Welded brackets to stabilize the gate stand at Mallory Bridge exit gate.
Cleaned the windows at the Rec Center.
Contractor repaired storm damaged HOA fences along Tuckerton.
Lake Management:
During today's maintenance visit, the following was conducted:
The crew collected trash and debris from all lakes and shorelines on the Canyon Lakes side of the community.
Entry Water Features: We added chlorine shock to each feature and cleaned out all the debris baskets.
Villages III: The lights and timers are functional and accurate. The fountain is running and flowing properly. The outfall is clear of debris. The water level is about four inches low.
Switchback: All four fountains are running properly. The lights and timers are functional and accurate. The water level is normal, and the outfall is clear of blockages.
Willow Ranch: Both fountains are running properly. The lights and timers are all functional and accurate. The water level is about four inches low due to lack of rain recently. The area in the back of the lake where a resident reported debris is an exposed portion of the lake's bottom due to the low water level. This lake in particular collects a lot of debris from the surrounding landscaping that piles on the bottom, so we are unable to manually remove this.
Nautical Point (Lake 4): We just finished installing the new timer for the fountain in Nautical Point(4). The fountain will now run on the normal schedule (6am-1am).
Mariner's Bay: Both fountains are running and flowing properly. The lights and timers are functional and accurate. The water level is normal.
Nautical Point (Lake 5): The fountain is running properly. The lights and timers are functional and accurate. The water level is normal.
Additionally, the back fountain in Harmony Springs is still down due to no incoming power and a dismantled CenterPoint meter. All other fountains on the Stone Gate side of the community were running when we drove through at the end of our maintenance visit. No other issues were detected while on site.
Gate Maintenance:
Stoney Falls Callbox and Transcore Reader not working correctly. Found Battery Backup died. Powered back up.
Keystone Fairway Callboxes would not accept touch inputs or make calls. Power cycled the Callbox and turned the battery backup back on for the modem. Tested it, everything worked after that.
Nautical Point battery backup died powered it by up. Callbox and Transcore came back on. Tested good. Moved on.
Blevins internet has been restored after comcast reset the modem. Tested the calls it worked. But later on had a call the screen had froze. Power cycled and tested the Callbox it was good now. No issue as of now.
Had a pretty good thunderstorm blow through. The storm knocked out internet briefly. After the storm verified all Callboxes had green phone input. There were also a couple of gates that got stuck open due to loop detector being tripped. After loop reset, modules started functioning properly again.
Island shores gates were open, reset the primary operator, gate started operating correctly
Stoney Falls, entry gate was open, the ez tag reader had no power to it. turned the surge protector on. Gate now operational
Nautical point tag reader light was off, power cycled the power source, light operational
Danbury Bridge Hadens Run gate was open. loop possibly tripped, reset the operator and the gate operates normally
Danbury Bridge exit gate was open, loop was tripped. Reset loop detector, gate operational
Keystone Fairway is malfunctioning again. Calling tech support in the morning, troubleshooting on my part is complete.
Island shores gates were open, Knox box malfunction. Pressed into the Knox box a bit and the gates started to close. Gate is operational. Possible short in the wiring. Will check out at earliest convenience.
Keystone Fairway is still malfunctioning. Tech support was called and states the voltage output was too much for the converter to handle (26.88) and we may need a new one. Troubleshooting was attempted and other ways throughout the day and got absolutely no lights to the converter. Even tried different settings on the dip pins. This gate is open until issue is resolved.
Willow Ranch exit gate was half open, drove thru to reset loops. Later on the same thing happened so the reset the limits and ran it a few times. Gate has functioned properly.
Trouble shot at Keystone Fairway some more. Still no power getting to the converter. After speaking with the tech at Liftmaster he determined that the problem lies with the board. Part number and all other info from the call was sent in separate email.
Canyon green entrance gate was open. It had been toggled.
After further troubleshooting at Keystone Fairway. Noticed that the Converter isn't getting power to it from the call box. It seems like the power stops at the call box. Tested for power at the blocks in the call box and got a reading of 11.96v, but still the converter wasn't working how it should have. May be a board problem instead and not a power issue alone.