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Foothills Presbytery News

January 24, 2025

Foothills Presbytery

Stated Meeting #128

February 18, 10:00 am - 2:30 pm

at Eleos Ministry,

110 S Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville.

Theme: “Imagining, with God, the Church’s Future”

Special Guest: Corey Schlosser-Hall

Deputy Exec. Director, Interim Unified Agency of the PC(USA)


CSM Mission & Outreach News

During 2025, the Mission and Outreach team of the Foothills Presbytery Committee on Shared Ministry will highlight partner ministries and mission opportunities every month. Each month's newsletter will include ways to engage in the featured ministry on the calendar to the left. 

January Mission Newsletter

Financial Officers Forum

Thursday, January 30, 12 - 1:30 pm

at the Foothills Presbytery Office

A light lunch will be served.


Topic: The Presbyterian Foundation’s refreshed Church Financial Assessment (CFA). The CFA is designed to provide congregations an overview of their financial health. It has recently been updated and will be reviewed during our gathering. RSVP byemail: by EOD Monday, January 27th (Zoom option available also.)

Women of the Church Day

at the Lake!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Cost is $10 to offset the cost of lunch

Clemson Outdoor Lab & Retreat Center

415 Charlie White Trail

Pendleton, SC 29670


Statistical Reporting

This is a gentle reminder that it is now time to complete your 2024 Statistical Report. The Statistical Report for your church may be entered HERE

THE ABSOLUTE DEADLINE FOR ENTERING STATISTICS IS FEBRUARY 13, 2025. You may email LeAnne White with any questions or for your User ID & password.

Foothills Presbytery Pastoral Support & Peer Ministry:

Youth Leaders Roundtable

The next gathering will be Thursday,

February 6 at 10:00 am, at John Knox Youth Center. 

Christian Educators Gathering

Our next gathering is Monday, Feb 10

at 12 at the presbytery office.

(Lenton Resource share)

Music Ministry Leaders 

Our next gathering is Wednesday, February 12 at 9:00 am

by Zoom.

CRE Cohort

The next gathering will be Wednesday,

March 12, 12:00 pm

at the Foothills Presbytery office. 

Sermon in my Pocket

February 1, 2025

at the Foothills Presbytery office

This workshop is designed to equip you for writing and preparing to preach or teach a sermon in six manageable steps. As Ruling Elders, we have the responsibility (and privilege) to “provide for the church’s worship and encourage the people’s participation.”

Registration HERE before January 23.

SC5 School of Theology

2025 Spring Semester

Friday, March 28 & Saturday, March 29

Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC

Click HERE for the SC5 School of Theology

2025 Spring Semester Flyer

Urgent Need in Western North Carolina

There is an urgent need for 1 lb. propane fuel bottles (green "Coleman" bottles for camp stoves, lanterns, heaters) for individuals impacted by Hurricane Helene in Western NC.  Propane fueled space heaters are a primary means of minimal heat for many people. ONE 1 lb. propane bottle fuels a room size space heater FOR ONLY ONE NIGHT.


Use this link to an AMAZON order account

which lists immediate needs.

Items may be sent directly to Black Mtn Presbyterian Church.

Summer Camp 2025

Registration is OPEN!

Join us for Open House on June 1st!

The Foothills Presbytery Campership code is live and so is registration.
CODE: Foothills50

Visit the Camp Fellowship website for new and continuing programs and opportunities designed for all ages and interests.

A message from

The Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea

The Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea (PPNK) is a mission network related to the PCUSA, whose primary mission is to educate and advocate for peace on the Korean peninsula. As people of faith who proclaim Jesus as the Prince of Peace, PPNK has written two statements for peace in solidarity with our peace-loving siblings in Korea. It has been sent to our partner churches in South Korea and to PCUSA presbyteries. We are attaching our second statement in both Korean and English for your information. The first statement is still available on line at 

Please join us in prayer for a nonviolent resolution to this crisis and for peace in the Korean peninsula. 

Side by Side, Respite Ministry at John Knox

is growing and we need more volunteers.  

Come join us on Tuesday, January 28,

from 9-12 for volunteer training

at John Knox for our Side by Side

Respite ministry for individuals living with memory

loss and their caregivers!

Please let Laura know if you plan to attend!

( or 244-0453)

Westminster Greenville

is pleased to host

David LaMotte

in concert on Friday, 2/14

at 7p in our Fellowship Hall.

The concert is open to friends in the community and especially Foothills Presbytery. While there is no cost for attending, donations will be accepted.  

Free Choir Robes with Stoles!

First Pres, Anderson recently replaced their choir robes. They have about 60 white robes with stoles in the liturgical colors. Most are in fairly good condition.

Green is reversible to the red & purple is reversible to the white. Purple and white are embroidered with the Presbyterian symbol.  About 15 robes are cuffed, perfect for handbell ringers or other musicians. 

They are willing to let go of the robes and/or stoles separately. Pick up at the church. 

Please contact:  Kathy Little, First Pres Anderson at 864-617-2178 or 

"The Art of Healing"

Friday, February 14, 2025

12pm Greenville Convention Center

Featuring Chanel Miller - Writer, Artist, and New York Times Best-Selling Author


The Presbyterian Planning Calendar

is seeking photos from congregations and worshiping communities, mid councils, camps, conference centers and education centers for use in its 2025-2026 edition.

The deadline to submit photos for the upcoming calendar is Feb. 14. Photos should be submitted online using a form found here. If you have questions, please contact or by phone at 502-569-5772.

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is known as a connectional church. In the PC(USA), being connectional reflects a distinctive feature of our governance and ecclesial identity. This concept is rooted in the shared life and mutual accountability across the various councils of the church  sessions, presbyteries, synods, and the General Assembly.

Read More

Montreat Status Update


Exciting Progress on the Renovation of

Lake Susan in Montreat.

The renovation of Lake Susan is nearing a major milestone: the refilling of the lake, which should begin by the end of the calendar year. Over the past several weeks, some 22,000 cubic yards of sediment have been removed, more than three times the pre-hurricane estimate. Carried downstream by Flat Creek over twenty years (or, during the hurricane, over a few hours), the sediment had reduced the lake’s depth and compromised its beauty and functionality.

Read More HERE

National Black

Presbyterian Caucus

Community News

for Everyone in the Pews

Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation

Please join Presbyterians for Earth Care (PEC) for this unique monthly opportunity for community and meaningful study! 

Fourth Sundays: Jan. 26th, Feb. 23rd, Mar. 23rd, Apr. 28th, May 26th

7:00 pm Eastern- The study will run for 75 minutes each session. Click HERE for information & Zoom

The Manna Retreat

A weekend for young adults

January 24–26, 2025

The Manna Retreat is three days, 100 young adults, one old hotel, and ten small groups dedicated to creating deeper faith and deeper relationships. If your faith could use a spark plug, if your spirit could use a deep laugh, if your heart could use some new friendships, or if your body could use a place to belong, then this is for you.

Lent Begins March 5

New resources from Presbyterian Outlook - Basic instructions for printing the resources will be sent to your inbox. Available on February 10. View a sample of week one.

Each Sunday introduces one of the six stages of grief — denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, and finding meaning.

Overturning Your ‘Immunity to ChangeWorkshop

with Dr. Robert Kegan

March 3, 2025 from 12 - 3:30 pm

This workshop will provide participants with a fast-moving opportunity to try on this approach for themselves. Come with a personal improvement goal you most want to work on in mind! This virtual event is free, but you must register in advance at Overturning your 'Immunity to Change'.

60th Celebration Event for Bethelwoods Camp & Conference Center

In honor of our 60th birthday, we are excited to announce our newest fundraising event, Bourbon and Bowties, and we would love for you to consider becoming a sponsor. This special evening promises to be a fun and

unique opportunity to support Bethelwoods’ mission.

April 26, 2025

Bethelwoods Camp and Conference Center Horton Lodge

See FULL Flyer & Information Here

Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF) training

Click HERE for more information.

Leaders in one of our partner presbyteries are able to register for our ECRF for half of the regular price. The Thriving Congregations Lilly grant will cover the remaining cost. Our next course:

Trinity Presbyterian, Atlanta from May 19-21.

(Capped at 30 participants so register asap!)

Link for Discounted Rate

Summer Staff Applications Open for Montreat

Each summer, Montreat Conference

Center employs over 100 Summer

Staff to help keep things running

smoothly during our busiest season.

These young people gain practical

work experience and form a

close-knit community among their

peers as they live, work, and play in

our small valley town.

Visit for more info

Sprunt 2025:

It's a ReUnion Event!

We’re reimagining the Sprunt Lectures to bring cutting-edge theological thinking to you. 

We’re planning a ReUnion event for you to connect with alumni, friends, faculty, and others in ministry. 

Sprunts 2025: May 5-7, 2025

Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond

2025 Presbyterian Youth Triennium

The 2025 Presbyterian Youth Trienniumwill take place on July 28-31, 2025 in Louisville, KY, at the Kentucky International Convention Center and surrounding hotels – all located very close to the Presbyterian Center in downtown Louisville.

* Stephen Price from Central is serving as the Presbytery registrar. If your church is interested in participating, please contact Stephen.

Presbyterian Women’s

Triennial Gathering

October 17 - 19, 2025

2025 Epworth By the Sea,

St. Simon’s Island, Georgia

Save the Date!

Click here 

to see Available

Jobs on our website.

Florence Presbyterian Community, Florence, SC: Half-Time Chaplain

Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events



23 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting

27 Antiracism Ministry Team meeting - Zoom

30 Financial Officers Forum


1 Sermon in My Pocket Event

3 FP Staff meeting

4 Bills & Overtures Committee meeting

5 Courageous Conversations Committee meeting

6 Youth Leaders Roundtable & Committee on Ministry meeting

8 Racial Ethnic Cabinet meeting

9 PYC meeting

10 Educators Gathering

12 Music Ministry Leaders Gathering - ZOOM & Disaster Preparedness & Response Administrative Comm Training

13 Committee on Shared Ministry meeting - Zoom and FP Stated Mtg Commissioners orientation - Zoom

Foothills Presbytery Featured Events

Foothills Presbytery Calendar

Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings

  • February 18, 2025, at Eleos Ministry office
  • May 17, 2025, at Westminister Greenville
  • November 11, 2025, at Nazareth

Partner Connections

Connect with us!

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