, see your counselor if you need assistance. Qualifying test scores on the ACT or SAT will be accepted thru June. Please make sure seniors have applied for this scholarship if they are planning to attend any college in the state of Florida.

The PMHS School Counselor Office looks forward to serving the academic and social needs of the students of PMHS. More information on services and supports can be found at

Stephanie Toffaletti

IB Diploma students

Meredith Masiak

Early College Students

Dalene Pence

Media Center

Parents/guardians may limit what their own students can check out from the school library by filling out the Parental Choice Library Book Restriction Form. Restrictions from middle school are no longer valid. A new form must be filled out and returned to the high school to meet new state requirements.”


Parents/Guardian’s, be sure to pick up all medications from the clinic by May 24, 2024, any left behind will be disposed of (unless we have made other arrangements).

PLEASE REMEMBER, if you know in advance, that your student will be taking medication next year, new forms must be completed and returned to the clinic at the start of the 2024 school year.

Some of the forms are available below. Additional forms are available on our website under the “Clinic” heading. Call or email me if you wish to make an appointment the week of August 6 – 9, 2024 prior to the start of school.

Medication Given in School:

Per school board policy, students cannot carry medications to school. All medications must be brought into the clinic by a parent/guardian and requires the Medication Authorization Form to be completed which you can find below. Please include a Medical Management Plan if applicable, see below. New bottles must be brought to the clinic by parents for each refill. Medication cannot be given from an old bottle. All medication must be in their original containers, labeled with the student’s name, dosage, frequency of administration and physician’s name. Medication should not be transported between home and school daily. Separate containers should be kept at home and at school.

Parents will be responsible for delivery and retrieval of medication to and from the school nurse.


Student Authorization to Self-Carry Medication:

Per Florida Statue 1002.20, The Medication Authorization Form allows the student to carry their own emergency medication, (Epinephrine Pen, Auvi Q, Glucagon or Inhaler) if and only if the parent and physician sign the Florida Statute box on the Med Auth Form. This form must be returned to me before the student is allowed to carry prescribed self-administered medications. Over the counter medications may be administered by the nurse or carried by your student while at school. They must be in the original container and be within the current expiration date. Please complete an Over-the Counter Form found below. The completed form must be returned to the clinic.

If you have any questions regarding medication to be administered or taken by your student at school, please contact Mrs. Parrey, RN

at 904-547-8672 or Additional medical management forms can be found on our website under: Clinic.


Allergy MMP2024

Authorization to Asissist in Administration of Medication Treatment

Over the Counter Non-Medical Form

Asthma Medical Management Plan 

Thank you, stay safe and have a fabulous summer! Mrs. Parrey

Senior Info

The FFAA (Bright Futures) Application is now open. The FAFSA is scheduled to open at some point in December. Click here  for more information on changes to the FAFSA and the reason for the delay in release. Please be mindful, that you must complete these applications in order to be evaluated for postsecondary financial aid eligibility.*


Boys Golf

Those interested in participating in Boys golf for the 2024 season, please see Coach Melgard before leaving for summer break. There will be a summer program for June and July.

The Menendez Athletic Department utilizes an online paperless registration system, AthleticClearance.comThe registration process is attached. Additional Menendez Athletics information, including coaches’ contact information, can be found at Our expectation is that every athlete will be registered by their parent/guardian before their desired sport’s start date.

 Athletic Clearance Instructions


Please ensure the following when completing the online process:

1.     Student ID should be entered WITHOUT a preceding “S”. Numeric ID only!

2.     Scan and upload physical as ONE document.

3.     Ensure that student information is complete on page 4 of the physical (EL2).

4.     Ensure that the MD has checked “Medically eligible for all sports without restriction” AND signed and dated page 4 of the physical.

5.     Ensure that student and parent signature/date is completed on bottom of page 4 of the physical.


The only type of physical we accept is the FHSAA EL2 physical form. The updated physical form is 4 pages. Starting the 23-24 school year, the old EL2 form WILL NOT be accepted.


Please keep in mind that the FHSAA requires all student athletes to view free video courses on concussions, heat illness, and sudden cardiac arrest (see instructions below). Signatures on the EL3 form indicate that your athlete has completed these three video courses. The FHSAA also requires that all student athletes have at least a 2.0 unweighted GPA to be eligible for participation.

Falcon Pride Store

Baker’s Sports has an online store open again for Menendez Merchandise. Click the link below to see what’s available. Ships Directly to your house.


Announcements from SJCSD

Weather Kid of the Week

Beach 105.5 FM and St. Augustine Country 106.3 FM are launching Baptist Health and Wolfson Children's Hospital Weather Kid of the Week.

The program runs for 26 weeks starting May 10th. The Weather Kid will read the weekend weather on Friday mornings. Each kid will get a weather kid prize pack!

Parents can enter their child at

600 State Road 206 West

St. Augustine, FL 32086

Main: (904) 547-8660

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