Mighty Texas Strike Force !
Hello Patriots! 

The MIGHTY TEXAS STRIKE FORCE is ready for the fight again! 
You are receiving this email because I know you are as concerned as we are about the plight of the U.S. Senate. With your help, we ARE going to hold the Senate—preserving the balance of power and the true values of our nation. In this endeavor, MTSF is working in conjunction with the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) and the Texas Republican County Chairmen's Association (TRCCA) to provide support for our Republican sister state, Georgia. Presently, we are waiting on our marching orders from Republican leadership in that state. As you can imagine, they are dealing with the many details of a recount and all that entails, so there is a need for patience and understanding on our part. However, we must begin to ready ourselves for this worthy task. MTSF will be working in conjunction with Georgia, RNC/Trump Campaign and MASF for our deployment.
There are SEVERAL options for you to be involved! 
1) Strike Force: We are gathering a list of those willing to deploy for blockwalking in Georgia. Specific cities will be announced shortly. If you are interested, please click this button:
Tentatively, the largest Strike Force effort will need to occur between Christmas and New Year’s, December 28 – January 2 or any combination of days you can serve. There IS a possibility an earlier team will be needed before early voting. ALL DETAILS are being considered and you will have ample time to make your best decision about helping.
2) At Home Brigade: we are assembling the largest army of at-home volunteers ever to help our nation in this critical hour. Your efforts are greatly needed for phone banking, texting, notecard and social media efforts! Click the link provided here to sign up: You can find the form "Mighty Texas Strike Force... At-Home Brigade for Georgia!" at:
3) MTSF Supporters: many of you have asked where you can make donations to help this Strike Force effort. Yes, your financial assistance is always appreciated.  

Checks: Checks would need to be made to Republican Party of Texas - Strike Force -- Indicate MTSF- Georgia on the check memo. 
Republican Party of Texas - P.O. Box 2206, Austin, Tx. 78768

Easiest, secure way is to click on the Donate Now! button
Senator David Perdue (R) - Georgia
Senator Kelly Loeffler (R) - Georgia
Please share this information! We look forward to working with each of you. Thank you in advance for your commitment to help Georgia.

May you be blessed as you continue to pray for each other and our nation. And may our gracious Lord bless us with his MERCY and VICTORY in this critical effort for our nation.

Rhonda Lacy CHAIR
Mighty Texas Strike Force
Mighty American Strike Force

Dwayne Wright, MTSF Vice-Chair

Amy Clark, Director of MTSF At-Home Brigade

There are no specific funds CURRENTLY for this deployment. As MTSF has tried to do in the past, we hope to provide funds for hotel rooms but cannot guarantee this will happen. 
Travel expense is up to each individual. Meals are on our own, but usually some assistance is provided on the ground. 
As a reminder, this is a federal race and your TFRW or other Republican club may not be able donate ‘as a club’, but individuals may absolutely make contributions.
We will launch this effort as soon as we receive word from our allies in Georgia. Details will follow shortly.

Questions: Stephanie Bolke - [email protected]

Stay tuned to the real-time conversation, on our app at:

Thank-you! VICTORY TEXAS!!! 
Paid for by the TRCCA