WV Central

November 2022


news & updates

Mike's Article

During the month of October, we celebrated International Credit Union Month as well as International Credit Union (ICU) Day which was on the third Thursday. ICU Day has been celebrated since 1948. This time is used to celebrate credit unions as not for profit financial cooperatives. 

Credit unions work in a cooperative manner solely for the benefit of the members! This is a distinction that should not be overlooked. For-profit banks will say that they are locally owned and operated. Locally owned means that the bank is solely owned by a group of investors or potentially the family that started the bank. Credit unions are member owned and operated. Each member has equal ownership, equal input into the operations and can serve in a voluntary role on the board of directors. 

When you are member owned and operated – all decisions can be made with the members’ best interest at heart. Why would anyone not want to be part of a credit union that works cooperatively to help and benefit all members!

An example of what can be done - two days before International Credit Union Day as part of our celebration, WV Central provided checks to 50 charitable groups in our local communities. The total amount given out on that day totaled $120,000.00.

We could not be successful without the support of each of our members. Please allow us to be part of your financial future and be sure to encourage all those around you to benefit from being part of a member owned and operated credit union.

We are here to help!

Visit our Website

West Virginia Central Mortgage is partnering with Habitat for Humanity, WV Housing Development Fund and the City of Parkersburg to discuss some available programs before you start your home ownership journey.

Doors open at 6:00 PM with light hors d'oeuvres with presentations starting at 6:30 PM.

Apply for a loan

If you have been a member for at least 90 days and you have no negative information on your account with WV Central you can get a holiday loan approved up to $500.00 without a credit report pulled. Or WV Central can pull your credit report for an amount over $500.00 and under $2,000.00. 

Apply for a loan

Breakfast with Santa registrations will be live November 7, 2022. Space is limited so make sure you register as soon as possible!

Visit our Website

Congratulations to Ronald Hewitt for winning the CMN Side-by-Side Raffle

Relay for Life Raffle

1) 1/4 of beef donated by Alloway Farms

      Processing Donation by Mullenix Meat

      Packing-Valued at $675.00

2) $100.00 Cash                                     

3) $50.00 Cash                                              

Tickets are $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00

Beef will be ready for pick up on December 16, 2022

Drawing with be held December 1, 2022

Tickets can be purchased at any WV Central FCU location

Time to start your club accounts

Learn more

Congratulations to Division Street for winning the first WV Central Spirit Week Competition!

DERC  Park is offering New Memberships to all WV Central FCU Member's!

Learn More

Lisa Dornic's Story

Well if it wasn’t for WVCCU I don’t know what I would have done. My dad passed away last year and when I went to do my taxes from receiving inheritance I found myself in a pickle because of what I owed to the IRS as well as since Covid hit and dealing with a divorce I found myself living paycheck to paycheck and using my credit cards a lot. I reached out to WVCCU and received a call from Kayla Corbin who was amazing! She was able to quickly help me get a consolation loan set up. It was so simple doing everything on line and not having to go in to WVCCU and possibly missing work to do so. I definitely would recommend Kayla to anyone! Kudos to Kayla and WVCCU! Thank you all!

Share your story!

Tell us how we've helped you!

At the end of the quarter we will do a drawing and you could win cash!

Share your Story

November's Sticker

Stop by one of our three branches and pick up this month's sticker!

Save Time By Scheduling Your Next Branch Visit

We know your time is valuable. With our online appointment scheduling, it's easy to stop by one of our branch locations at a time that works best for you.

Our friendly member services team is ready to serve you when you need them.

Never forget your appointment with our confirmation e-mails. You can also reschedule your appointment if necessary.

Schedule An Appointment

Appointments are required for all account and loan services.

Appointments are not required for teller transactions.

Need financial planning assistance?

Call Andy at Commonwealth to discuss investing and retirement for your financial future! 304-422-3531

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