Good evening Menendez Nation,
Last week was an excellent first week of the second quarter. Students have been consistently rising to the standard at PMHS and they should be very proud. We are developing programming in the second quarter to celebrate our students who meet the standard via grades, attendance and behavior.
This week marks our First Annual Track or Treat. Our student clubs and sports will be set up around the track for future falcons to trick or treat as well as some schools in the feeder pattern and community organizations. We also plan to have some spooky videos up on the new video scoreboard. This event is free to the public, however the concession stand will be open for items for purchase. We are very hopeful to see all of the young kids out there for a good time.
Please remember grades will be published in HAC on October 24th. We encourage you to take the time to review grades with your kids and discuss goals for the second quarter with them.
Attendance has also shown slight improvement. We hope to see continued improvement in the second quarter. Attendance is critical for learning and we want every student to be successful. Please remind your child, if they drive to school, make sure to arrive on time.
Senior parents, please make sure to look through the entire newsletter as there is important information for the coming weeks. As of now, Senior Dues are open for payment. Please see the flyer below.
Please see the flyer below regarding digital IDs. These will be utilized this year for students in the media center, cafeteria, checking in and out and other school events. If your child does not have a cell phone, we do have alternative options. In addition, all students must complete the form below to access the SJCSD network and acknowledge access to the SJCSD student code of conduct.
Visitors to campus MUST complete a School Access Form which can be found on the SJCSD website at
- This clearance is for entry on campus during school hours such as a morning meeting with teachers or counselors, volunteering, or other events.
As the year progresses, the message will fill with information for our students, parents and our community. Please make sure to subscribe to The Menendez Message at the link below.
We look forward to unlocking the potential of each student and Menendez High School this coming school year. RISE UP FALCONS!
Ted Banton
Pedro Menendez High School