Board Planning Session February 22 & 23, 2022
The board will be reviewing the regional economic growth strategy research.

Next CAEP Board meeting is March 23 2022
Commitment to EDI: CAEP welcomes the opportunity to learn more about how to be more Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive in our services and relationship and we've been connecting with Chiefs of Treaties 6,7,8 to begin the learning and unlearning processes.
Workforce Strategies Report is complete and in review. Watch our website for the upcoming release which will be shared with CAEP members. See also the related February 16 Economic Development Mastery Session on Global Entrepreneurs hosted by CAEP.
Regional Economic Growth Strategy will be reviewed by the Board at the end of February.
2022 Community Overviews-- Files are being sourced and follow up will begin soon with communities.
CAEP Calls for Proposals for a Regional Tourism Asset Assessment and Recommendations for Diversification

The RFP closed January 20 2022. The successful proponent is Joe Pavelka of Plan Vision. They will begin working immediately and CAEP communities can expect to be contacted.

The work includes an assessment of tourism inventory and readiness for the CAEP region for the purpose of facilitating tourism investment. It is not intended to provide detailed feasibility or business plans for all or some tourism operators in the region. The end goal is to attract tourism investment to the region.
Economic Development Mastery Session
Zoom Link to be provided to registrants.

02/16/22 3:30pm - 02/16/22 5:00pm

How to Attract Global Entrepreneurs to Rural Alberta: A Business Retention and Attraction Strategy for economic development officers.
I'll be there!
I can't make it
Session will be presented by Canada Immigration and Visa Services professional consultants who provide employment and immigration programs and services, and business sales listings.

CIVS Canada Immigration and Visa Services Inc (CIVS) is an authorized national and international Employment Agency operating under License / Registration Number 348406 issued by and under the authority of the Government of Alberta, Canada.
CAEP is delighted to welcome Enhance Energy as a new CAEP Associate Member. Enhance Energy is a privately-owned Alberta-based energy development company and a trusted leader in reducing carbon emissions through carbon capture and storage, including alternatives that utilize the CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

They recently hosted a learning session for our member communities about the economic opportunity the Carbon Capture and Storage presents in Central Alberta. To learn more, download their Fact Sheet.

On January 19, 2022, Enhance Energy, operator of Alberta's largest CCUS initiative and founding partner of the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL) Project, announced plans for a new world-scale carbon sequestration project in Central Alberta. The proposed project would enable meaningful emissions reductions for industrial emitters through permanent sequestration of captured CO2 before it enters the atmosphere. As the owner and operator of a 1.5 million tonnes per year EOR sequestration operation in Clive, Alberta, Enhance has the experience and expertise to successfully develop and operate this initiative.

Communities are encouraged to send a letter of support for CCUS in Central Alberta to Kimberley@caepalberta.com by the deadline of January 31, 2022.
The Rural Development Network (RDN) has partnered with the Business + Higher Education Roundtable and post-secondary institutions to raise awareness of the benefits of work integrated learning (WIL). Our program helps build capacity for employers of all types by connecting you to experiential learning and student talent.
WIL is an experiential learning opportunity between an organization and a student that combines academic programs and fields of study with hands-on, practical experience. By August of 2022, we hope to create 750 WIL placements in communities across Alberta and Canada.

If you are an employer or organization seeking to host a student, learn more at https://learn.riipen.com/ruralroots/ to sign-up for Rural Roots by contacting danielas@ruraldevelopment.ca for more information or support.
Digital Main Street
The Digital Economy Program is a free program designed to support small businesses as they integrate or upgrade their online operations. This program will allow small businesses to build their online presence, add eCommerce, create a social media plan, and other digital practices to help their business thrive.

The Digital Economy Program (DEP) is designed to help small businesses take their businesses online. This program, a partnership between Business Link and Digital Main Street, will help small businesses in Alberta undergo digital transformations and adopt eCommerce practices to help their business not only survive, but also thrive. Participating small businesses will learn to use and maintain digital tools that are essential to succeed in today’s competitive environment.

Applications for the Digital Economy Program are open until March 2023. To be eligible for the Digital Economy Program, businesses must fit the following criteria:
  • be registered in Alberta;
  • have zero to 49 employees (this includes self-employed business owners with no employees); and,
  • be a home-based or commercial business.


  • Three Red Deer projects continue to progress, says the office of Alberta Minister of Infrastructure Prasad Panda in Red Deer Advocate article.

  • Workers flock to Edson Alberta as 3 energy construction projects get underway in the area. As hotels fill up with 2,000 workers arriving on projects as reported by CBC. opportunities may exist for supply chain and services from Central Alberta.
CAEP Mission
Empower our communities to advance sustainable regional economic development.

CAEP Vision
Be recognized across Canada as an innovative and prosperous region. 

CAEP Values
Put communities first
Act with integrity
Provide leadership
Be open and inclusive